Aquarius ( 20 Jan - 18 Feb )
This month is all about LOVE. The planets got the ball moving in July for you and now this month you get to enjoy it.Nothing else matters for you this month, but sorting out and enjoying that love life. Career and finances can both be a a bit risky but there is a possibility of greatness - its all about the timing. trust your gut this month. When it comes to health however, don't push yourself too hard. You are not as strong as you think you are.
Pisces ( 19 Feb - 20 Mar)
This month for you , it is all about couples and joint activities. This month you are destined to NOT walk a solitary path unless you actively choose to do so.Communication is all important and is the key to achieving your goals. When it comes to your career, this month may see you making important , but perhaps harsh, decisions. Many of you will cut and run from situations that frustrate you. On the plus side, this is a great month for attending to your medical needs.
Aries ( 21 Mar - 20 Apr)
This month is very messed up for you Aries. It will all come down to attitude. There will be a tendency for extravagance and waste in many areas of your life if you do not keep them in check. Travel is your best bet. If you have the opportunity to leave your normal life and have a holiday, especially a voyage or anything to do with water - jump at it. it is the daily domestic life that brings you grief. Anything outside the norm gives you the best chance to survive this month. It is monotony that will be your downfall, so take a chance and live a little. A positive attitude will change the outcomes for the better.
Taurus ( 21 Apr - 20 May )
Well the good news is, that with the placement of Jupiter, Mercury and Venus this month, your love life is looking pretty hot and sexually steamy! There may not be any depth in it, but at least you shall have the opportunity to spend most of this month smiling.
Gemini ( 21 May - 20 June)
The planets are not very helpful for you in the romance department this month I am afraid Gemini's. This month will see many of you having to make difficult decisions regarding partners. Finances could take a bit of a blow in the later half of the month and Mars is definitely reading you the riot act over your health. Expect old injuries or long term health issues to flair up. Go back to your basics and take the time to look after you.
Cancer ( 21 Jun - 20 Jul )
sigh, the planets are certainly pushing you to your limits this month. They are not giving you much help at all.Relationships are not looking so good without you putting in major effort. Work wise, its not looking good unless you put in REAL effort.Health, its time for you to take some drastic measures and get things done. There is one piece of good news, and that comes with the moon eclipse mid month. This will make things good for you financially with the possibility of a small windfall....make the most of it and splurge on yourself.
Leo ( 21 Jul - 23 Aug)
Saturn certainly makes its presence known to you this month around 17/18/19 August. There is the possibility of a great love affair , perhaps a dalliance with a long lusted friend or colleague, however, it will not be deep but a shallow time , so rack it up to creating memories you can look back on when your butt sags and your boobs hit your knees !!!! This month will also see you becoming a bit of a spendthrift if you don't take care. It is overall good for money but not good for get rich quick schemes. Pregnant Leo ladies need to take care this month.pace yourself and keep calm.
Virgo ( 22 Aug - 22 Sep)
Well this is definitely a month regarding relationships for you Virgo's. It will be a month of major events - engagements, reconciliation, all long term events for this whole month regarding serious love issues. This is a very lucky month for you as well , so take a few chances on yourself. It is also very home orientated with homes being a major issue or creating major issues for you. As for health, this month expect the unexpected and expect it to happen swiftly. small colds can turn into big fevers in a short amount of time......
Libra ( 23 Sep - 22 Oct )
Oh dear....poor Libra.
This month, love is not romantic but logical.
Health is not brilliant either, so don't take chances with it. As for finances,well.....don't buy that extra packet of Tim Tams this week..... Overall, it is a very boring,standard month for you. It would be a perfect time to take stock and tidy up those loose ends in your life. If you can look at it as a nice time to recharge your energies, then you can survive this month unscathed. If you push for reactions - you will get more than you bargained for!!!
Scorpio ( 23 Oct - 22 Oct)
When it comes to your love life this month, anything to do with distances has the best chance - holiday romances or long distance love affairs will bring great results. Long term relationships that were going stale, will also get a boost this month. Work wise, new opportunities will arise for you to navigate around many of your blocks, so keep your eyes open. You may get the chance you have been waiting for.
Sagittarius ( 23 Nov - 20 Dec)
This month brings a lot of your life into the spotlight publicly.This would be an ideal time for promotions, awards or public recognition. Logic is demanded of you this month in all areas - no flights of fancy, its time to be taken seriously. As for health issues - anything to do with your immune system, has the germs in a frenzy. Don't leave yourself open to their attacks.
Capricorn ( 21 Dec - 19 Jan)
This month is like walking on a see-saw for all you poor Capricorn people. Love could be good or weakened by many worries. Anything to do with overseas will be good for you in the long run, however domestic issues will see you undone. Finances bring you many gains or many losses depending on your birth chart, so caution and balance is recommended to navigate this month. Health brings up leg and mobility issues. Do not be surprised if, somewhere during this month, there will be a wheelchair mentioned,borrowed,used or needed by you, a family member,work colleague or friend......it will come up somewhere!