RAVEN WHISPERS for January 2025

This month planetary movements to keep an eye on:
- Full moon: January 13th (wolf moon)
- New moon: January 29th
- Retrograde planets: During the entire month we will have just two planets in retrograde: Mars and Jupiter
AQUARIUS (20th January - 18th February)
If you find yourself entering 2025 feeling rather numb do not despair! This month should improve your view on life after the 3rd. People in general should surprise you with bold new plans and more enthusiastic visions which should be enough to bring back the old you. Finances start to look up from the 5th, romance for singles could be quite flattering and the only issue we need to apparently address in January is health. Everything else just slowly improves as each day passes - enjoy!
Crystal for the month: Pyrite
Your animal spirit guide for the month: Glow Worm
PISCES (19th February - 20th March)
Practicality is the name of the game this month. Stay focused on your smaller goals and you will be presently surprised by the outcomes. Remember, not all progress can be seen immediately. New contacts within the working sector bode well for long term so put your best foot forward. Singles may receive a lovely invitation, but couples could have storm clouds. Health has its ups and downs mostly triggered by allergies, weather or overthinking. There are medications for allergies, learn to dance in the rain, and as for over thinking - know you're not alone and stronger than you realise! This month has some highlights when you step out of your comfit zone so try to enjoy those moments.
Crystals for the month: Aqua aura or Lumerian Seed Quartz
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Snowy Owl
ARIES (21st March - 20th April)
You may beat heads with people this month so watch your temper or it may just backfire. Overall the possibilities are not too bad for January but it will be a slow movement forward rather than a large leap.
Finances are steady but not exciting. In particular, mechanical repairs could put a dint in your savings this month so try and stick to your budget to make sure you have enough set aside when needed. For those singles out there a little extra effort may be required if you want that valentines date.
Crystal for the month: Lapis
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Goat
TAURUS (21st April - 20th May)
You have been slogging along for the past little while and patience will win out. Long term friendships could be re-evaluated after the 3rd as you crave more peace and stability in your life, so those that rock the boat could well be thrown out by you. There seems to be a lot of emotional decluttering taking place but things should look less tangled when your finished. Finances are better, but that could be because of less outgoings rather than excess income. Health is pretty good this month with weight loss or a healthier lifestyle being the result. Overall, its not a bad month and moving ever closer to your goals!
Crystal for the month: Fluorite
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Stallion.
GEMINI (21st May - 20th June)
This month is a bit of a slow and steady sort of month. People may be a little annoying but that could just be because you left your patience back in 2024. Budgeting is very important this month so do your best to stay within your limits. Singles need to focus more on self care this month and less on any disappointments, while couples will need to work together to avoid problems. Health itself is a bit sketchy in January - so please be sensible rather than stubborn.
Crystal for the month: Tiger Iron
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Turtle
CANCER (21st June - 20th July)
Planning and coordination are your keys to success this month. Try to stay grounded and positive, and keep yourself busy. This will be a very busy month for you with many re-organizing schedule's or re-evaluation the long term plans. Remember it is not too late to deviate from your previous goals if they no longer suit you! This month heralds change in correct proportion to the energy and determination you put into it. Health is not brilliant, so take the time to listen to your body and take action when you can.
Crystal for the month: Diamond
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Beaver or Platypus.
LEO ( 21st July - 21st August)
January is a pretty mellow month all round for you. Couples may need to display patience, while singles may need to try harder or simply learn to enjoy their own company more. Finances are smooth but slow until the 18th. Remember - this is not the month to gamble with high stakes as luck is busy sitting on the side lines! Please back up any computer work that's important before the 14th or you may end up working longer hours and crying into your coffee. Basically, this is a month that you are just going to have to wait through to get to February at this stage.
Crystal for the month: Lemon Quartz
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Lizard.
VIRGO (22nd August - 22nd September)
A little bit of romance should be flying your way during this month. Flirtations could come from many different sectors, enjoy it and learn how to accept complements. Those creatives out there should be highly inspired during January which could set them up for 2025. Those looking for work could find themself creating their own business or changing fields completely to be more aligned with their soul purpose. Finances are better than average and set to climb for the year ahead. So far, its a good start to a new year!
Crystal for the month: Moss Agate
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Rabbit
LIBRA (23rd September - 22nd October)
Well Libra, you may enter this year on the right note but I certainly hope you have the patience to see it through! This month is going to feel heavy and will go much slower than you will like. The month of January will be a major lesson in patience - But do not try and push things before they are ready to be pushed or you will end up three steps backwards. Instead, take it slow, adapt and be flexible and remember to duck your head when reality strikes. This is a wonderful month for planning or research rather than new adventures....save that for later in the year. Those connected to education should have a particularly wonderful month.
Crystal for the month: Snakeskin Jasper
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Emu
SCORPIO (23rd October - 22nd November)
A quick warning to start the year: not everyone has the honesty you would like to have around you so be prepared for someone to show their true colours by mid month. Finances are ok, with a little extra finding its way to your wallet. Health will need more attention during January and if possible try to incorporate a water element into your fitness routine for better results. For those with allergies watch out for honey bees! Strangely enough, its actually not a bad month overall just a rather practical one.
Crystal for the month: Tree Agate
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Magpie or Raven
SAGITTARIUS (23rd November - 20th December)
This could be a big month of positive changes for you. Workwise, you should catch the eye of the higher ups which will be beneficial in later negotiations. For those thinking of employment changes, much better opportunities should present themselves after the 12th for you to consider. Unfortunately, health will need a re-evaluation for the best results to be seen. Love life has some amazing moments so enjoy all the wonderful things this month has to bring with it! Finances are set to improve so don't over think it. Overall, most things should turn in your favour for January.
Crystal for the month: Rose Quartz
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Dragonfly
CAPRICORN (21st December - 19th January)
This month you will do well to do more listening and less talking. January may feel a little claustrophobic so try and spend more time outside in nature and less time stuck inside your own head. Finances are average and the best health results rests purely on your own actions and responses. Stay positive and muddle through this month - February will come before you know it! Love life is a little lacklustre for both singles or couples alike - no sudden decisions should be made in this area.
Crystal for the month: Lepidolite or Fossilized Wood.
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Koala