Having a good crystal kit is essential to anyone that works with crystals, but it need not cost a fortune to get started. Having a basic kit will do until you gather more experience and stronger finances! There are some basic crystals you can use that can be adapted to suit most healing or grid work.The following are what I believe should be in any basic crystal kit for healing or grid purposes.

* Rose Quartz
*Blue Lace Agate
*Jet/Hematite/Black Tourmaline
*Amethyst - Amethyst Points (4)
Amethyst Cluster
*Clear Quartz - at least 1 Terminated Point
Several small pieces for grid work
1 Double Terminator
*Rutilated and Smokey Quartz
*Moss Agate/Adventurine/Malachite - whichever works best for you personally
*Tigers eye/Iron
*Carnelian - to charge and cleanse all crystals
These crystals should cover most of your basic needs, when used individually or combined ,to obtain the desired results. As you become more experienced, you will adapt this to suit your own vibrations.