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What does a 'Universal 9' year mean for you personally?

2025 in numerology is considered a "9" year which can be highly exciting as well as frustrating. Generally speaking, 9 years are all about tying up loose ends and creating new beginnings. It is a year of healing old wounds and transformations, so from an emotional point of view it can sometimes be quite confronting. The good news is the more you put into change this year the better the results will be! You will have to let some things go; the parts of you that are holding you back from your true potential. But this means you can make way for the things that bring true happiness, prosperity and peace into your world. Sounds good, doesn't it?

If you are after more clarity about how this 9 year effects you personally and how you can get the most out of it, then you need to work out what personal year cycle you are in. To find this out simply add your birthdate + birth month + the year in question (in this case 2025 = 2 + 0 + 2 + 5). Reduce this to a single digit and voila, there you have it, your personal year cycle. (For example someone born on January 1st would add 1 (the day), 1 (the month of January) and then 2025 ( +2 + 0 + 2+ 5). Making it: 1 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 5 which equals 11. But you cannot have a double digit so this 11 is then added together (1 + 1) making it a 2 year for that person.

If you are experiencing a personal 1 year during 2025:

This year will present lots of opportunities for you. Its all about new beginnings and fresh new starts. Be it with new jobs, friendships or relationships. Definitely a great year ahead and the good stuff should start early.

A 2 year: Teaches you the need for others within your life to achieve personal goals. Connections this year will be all important. Co-operation with others may feel uncomfortable at the beginning but lifelong commitments could be made. Take a chance on people this year and surprise yourself!

A 3 year: This is a year for breaking bad habits or overcoming obstacles and generally learning more about yourself. Career wise there should be lots of opportunities that will practically fall into your lap - jump at the opportunities as they present themselves! You should truly learn a lot about yourself this year.

A 4 year: This is a year of hard work and effort ahead but it will definitely be worth it!

A 5 year: This year the universe should be upgrading your overall life, even if it appears to be cruel to to be kind. If your lose or miss out on something you THOUGHT you wanted/needed/deserved, its because the universe has something better in mind just around the corner. You need to trust the flow this year.

A 6 year: This year is all about love, baby! If you're single it may not be for long and if your in a relationship, well, it could just get a lot more intense. New friendships that teach important lessons are also ahead for you. As we humans are generally flawed a few tears may be involved along the way.

A 7 year: This is the year of You - follow your dreams and learn to put yourself first! You will learn to love yourself this year or adjust your sails to find smoother waters.

An 8 year: Are you ready to experience a sense of power and higher level of responsibility this year? You need to remember to keep strong boundaries even if it means sometimes walking alone during the course of this year. There should also be a shift in your moral compass which will come to light as the year progresses.

A 9 year: Its time to end the old and embrace the new! Ditch that negative baggage and the outdated mind set and prepare yourself for a fresh new start for the years ahead.



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