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Raven whispers for: April 2016

AQUARIUS (January 21st – February 19th).

Love trysts are a great idea! Movement + Action = LOVE!!! Time to get rid of those cobwebs and spice things up ! The kid idea could come back into focus for young couples or the urge to add new energy into the family unit…not into kids? Then a visit to the local pet store could be a suitable alternative. Either way, this month is all about family….. present, past and future expansions.

PISCES (February 20th – March 20th).

Luck is on your side till September, thanks to the planetary alignments. Communication is oh so important especially if work related or discussing relationship directions and financial expectations. Now is the time you can get your message across without being shut down. Financial couple decisions are coming into the spotlight this month with April 17th revealing unexpected complications., so keep calm or risk explosions.

ARIES (March 21ST - April 20th ).

Money is non exciting this month what you gain, you lose and vice versa. Sexy love is being pulled towards you in April with great possibility of finding your soul mate or cementing a relationship. That old saying – too good to be true – is a load of hocus this month for Aries….its great because the timing is right! Put yourself back into circulation and let love knock down your door!

TAURUS (April 21st – May 21st).

Many of you are plagued by sickness the first two weeks with the levels of man flu raising the roof. Finances towards the end are the result of effort from the start so it’s completely in your own hands. Do not attempt any quick rich schemes this month and as for love, well…. I would focus on the other areas of your life this month…sorry.

GEMINI (May 22nd – June 21st).

Love = stress for you lot with joint or outside influences causing most of the angst. Keep calm and remind yourself of the good qualities of your partner, that should help you past the worst of it. Mercury, Saturn and mars are all indicating health issues around the 17th so perhaps just stay in bed till its past. It is not good for stress, depression, infections or injuries. You know what, perhaps you should wrap yourself in bubble wrap and hide under those covers..alone.

CANCER (June 22nd – July 23rd).

Considering a love affair at work? DON’T> it will end in embarrassment and disaster. Career stars show lots of hard work this month for little or average returns. Don’t rely on others, it’s all up to you. prepare for possible financial strain in the 2nd/ 3rd week. As for health, deal with anything that pulls your attention as little things left and not dealt with will become major, costly, complications later.

LEO (July 24th – August 23rd).

Long distance love stands a better chance of success. Any new love interests that appear after the 17th, forget it. it may cause you more grief than its worth. Stable money interests look good but bad juju on any money gathers without effort this month. There are no free money passes for you Leos.

VIRGO (August 24th – September 23rd).

mmmmmm. Virgo. Your life is kind of unexciting this month. Perhaps it’s a time to really reflect on where you are going and what you want to achieve? Expectant mums need to take it slow this month, put your feet up wherever possible and let everyone spoil you rotten. Perhaps further education is something you should investigate. Use this month for research and planning and if your planning on holidaying – don’t go far.

LIBRA (September 24th – October 23rd)

LOVE until the 17th brings up old issues, be prepared to confront them. In your business life, communication will be the key health wise be careful not to overdo things. Vitamins supplements should be considered or you will deplete your system and be no good to anyone. don’t be surprised if money arrives via legal means.

SCORPIO (October 24th – November 22nd).

Many will find their enthusiasm for work waning but hang in a bit longer because it is looking up. More responsibility and recognition is on its way and things will get easier. This month is a good time to take care of any outstanding health issues you have conveniently put on the back burner like skin cancers or tags. Cosmetic body work is suggested.

SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd – December).

Affairs are highly likely with those that stray this month so no excuses, you have been warned. It’s up to you to keep the relationship fresh and exciting this month and keep their eyes firmly planted on you. stay away from temptations unless you take your partner with you…..more money this month than expected but resist the temptation to splurge. Issues with arms, hands or respiratory systems seem likely but if you need to travel for medical reasons the outcome is more in your favor this month.

CAPRICORN (December 22nd – January 20th).

Hold onto your hats because the LIBIDOS are rising!!! The young lust of youth returns to many – are you ready? On the career front, nothing new, slow and steady wins the race with possible help from outside influences in the 2nd half of the month. As for health, well, it’s not brilliant for existing issues but who cares, right, cause rather love, (lol) conquers all….enjoy.

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