RAVEN WHISPERS for September 2018

AQUARIUS ( 20th Jan - 18th Feb)
This month starts in the same fog as the last for the majority of you.Perhaps you are missing something? time to take a step back regarding people and behaviour that confused you. The 14th and 15th will make things clearer but what you DO with that knowledge needs to be carefully choreographed. The 24th is the best chance for a "better' outcome. Here is a hint - step in their shoes for a change rather than on their feet. You may be surprised what you learn about yourself and others.
PISCES ( 19th Feb - 20 Mar)
September begins with a flurry of new energies and new beginnings that are hovering in the shadows of thoughts rather than actions. This month suggests that it may well be a huge month for transitional change for you. Your creative desires may need to be explored and expressed, you are feeling stifled or trapped in many areas of your life.There is no doubt that there are changes to be made, but perhaps it's more about organizing your thoughts to enable you to instigate the actions needed? This month is not about hiding in the shadows but taking charge of your life.
ARIES ( 21st Mar - 20th Apr)
The first two weeks of this month may feel like you are trapped, stuck or continually being frustrated by everything and everyone!!! Hang in there, because mid month Mars and the sun start their dance and there will be a radical change event for you. I see shackles being tossed away and the sweet smell of fresh, untainted freedom. A new chapter of your life will have begun....and many of you may not even be aware of its arrival till you see the full effects in late december.
TAURUS ( 21st Apr - 20th May)
Communication is the essence of this month for you. This is all about communication regarding family matters and business rather than self communication. The colour blue will be everywhere as a reminder to speak your mind.There is also a very strong family feel to september so expect developments on this front as well.The 19th implies house changes or nesting going on....environmental changes are unavoidable.
GEMINI (21st May - 20 Jul)
I need you to be strong and brave as you continue through september, as it will not be smooth sailing I am afraid.This month will have you looking at honesty and integrity issues within your family and personal life. Its time to look honesty at your own truth.The 9th suggests complications to your long term plans being discovered and the 14th is a red letter danger day.It's not just a murphy's law sort of day, its more like a ...oh holy crap! sort of day. your best hope for the 14th - laryngitis, worldwide.good luck.
CANCER (21st Jun - 20th)
September will be a wonderful time for positive advances in all areas of your life. You may not like the spotlight, but this month gives you little choice but to stand under it.Positive publicity and exposure will be the name of the game. You may feel like this month totally slips away from you and you will feel rather rushed, try your best to keep to your priorities. The muses are having a field day with new ideas ,don't forget to write them down!! Life is colour and energy this month, enjoy it.
LEO ( 21st Jul - 21st Aug)
Watch the spending of money this month Leo ! You will need to reign in the budget if you want bigger and better things ahead. This is your weak spot - your achilles heel if you like during september. Maintain a good balance on this early and your month will be easier. There are new job or promotional possibilities as well this month, so try and embrace the change with confidence . food intolerances or eye issues are indicated.
VIRGO ( 22 Aug - 22 Sep )
Jupiter comes into play for you this month...in fact, it seems like most of the planets are working in your favour during september. All you have to do is follow and align your head with your heart and it s a recipe for success. This is also a major love indicated this month for singles, so if a stranger sweeps you off your feet - let them, because jupiter will be leaving virgo on the 24th and will not return till 2018. Take a chance on life and love this month. Your true direction is waiting to be revealed - just fall in love with life this month and it will love you back. You are at the very least guareenteed to be seeing a clearer vision of life , one way or another!
LIBRA (23rd Sep - 22 Oct )
The stirring up of situation and events over the last two month indicates that there are changes afoot which will play out over the next two months...hang in there and be more observant of the signs that your guides present. Birds are highly significant, so please be on the ball.Finances will be strained till the end of the month ( hence the need to budget) Try to stop the over spending this month please, go for quality not quantity or vanity.
SCORPIO ( 23rd Oct - 22nd Nov)
This month is rather slow going for poor scorpios. Most of this month should be spent assessing your direction and purpose in order to move your forward rather than downward. The last half of the month is more family and friend orientated with important info being received. The last week is pretty good for attracting money as long as you stop trying to rule others. There is a lesson to be learnt this month.
SAGITTARIUS ( 23 Nov - 20th Dec)
September starts with health stalemates or stalling tactic's by the universe. You could be shaken to the core this month, with a lot of internal deliberating and soul searching going on. The 14th and 15th are highlighted with possible personal epiphanies. You can initiate radical change this time around - what will you do with this chance?
CAPRICORN ( 21st Dec - 19th Jan)
This is a relationship re-clarification month for you, it's time to make adjustments changes to the status quo. For singles, this will come with the opportunity to find your forever partner, or at the very least, a major love interest that will allow you to explore your true sexuality. Creative types need to prepare for inspiration to flow and may find their inspiration in travel or new surroundings.