AQUARIUS ( 20th Jan - 18th Feb)
This month is very much work and financially orientated for you.When it comes to finances, trust your gut for the best outcomes. Headway for career advancement can be made through social contacts so be prepared to play nice. Love life could do with a bit of a spicing up and what is really called for is some one on one holiday time....preferably O.S. but organize your best possible option. Your thought and effort alone will grant you brownie points.Health issues will be mainly fine during December ,so at least that is one less thing you have to worry about.
PISCES ( 19th Feb - 20 Mar)
Time to get real Pisces. December indicates a wonderful opportunity for financial growth. This could be just better management of money, more working opportunities, or a wonderful investment opportunity. Consider your options carefully before you commit to anything.Thanks to Jupiter's intervention, there could be an unexpected outside assistance which will improve your job situation. Do not look a gift horse in the mouth.Health issues may rear their head at the start of the month but by the last week this should improve. Try not to let your ego get in the way of your health or healing.
ARIES ( 21st Mar - 20th Apr)
Jupiter is actually working more against you than for you this month, I am afraid.Health will be fragile during most of this month so I urge you to take the time to look after your basic needs - rest,nourishment and balance.Do not skimp on the important stuff.Skin cancers may be an issue. Communication difficulties raise their head on the work and personal front on the 20th and Jupiter affects relationships around the 27th which could be problematic. Both these dates need to be approached with kid gloves. If you want to get the best out of this month,walk softly and talk quietly, maybe Jupiter will not notice you as much.
TAURUS ( 21st Apr - 20th May)
Full steam ahead for the you lucky ducks during December. Its been a little while since the pressure was pointed elsewhere.Career prospects are aided by Venus as is your health and home life situations. Expect breakthroughs and lady luck to be knocking on your door ( or coming down your chimney if you are out on the town) .There is also a money surge indicated during this month which I am sure you will put to good use. Enjoy your good fortune - you deserve it.
GEMINI (21st May - 20 Jul)
The planets are not going to be paying you any favors during December, sorry.Expect sudden changes to plans,a delicate health situation and even your money is not going to be crash hot.This is because this month is not all about you. Its about your partner or family members and their needs first and foremost. If you get selfish or greedy,wham,the universe will whack you off your feet.yep, the way to get ahead is to put yourself last. you have to think outside the obvious.Have fun with that.
CANCER (21st Jun - 20th)
This is a month that could work out quite well for you. December is lining you up for a pretty good financial influx and work may find you very much in demand and under pressure. Romance is pretty good considering the time you have to invest in it but remember to pace yourself out during the month or your health could start to play up by the months end.This month gives you some pretty good insights into the year ahead - you should be quite happy with the possibilities you are presented with.
LEO ( 21st Jul - 21st Aug)
Health for Leo's is pretty fantastic overall during this month.December presents you with lots of opportunities to socialize and you will be a big hit this time around.This is also a good month for taking financial risks as well ( albeit logical Leo type safe risks ). The only real drawback for you during December can be found career wise where issues may develop.Staying away from photocopiers during Christmas parties would be very safe advise. You have been under a lot of pressure lately, try to chill a bit over the Christmas break.
VIRGO ( 22 Aug - 22 Sep )
You will need to step carefully work wise and try to avoid stepping on the toes of competitor or colleagues. Health is not looking too crash hot during December , with lots of annoying setbacks making this a rather long and irritating month for you if you dwell on things.The two saving graces this month for you are to be found connected to real estate and I have to say that the romance in your life holds promise. Did I mention that this is going to be the month of stubbed toes? sigh,just try and focus on the romance....
LIBRA (23rd Sep - 22 Oct )
It seems that you will need to take a step back from life in order to get back on track.Too much peopling is not what is needed during December. You need to remind yourself of your priorities not of others expectations or demands.When it comes to finances, things may seem a little tight. You will need to be creative in your financial prospects if you want to stay above water.There will be an upside to your diligence and perseverance on the 22nd, with things becoming a lot smoother than at present.It may just take you that long to detox from all the "peopling" you have been forced to endure lately.
SCORPIO ( 23rd Oct - 22nd Nov)
This month sees some financial assistance from family.Study or training is advised to improve your career prospects for the upcoming year.Even if you cannot start them, at least investigate your options during this month. There is more to life than what you are accepting.Things in the romance department could be so much better. It would appear that you will spend most of this month walking on eggshells. If you have a long term partner, I would seriously be thinking about upgrading their present this year and buying some brownie points.It may save you from sleeping in the doghouse.
SAGITTARIUS ( 23 Nov - 20th Dec)
This month could be just a little tricky for you, I really hope you like roller coasters. Everything appears to be up and down, short and sweet. Love life seems to be good, if a tad boring.Career growth will need to be nurtured through networking and socializing during December for the best results and more money is indicated through gifts or friendly loans. That's about it, in a nutshell. There is nothing to get too excited about but nothing to really complain about either.You have a full moon in your sign on December 7th (future plan)and Mercury moves into your sign on December 12th ( getting your message heard where its needed).If you are one of the cluey types, you can really turn all this around to work out brilliantly.
CAPRICORN ( 21st Dec - 19th Jan)
If you were one of the lucky Capricorns that bit their tongue last month , then have we got a reward for you.The planets are lining themselves up to give you the best possible outcomes in your health,career and wealth sectors.In fact, there is not too much working against you this month at all except for your romance sector. This may need one or two really hard nudges to just keep it going mediocre - do not even try for hot and steamy.This month does give you some surplus at the end for the future - be that through wealth ,connections,opportunities or possibilities. This month will open doors for you.