RAVEN WHISPERS for December 2024

This month planetary movements to keep an eye on:
- New moon: December 1st 5:21pm
- Full moon: December 15th 8:01pm
- Retrograde planets: Mercury ( in Sagittarius) until December 15th Neptune until 7th December
Uranus all December
General December advice:
Common Health issues during December: lung or throat issues.
Common Accidents during December: related to water (including storm incidents).
AQUARIUS (20th January - 18th February)
This would be a great month to draw in those that resonate with your true self. Small travel plans could be finalized and socializing outside the work area could be exciting to say the least. Mercury will be playing havoc with all forms of communication for you during December so make sure that all computer work is backed up and that clear communication is practiced within the work environment. If in doubt, ask rather than guess! Finances could get messy too with late payments or double charging on a tap payment. Check all receipts before you throw them in the bin. You may not want to spend time with family, but your efforts will be appreciated.
Crystal for the month: Ocean Jasper
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Willy Wag Tail.
PISCES (19th February - 20th March)
Health issues for you or family members could be the overruling aspect of this month. Watch out for childhood diseases during December. You may find yourself feeling highly sensitive to the energies around you, spend as much time as you can near or in the water and wash your stresses away. Finances are a little tight - but definitely manageable. It would really benefit you in the long run if you could stop over thinking everything so much. Time to chill buddy! The world will not stop turning if you take some time out for yourself. Overall, you will get a lot done during December even if it is by the skin of your teeth. Just remember that the really good things are worth waiting for.
Crystals for the month: Angelite
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Mallard Duck.
ARIES (21st March - 20th April)
This is an interesting month ahead. Putting thoughts into actions are very important and many long laid plans may finally show some returns after the 15th. Work seems to be very busy but financial stretches to make things happen could become stressful. Remember to think about the bigger picture rather than achieving and accepting small wins sooner. Family members could bring in some deep and meaningful discussions to the table - be prepared to listen rather than talk. Now is not the time for new action however preparations or plans could be discussed for next years changes.
Crystal for the month: Matrix Amethyst
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Moth
TAURUS (21st April - 20th May)
Don't start picking fights now, just step away from the things and people that no longer bring out the best in you. This month is a lot about changes in the positive sense. The 7th brings an unexpected visitor to your door, play it cool and act natural. In-fact it may be a good idea to have a spare present handy! As Christmas approaches work is going to keep getting busier, so try not to lose your temper with work colleagues or staff members. Finances are not too shabby either with a small win or two along the way. Overall, the financial bottom dollar is looking heathier than you may have expected.
Crystal for the month: Tiger Iron
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Red Kangaroo
GEMINI (21st May - 20th June)
This month it is all about connections and contacts. Socialization is rampant with possibilities however this could lead to a breakdown in communications with a loved one. Try and be sensitive to the needs of family while you twirl in the social spotlight. The 17th brings you back down to earth as It will be a time to come to terms with your behaviour and reign things in again. What major lessons did you learn this year? Time to start planning for a more stable, prosperous future. Oh and kick those bad habits to the curb! They are just draining your finances and adding on curves. At least the year will end on a better financial note than it started.
Crystal for the month: Lemon Quartz
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Lemur
CANCER (21st June - 20th July)
This month will fly by so be prepared to pack a lot into it! Those that have recently lost jobs could pick up something within the first week and a half as long as you are not too picky. Those already employed could find themselves working longer hours than anticipated but it will be worth it. Financially this is a pretty good month (even taking into account all the outgoings). People in general may disappoint you, however try not to judge the whole human race on one or two nasty, selfish individuals. Health is a bit dodgy during December; try and focus on maintaining a more healthier lifestyle. Overall, expect a fast paced, action packed, result-orientated month ahead. You are building upon firm foundations now - dream big for that 2025 vision board.
Crystal for the month: Citrine
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Armadillo.
LEO ( 21st July - 21st August)
Not everything is looking rosy for this month with health issues for you and family members in the spotlight. Your patience may be tested at work too due to lack of recognition for your hard efforts by your peers. Many may even choose to leave for greener pastures. This would be a good month to take a few extra sick days just to prevent burn out before Christmas. Most things seem to be left to the last moment rather than through calculated actions. Unfortunately, you may even find that people in general seem to let you down during this month. All is not lost however! This is a wonderful time to regroup and refocus so that you come through victorious next year. Focus on YOUR needs rather than the needs of others and you will find more satisfaction.
Crystal for the month: Dalmation Jasper
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Cheater
VIRGO (22nd August - 22nd September)
This appears to be a rather average month for you. When it comes down to health issues, common sense needs to take a stand. Keep away from large groups or wheezy children unless you want to spend a few days in bed feeling sorry for yourself. On the career front, things are looking up with more opportunities in the pipelines. Those unemployed or recently retrenched could find their situation changing for more permanent work around the Christmas period. Finances unfortunately appear to be moderately average for this time of year with any extra coming in, going out just as quickly. Try and curb the excess spending if possible.
Crystal for the month: Moss Agate
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Dragonfly
LIBRA (23rd September - 22nd October)
You do have some wonderful stars at play during December however your communication abilities seem to be weak which could cause havoc with family, friends and co-workers. The less said this month the better and please do not jump to any conclusions. Wait till Mercury is well and truly back to normal after the 15th and then try again - you will have more luck after this period. Its definitely the latter half of this month that works the best for you including the possibility of a small win or financial surprise. Don't go losing any scratchies you may receive this month or you may be kicking yourself afterwards.
Crystal for the month: Apatite
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Donkey
SCORPIO (23rd October - 22nd November)
This is a very deep and meaningful month for you Scorpio peeps. Relationships could be moving to more serious ground and friends show their true colours around the 14th. A recent change in work ethics or career may start to pay off before the 20th. Stability is the name of the game. Long term plans are being discussed. Venus is helping you in the romance department but unfortunately Mercury is doing the opposite to your finances. Expect extra expenses before the 21st. Do your best to keep your hand out of your wallet!
Crystal for the month: Pyrite
Your animal spirit guide for the month: Goanna
SAGITTARIUS (23rd November - 20th December)
Not a bad month but nothing terribly challenging either. Extra pressure comes from the working arena during the lead up to Christmas and a few extra expenses may come to light but you may just have to accept your budget going a little screwy. There will be plenty of time to refill that bank balance after the new year. Nothing major on the health front that you need to take care of during December so enjoy a little extra socializing without the stress. Overall, a happy (although exhausting) month is ahead. Lots of laughter, lots of love and lots of prezzies!
Crystal for the month: Crazy Lace Agate
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Hummingbird.
CAPRICORN (21st December - 19th January)
This month is all about family. Not everyone will be on the same wavelength this December, but you should be used to that by now. Financially things will be a little tighter than normal after the 15th, but should pick up in the new year if you stick to a reasonable budget. Health issues are annoying to say the least with the possibility of a family member with lung or asthmatic issues arising during mercury retrograde. Perhaps you should choose your socializing carefully this festive season. Don't let the little things bug you but rather, start focusing on all the positives you would like to achieve next year.
Crystal for the month: Lapis
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Lorikeet.