RAVEN WHISPERS for February 2025

This month planetary movements to keep an eye on:
- Full moon: February 13th
- New moon: February 28th
- Retrograde planet: Mars retrograde ends Feb 24th.
AQUARIUS (20th January - 18th February)
This month is very much centred around organization and family. If you get the urge to declutter, thinking about downsizing or just find that you are getting itchy feet, don't be surprised. Family members may also be knocking on your door asking for advice, help or money. This would be a good time to start implementing better boundaries. Health is pretty good during February and finances seem to be steady.
Crystal for the month: Black Tourmaline
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Sea Horse
PISCES (19th February - 20th March)
This month holds a lot of firsts for you that you will be able to look back on with pride. Yes, you will have to push yourself out of your comfort zone but it will be well worth it. This month will bring clarity to the real you, and major changes should follow. Career wise, new contacts as well as friendships will be forged. A small financial boost will arrive towards the end of the month. Health is not too bad considering how busy you will be, remember to take time out when needed and pace yourself. Many will contemplate a small interstate trip.
Crystals for the month: Lapis (the stone of wisdom)
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Owl
ARIES (21st March - 20th April)
For those singles out there, love could take you by surprise, much like a lone deer startled by on coming headlights. This is the time to take a chance on love without expectations this time, just enjoy what is in front of you. Health could be a little chaotic and unstable so try and keep to healthy routines. For those in longer relationships, this is the go big or go home moment in your life...shall you make it more defined or shall you shake it loose and start again? Either way, things are going to change. Finances are surprisingly much better after the 14th.
Crystal for the month: Aquamarine
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Angelfish
TAURUS (21st April - 20th May)
Love is in the air thanks to Venus hogging the spotlight for most of this month. Past loves resurface after the 21st, and new loves strut on the scene just to make your choices harder. This is the month where major choices have to be made. Finances which have been dodgy should rise after the 13th and health is looking good now that you are taking it more seriously. All in all, not a bad month. The trick is to enjoy each moment in front of you for what it is and stop dwelling on what happens next!
Crystal for the month: Rose Quartz
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Swan
GEMINI (21st May - 20th June)
Hard choices may need to be made this month in regards to friendships and romance. Are you truly living your authentic self in these relationships, or are you trying to people please? Time to start learning how to love you for you. This month is very much about establishing healthy boundaries and leading a happier life.
Do not be afraid to let go of your shadow self. Health is mainly stress related - headaches, pulled muscles etc. Time to hit the pools or find a grounding spot to release tension. Finances are a little tight, perhaps a second job may be in the cards?
Crystal for the month: Ocean Jasper
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Mongoose
CANCER (21st June - 20th July)
Cancer, you may find yourself in a bit of a holding patten for the first half of this month. A lot of your projects may stall or need extra refinement before moving forward. Give plenty of thought before implementing change in those first two weeks. Clarity should descend around mid month and then its full steam ahead. It is important to keep a healthy balance of work commitments and personal time. Love is all around you during this month. Be appreciative. There is money to be made, the question is - can you hold onto it?
Crystal for the month: Garnets
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Wolf or Dog.
LEO ( 21st July - 21st August)
This month is all about trust, universal trust. Many will pop the question, some will find out about a new addition to the family and others will just find a new love interest. This month, if you haven't guessed, is all about relationships, interactions with others and revealing your true self. Finances are a little strained due to health issues but otherwise ok. Maintenance is the solid key to success. Get ready for a few major changes and revelations this month.
Crystal for the month : Pink Diamond
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Dove
VIRGO (22nd August - 22nd September)
This month you may have to work a little harder to get those results but it will be worth it. Decisions will need to be made in your love life which could be a little tricky so step carefully and gently. Finances are both going out and coming in at an equal pace, you may have to part with some unwanted clutter to stay a step ahead. Virgo's may see possible car issues on the horizon. Some clashes with colleagues could be avoided by keeping quiet. This is one of those months that will only be as good as you make it.
Crystal for the month: Rutile Quartz
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Anteater
LIBRA (23rd September - 22nd October)
Libra, skating on thin ice with people this month could be a common theme. Watch your words and when in doubt - shut up! Health issues include anxiety, headaches and blood pressure problems. All these things can be avoided if you practice mindfulness and take time out to love yourself again. As for finances, well you will always find money somewhere.... however don't expect more than chump change. Watch your spending this month.
Crystal for the month: Moss Agate
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Humble Bee
SCORPIO (23rd October - 22nd November)
Independence is the name of the game. You may find that people want to be more around you more than you want them to be. It's ok to have a quite month of self pampering. An urge to move could also be in the air. Changes in the job sector could be imminent so make sure you put your best foot forward and don't be lax this month. Health could be better so make sure you are eating healthy and if you need to amend your diet, do it sooner rather than later.
Crystal for the month: Malachite
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Snail
SAGITTARIUS (23rd November - 20th December)
Finances are set to improve toward the latter part of this month, situations in the workplace may however be strained. Try and be realistic about what is best for you and act on it. Relationships looks fairly favourable with lots of partner support being offered. If there were any changes you wish to make in the relationship, this would be a good time to implement them. Health is actually a little shakey; time to stop stressing and overthinking and start appreciating what wonders there are in your life each and every day.
Crystal for the month: Fluorite
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Gecko
CAPRICORN (21st December - 19th January)
Pretty lucky month ahead for you in most areas of your life. Singles may be swamped for choices and long term partnerships could take the next step. Health is looking pretty good for you personally, although those around you may fall like flies. Finances are set for a double boost during this month - be it through investments, a pay raise, a bonus or an insurance claim, its still money so just smile and say thank you.
Crystal for the month: Citrine
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Rabbit