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To spot a Libra person in a crowd by sight is not an easy thing to do, they are truly the Chameleon of the star signs You see, they love harmony and balance so they have a wonderful knack of blending into the environment they find themselves in. If you can listen in however, when an emotional disagreement is taking place, they are the voice of logic and diplomacy that quells the disturbance. They do not like hurting peoples feelings and will , if necessary, sacrifice their own needs, bite their tongue or remove themselves completely from a disagreement between family or friends, just to keep the peace.

Libra signs are normally quite high on the intellect scale, with a wonderful ability to hold lots of random information until it is needed for verbal battle . Generally, fighting for the underdog will get their passions rising .

If the battle of the wills is between a Libra parent and young child then bribery and corruption are very often the most used parental skill! If you are dealing with a Libra child, then be prepared for the catchphrase " it's not fair" to be a part of your life for their whole school experience. Encourage them to be decisive in their early years, they do so love to please and will sit on the fence rather than make decisions themselves.

Health wise, the constant need to maintain balance makes a Libra prone to headaches, and the longer they sacrifice their true needs for others that they don't internally believe deserve to win, the more frequent and intense they will become as the years progress. Once this balance is restored, headaches should ease and weight gained around the stomach area ( protective) should also be released as they find their internal balance and harmony again. Libra people also tend to suffer from kidney issues ( being connected to water and emotional balance needs)

Ruling planet : Venus

Element: Air

Tarot card: Justice

Body area: Kidney

Metal: Copper

Traditional colours: all shades of blue, pink and paler greens

Modern colours:* ( generations born after 2010) More green based blue,lavenders,grey/silver

Traditional Crystals: Sapphire and jade

Modern Crystals:* ( generations born after 2013) Adventurine, jade, Peridot.

Tree: Ash, Yew,some Eucalyptus types.

Flowers: generally blue flowers of all types, hydrangeas , large roses.

Animals: Lizards , skinks,snakes and small reptiles.

Countries: Austria, Burma, Japan, Upper Egypt, Tibet, Canada, China, medium sized pacific islands.

Cities: Vienna, Zurich, Leeds, Antwerp, Copenhagen and Johannesburg

* ( these are my personal opinions)

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