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Ravenwood Whispers for November 2016

AQUARIUS ( 20 Jan - 18th Feb)

There is a lot of energy within groups this month for you, so success can be found through dynamics.If you can manage to stay focused on ONE goal and not spread yourself too thin during November, then you have a good shot at achieving your goal. Your main problem this month is being too cocky - keep it real and keep your eye on the greater good rather than your own benefits and great advantages can be made . If you start to get to greedy, people will see through you and stop you in your tracks. The crystal you need this month, is Selinite true.

PISCES ( 19 Feb - 20 Mar)

This month you will need to keep a firm reign on your spending. over extending yourself will see you in a whole heap of trouble for December. People will try to put a lot of obstacles in your path this month , but as long as you don't over react, you should be able to negotiate the emotional minefields both at work and at home.Try not to get grumpy - get realistic! To get the best out of this month - Citrine is the crystal for you.

ARIES (21 Mar - 20 Apr)

This month you need to set up boundaries to get the best out of life. Try to keep your work and love life separate. By the end of the month Venus is working its magic and you can take a chance or two in the romance stakes.Its time you took a good hard look at what you want to achieve and see if you are on the right path. its a month of honesty in your personal life - are you ready?

To get the most out of this month,Tigers Eye will assist.

TAURUS (21 Apr - 20 May)

Prepare yourself!!! This month will see the return of old flames or the arrival of new ones.This month if you are able to keep your head out of the clouds, you have a great chance of success in the love stakes. Don't believe in fantasy, stay grounded or you will be in for a terrible fall rather than a wonderful development. Jasper, especially sea jasper, should be kept on your person ALL MONTH.

GEMINI ( 21 May - 20 Jun)

This month has the potential to be all about love , love, love. the beginning of the month will give you opportunity, the end of the month presents you with true soul mate connections - are you ready? Cupids arrows are firing when you least expect it. Do you have your eye on someone and not had the guts to follow though?now is the time to leave logic at the door and start taking chances. Rose Quartz should be on your person all month, for the best chance of success.

CANCER ( 21 Jun - 20 Jul)

O.K. cancer - this month the best advise I can give you is to practice your diplomatic wiles on those that pass your path. Don't push, but rather flatter to get your point across. You will be surprised by how many will be drawn into your circle using these tactics. Just make sure that you follow up your words with actions or the end of the month will see your efforts undone. Strangely enough, spiders are your messengers this month - watch for signs when they are near.Mother of pearl or pearl itself would be advantageous to wear at this time or moonstone.

LEO ( 21 Jul - 21 Aug)

Many Leo's will be making permanent decisions this month - be it in love or investment. Stay logical not emotional and it will be a well grounded step you take up the happiness ladder. Do not lend any money this week if you wish to get it back - many a borrower will knock on your door looking for an easy touch - this month, that should NOT be you. close the door on users and your approaching Christmas will be merrier. Malachite or green Adventurine is being called to your aid this month. if you have some, keep it on you. If you don't - you need some. good excuse for a crystal shopping spree I think......

VIRGO ( 22 Aug - 22 Sep)

O.K. so the good news is - the first half of this month works for you...... the bad news is, that all goes out the door about midway through the month, sorry!. The second half of the month indicates a lot of POTENTIAL fights and conflicts both at home and work. If you wish to avoid this and survive through to December then please take my advise - do not initiate fights - you will lose badly. Grovel, plead, beg, - do what ever it takes to avoid arguments. Unless of course, you don't mind if your blood pressure rises or your hair falls out through stress....your choice. Hematite. Bucket the car, in the house and on your person by the 17th...cannot hurt.

LIBRA ( 23 Sep - 22 Oct)

Its going to be a difficult path to walk this month without tripping over your own feet Libra. This month sees you with the possibility of stepping on a lot of peoples toes. The answer for survival is very simply balance. Balance is everything. One other thing, do not get cocky or you will be kicked in the butt around the 27th.28th.......All month. Balance. do not take chances where people are concerned. December 1st - then you can breathe a sigh of relief.....not a day before. Did I mention clumsiness? please don't take white shirts on big dates. no high heels your not used to at get where i am going with this. Black is good. and sneakers. you have flair - you can make it work. Labridite...couldn't hurt having some around.

SCORPIO ( 23 Oct - 22 Nov)

The first two weeks look pretty average for you Scorpio people. By the second half of the month, miscommunication could cause problems with your partner or major work colleague. Be honest and VERBALLY clear to avoid falling in a trap. Issues with legs,knees or feet could cause strife this month so be very careful. Work the blue theme to death after the second week and that could help. Teeth are also popping up on the radar for you so a visit to the dentist is highly likely. Blue Howlite could be you best friend this month. For those of you having birthdays this month, try not to take things personally.

SAGITTARIUS ( 23 Nov - 20 Dec )

This month try not to push to get what you want. Your intuition will be very strong so listen to your gut. Your motto this month - If in doubt - DON'T.This month will see many of you making a firm long term commitment to a person, job or environment.Its o.k. It is time to step it up a notch. Birthday people should understand that it is o.k to have a quiet one if they wish this year. Small intimate gatherings or loud shallow ones will both work. just not big , loud surprise parties......its a recipe for disaster. Clear quartz will help you bring out the best in your environment and focus your gifts.

CAPRICORN ( 21 Dec - 19 Jan )

November is just going to get busier and busier for you. It is an extremely lucky month for you but don't rub others noses in your good fortune. Spread the love and help others to be happy for you. small to large wins and things generally working out for you against the odds. enjoy it while it lasts. Try to stay practical and down to earth, there are a lot of people that are not as lucky this month.If anyone is going to find a four leaf clover this month - its going to be you. Gold stone calls your name this month, actually , most sparkly things call you this month....have fun!

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