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VIRGO people are the ones that always seem to be in a constant state of movement. See that quiet,well dressed person standing just aside that noisy group... the one whose eyes are flitting at 100 miles an eye..that most likely will be a Virgo. If you are not sure, just check the eyes. Virgos have the most amazing eyes . They have an enormous amount of internal energy to deal with which, if left to brew, will send their emotional minds into overdrive.

If you are the mother of a Virgo child , you will spend half your life trying to find the off switch - don't bother, its internal! They will just keep talking/moving/eating/touching ( sometimes all at once) until their little bodies turn themselves off to recharge for tomorrows onslaught. Consider buying them a pet, it will give them something to focus that energy on. Many older Virgos are prone to health issues such as irritable bowel syndrome,celeriac disease or food intolerance.

Worry seems to be the number one factor in their lives when they are not centered. When they are calm and focused within their lives, they will appear modest, shy, intelligent, logical and meticulous in their behavior. When they are subjected to too many opposing energies, they can make themselves ill through stress related problems. Unhappy Virgo's are prime subjects for stomach ulcers , hay fever, and developing nervous titches over time. Want to win the heart of a Virgo ? its all in the details....

Ruling planet - Mercury

Element - Earth

Body areas - Nervous system, stomach.

Flowers - small,brightly coloured flowers, especially blue.

Foodstuffs - vegetables grown under the earth. potatoes,carrots etc

Animals - domestic pets.Virgos need their own pet!

Countries - Greece, Turkey, Brazil, Yugoslavia, Jordan.

Cities - Boston, Paris, Athens, Lyons.

Tarot card - The Hermit.

Metal - Mercury and also nickel

Crystal traditional - Sardonyx

Crystal modern ( generations born after 2013) Carnelian, opal, sodalite

Colour traditional - Navy blue,dark brown or dark green.

Colour modern ( generations born after 2010) royal blue, moss green, butter yellow.

(N.B. - these are my personal opinions only )

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