What do star signs, planets and the weather have in common? More than you realize. Astrometeorology is the art of weather prediction using astrology. It can get pretty complicated ,but I have put together a few basic ' rule of thumb' cheats that can help to get you started.
When you see:
The Fire Signs - Aries, Leo or Sagittarius - we will have more warmer and drier weather.
The Earth Signs - Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn - we generally experience cooler weather with higher than normal chances of sleet or snow.
The Air Signs - Gemini, Libra or Aquarius - They are the ones that bring the wind with them ( either warm or cool depending on the seasonal factors and the interaction with the other planets )
The Water Signs - Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces - they tend to bring in the cooler, wetter kind of weather.
When the planet that rules these star signs appear in a chart, it tends to amplify the meaning of that planet. For example - if Mars ( heat) is found in a fire sign on that particular day, it can lead to higher temperatures or even heatwaves. If Neptune ( precipitation ) is discovered in a water sign, sleet would be highly likely, mix that with a wind planet like Virgo and VOILA - SNOWSTORM !!
This is just scraping the surface of astrometeorology. For more detailed predictions, you need to take into account the longitude and latitude as well...and then there is the solar ingresses, the lunar phases....you catch my drift! Hopefully, this cheat sheet can help you get a feel for whats coming at least. Don't get angry with the planets for ruining your holidays...Just remember , planets reflect weather conditions....they do not cause them.
Its up to us to read the signs.