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There is no use having the right tools for the job, if you don't know how to use them.Would you give an apprentice carpenter a piece of wood and EXPECT them to make it into a staircase? NO, of course not, and it is the same for master crystals. If you are using them for healing or manifestation, the same rules apply. Before you start any particular project involving crystals - be it for healing or manifestation purposes, it is imperative that you dedicate your crystal appropriately.

Dedication just focuses intention into the crystal and guards against negativity clinging to it heavily. When dedicating your crystal - just let it be known that only the most positive energy may flow through the crystal and used for its highest good. Think of that as just extra protection for you and your intents, much like wearing a seat belt in a car.....a ' just in case' clause! Now you are ready for the next step.

Sit in a quiet place with the main crystal cupped in your hands. Close your eyes and focus on breathing slowly...take notice of your breath entering and leaving your body. Center your inner energy on your purpose and focus on your crystal. Sense its own energy. Visualize white light surrounding your crystal and then golden grounding earth energy mingling with the white.

Feel yourself filling up with love and positive energy and direct this energy from within yourself and into your stone. Make a statement ( or dedication) in your mind that it will only be used for the greater good. Now, open your eyes and gaze at the crystal, keeping your mind focused on that intent. When you feel content with the energy levels, end your session with " let it be so".

You can visualize colours for this or if you have trouble visualizing, try emotions instead. Both are quite powerful at getting the message across ! you can dedicate your stone to a healing goddess, guardian angel, totem, spirit guide or saint - whatever you feel comfortable with. Or simply good intent.

Now you are ready to program your crystal.

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