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AQUARIUS ( 20th Jan - 18th Feb)

Health is the major viewpoint that you will be looking at this month. Try and stick to the tried and true not the desperate and expensive options. Don't take chances with your health during November, you need to keep your wits about you. Regular check ups should be kept up not shrugged off. Finances are a little tight for extras but you should have enough to see you through when needed. Watch for jealousy or emotional spending.

PISCES ( 19th Feb - 20 Mar)

You are the mischief maker and joker this month. Just be careful Pisces or you will push people to far and be regretting it later. Mental health issues could come to the forefront during November. This will be a month of emotional extremes for you thanks to Neptune remaining in your chart. Finances fluctuate as much as your moods. For those of you with Pisces partners, children or best friends - be prepared to see past bravado and catch them if they fall.

ARIES ( 21st Mar - 20th Apr)

New beginnings are indicated for you, this month being rather optimistic and exciting if you allow it to be. There are improvements indicated in both your money and health sector during November. Details are very important so do not get lost in the excitement of impending success. A close family member or friend could let you down...but it wont be the first time they have done so. This is a time to utilize all your skills in the work force to gain attention.

TAURUS ( 21st Apr - 20th May)

Creative juices may be flowing during November but major notice may not be taken unless you step up. Now is not the time to hide in the shadows or be a wall flower. This is also not the time to jump the queue. Work and play smart not hard and it will work out much better for you. It is time to make major changes in your attitude and expectations in life rather than settling for humdrum, stale or average. There are wonderful possibilities for success this month if you get a wriggle on. During November we see Uranus moving into Taurus so expect to make some great solid foundations for your future.

GEMINI (21st May - 20 Jul)

This month is not for the fainthearted Gemini. Expect excitement or major upheavals this month.There are major events or life changing interactions indicated for you. Be prepared to make major or quick changes due to opportunities or the mistakes of others. There are good indications of financial extras coming your way, just in time for spending. This month will certainly have you re-evaluation your priorities. Putting some Selenite handy ( perhaps a tower) could balance things at home or work.

CANCER (21st Jun - 20th)

I am loving the possibilities for all the Cancer people this month!! This is a fantastic flowing month for you with many branches of connections being forged. Important people may cross your path or even invite you to join their inner circle. This is the month when you will possibly be rubbing shoulders with the rich or famous...try and act calm.November is showing a major time for growth, stability, financial upswings and overall harmonious life on all fronts. Consider sharing your knowledge or expertise with others. Fire agates,carnelians or labradorite's would serve you well. Let the good times roll.

LEO ( 21st Jul - 21st Aug)

This is a very Karmic month for all Leo's. This month will bring a major change for your descendants future and fortune. This is your opportunity to make your mark in mankind's history. You think I exaggerate, but your future is most definitely in your hands. It could come in many different forms - through heroic deeds or actions, major advances in your field of expertise, newspaper articles or archive records or perhaps life changing decisions that will effect future paths of your generations to come. Whichever way it comes, make it positive.

VIRGO ( 22 Aug - 22 Sep )

November is the month of answers for Virgo's. Consider starting an on line or short course during this month. Even just applying or paying a deposit would be a positive step. Now is the time when your future path ( or possibly for the singles - a partner ) will be revealed. Psychic perception is at an all time high so any dabbling in the arts should be undertaken now for the best results. Genealogy investigating could also reveal some interesting discoveries . Let your intuition be your guide. Crystals for you would be Gold stones , Sun stones, rainbow moonstone or perhaps snowflake obsidian if you are feeling vulnerable.

LIBRA (23rd Sep - 22 Oct )

Balance is needed this month and it is very important not to take sides but rather leave your options open. If you play your cards wisely, there is the opportunity for major advancement. Start manifesting your wants list now rather than your needs list and get the ball rolling. Health is a little precarious during November so make sure you pace yourself in that area too. One last thing, no over spending. You do not have to buy the affections of friends or family to justify your own self-worth.

SCORPIO ( 23rd Oct - 22nd Nov)

November has arrived for you with a rather stern message.... it is time to make change. You need to create personal boundaries in your life for the sake of your own mental well being. The planets are well aligned this month for you to create life changes in your health or any addictive, repetitive patterns. Time to take change of your life and stop letting the past dictate your future. Consider negative detachment assistance to give you the best possible start.

SAGITTARIUS ( 23 Nov - 20th Dec)

Well dear Sagittarian's - your sixth sense and intuition are working overtime during November and you would do well to follow it. When it comes to health issues, you may be plagued with ear issues as well as depressive episodes. Your empathetic nature is not working to your benefit I am afraid. Beware of carrying everyone else's problems on your shoulders.Try to stick to a healthy nature routine to keep the sulks at bay. If your child is a Sagittarius, prepare yourself for mood swings.

CAPRICORN ( 21st Dec - 19th Jan)

This will be a rather strange month of push and pull for you as Saturn and Pluto are both in your sign. You could well find yourself to be the flavor of the month in immediate circles but outcast in areas and with people that you wish to be included or noticed by. Be very wary of your quick tongue this month as it may be your downfall. This is also not the month to put your hand up and volunteer as you could well be taken advantage of. Step carefully,speak slowly and keep your cards close to your chest during November.

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