AQUARIUS ( 20th Jan - 18th Feb)
" To fly south for the winter, will ensure the next season"
Things slow down for you this month, health issues dissipate and life goes on slow mode . This is actually a good thing because September left many of you feeling burnt out. Time to take stock and change the world verbally or with the written word rather than by physical action. Appreciate the beauty around you while you have this opportunity.
PISCES ( 19th Feb - 20 Mar)
" As proud as a peacock"
You are quite charismatic this month. Many of you will find that your associates will flow to your way of thinking allowing you to push further and make wide strides in your objectives. especially in the business arena. Flirtations may find their way into your social sights..enjoy being the flavor of the month while it lasts. If there was a certain someone you had your eye on, perhaps jealousy may make them sit up and take notice of you this month.
ARIES ( 21st Mar - 20th Apr)
" The bird that flies alone, is plucked from the sky"
This month will fly by rather quickly for most of you and you may feel a little overwhelmed by it all.Thanks to the full moon in Aries ( Oct 16) , your ship may finally come in. It certainly appears that you have the Midas touch for the remainder of the month. Expect to achieve wonders.
TAURUS . ( 21st Apr - 20th May)
" Birds of a feather, flock together"
This will be a good month for group activities and adventures. After the 16th there will be a lot of luck flowing your way.this would be a great time to take chances and run with your gut instincts as you are more likely to fall on your feet rather than your butt! Finally, your stubbornness pays off.
GEMINI (21st May - 20 Jul)
" You will never see a single swan on a wedding cake"
Well, lucky Gemini's - love is in the air for you lot this month Many singles will find a wonderful partner and long term couples should find more solid ground. This month, anything to do with people or new ideas have positive results in the majority of cases. Those with an occupation in communications shall be most successful....and florists.....any florists out there that are looking for recognition in their field shall be rather happy with the amount of validation they receive this month.
CANCER (21st Jun - 20th Jul)
"' When the migration begins, the adventure continues"
This month is a really mixed bag for cancer folk. The month begins with old issues that have plagued you that need to be re-addressed. the good news is, you can finally come to terms with it. Be sure what it is you really want. The last week of October is all about wrapping up loose ends, its time, well and truly. you deserve to move forward.
LEO ( 21st Jul - 21st Aug)
" A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush"
Communication is the name of the game . Venus plays a rather major part in your month activities Oct 18th till Nov 12. you will have the opportunity to Impress your love at this time and for long term couples, a commitment may be required...... Remember the song " you should have put a ring on it?" well you may not have to go that far, but you will have to make some permanent gesture to keep your arrangement chugging along. If your truly not serious, don't string them along.
VIRGO ( 22 Aug - 22 Sep )
" A Lyre bird may sing many songs,but its own song is the sweetest"
Blink and you will miss this month!! October is just going to whiz by. Try to be honest in all of your dealings with people because there will be no time for second guessing. You will have one shot at impressing the world this month, be prepared. Eyes may need to be seen too as well please don't put off because of vanity, what may be needed. Intelligence is the new beauty remember......
LIBRA (23rd Sep - 22 Oct )
"" A stork can only stand on one leg , if it is balanced first by two"
Relationships may be strained during this month so be very careful of your wording.Issues with joints are most likely to appear as well, plenty of fish oil would be highly recommended from the word go. This whole month, the creases in your destiny will form within all aspects of your life that require connections be they relationship, health,finances or employment. The only way to win is to remember one very simple rule - if it involves anything other than your own efforts to be accomplished, then tact needs to be employed first and foremost. Don't take anything to heart.
SCORPIO ( 23rd Oct - 22nd Nov)
" the early bird catches the worm....."
For the first half of this month, you will feel very out of control. There is a lot going on around you that you seem to be missing. Your eyes will be opened to hidden agendas and networking this month so gather as much information as you can before Oct 19th. Pluto will then speed up your plans and results so be prepared. If you have all your information ready, you will swoop in and surprise them all
SAGITTARIUS ( 23 Nov - 20th Dec)
" A vulture that circles twice is closer to its goal"
Its time to show off your backbone. Do things your way this month. Do not allow yourself to be pushed by the whims or agendas of others. Relationships that have not been working may get the shove this month, if its broken don't waste time recycling - dump it!
CAPRICORN ( 21st Dec - 19th Jan)
' Soar with Eagles, or paddle with ducks"
October holds many possibilities for you in so many areas. It is great for business ideas and goals to be realized. Promotions or positive changes are likely. Improvements on the work front are definitely expected...Your position should by strengthened by the changes not weakened. Singles - you may just catch the eye of someone unexpected.....