Leo people can be warm,generous,loving,protective, old fashioned and faithful. They are extremely broad-minded in general and have a long fuse. Don't push your luck to often or too far with them though, or they will cut you off in a wonderfully dramatic fashion! Leo's demand respect in a very subtle way and tend to become dogmatic and pompous at times if they feel they are not being taken seriously enough. Leos tend to have a great creative flair in at least one area of their lives ( gives them a chance to be praised) and cooking for many is a passion. If they become unhappy with their life, they tend to become moody and/or lazy. Don't over pamper your male mate, or they may just expected it ALL the time...remember to pull them up before it goes to far.If you can find the right balance with your Leo mate, you will have no need to look elsewhere.

Ruling planet - the Sun
Element - fire
Body areas - the back, especially the spine and the heart.
Flowers - Sunflower, marigold,dandelion
Trees - olive,laurel,palm and bay. many also believe citrus.
Herbs/spices - saffron,peppermint and rosemary.
Animals - All the big cats ,Rhinos
Countries - Italy, Sicily, Lebanon, South of France, Czech Republic
Cities - Rome, Prague, Bombay, Madrid, Philadelphia ,Chicago, Los Angeles, Bristol, Portsmouth (UK) and Damascus.
Tarot Card - Strength
Metal - gold
Crystal traditional - Ruby, Onyx
Crystal modern ( generations born after 2013) clear quartz, topaz,sun stone and cats eye.
Colour traditional - the colours of the sun from sunrise to sunset.
Colour modern ( generation born after 2010) crimson red,okra
(N.B. these are my personal opinions.)