Aquarius ( 20 Jan - 18 Feb)
Love magnet - that's what you are this month Aquarius.... Admirers left, right, up, down, shopping centers, waiting rooms, dry cleaners...... you name it!. Face it, you are just too damn sexy for your own good this month. There will be a significant romantic decision made this month as well, so try to be logical. If your love life is burning hot - then caution is needed as it may just burn out. When it comes to work, anything to do with group activities or teamwork will be successful but be wary of jealousy and slander, not everyone will play nice. As far as health issues in December - Asthma or sinus issues are prone to play up and silly accidents like stubbing toes, ripped nails or sharp, consistent paper cuts are all falling into the most likely category!
PISCES (19 Feb- 20 Mar)
Frustrations in established relationships over old issues could raise their head this month. If you are single, expect old relationships to be revisited or past lovers to pop up. This may also be a time when old crushes come out of the closet....it is not the best time to explore any type of relationship that deals with your past. Work wise - you may be asked to make a decision regarding your direction, very possibly its time for a change... as far as money is concerned this month - you will survive - just. Try not to splurge, O.K.? Your health is going to be pretty luck luster ( low energy, no drive) until at least the 19th.
ARIES ( 21 Mar - 20 Apr)
The planets are pulling you towards matters of romance, but more from a practical stance. Nesting seems to be the theme for December, how many cushions do you really need???? Improvements to your home to make it more cozy seems to be on your agenda.This month will draw work possibilities and opportunities into your view. Your practical approach to matters will ensure the right results. Health wise, your head seems to be plagued with headaches - stop thinking and over analyzing so much....it is what it is - deal with it, accept it and move on!
TAURUS (21 Apr- 20 May)
December will see you making stronger career connections. This is a very practical month for you, think of this as setting yourself up for the new year. Its a wonderful time to be thinking ahead. You will need to keep a close eye on your finances so that you do not over stretch yourself. Wining and dining to win favor with business connections would work to your advantage. Now is the time to start planning and putting seeds of thought into your employers mind.....and opportunity is coming up and you need to be ready to run with the chance to show them your true skills. If you are in the media or the public view, next year could see you taking more of the spotlight if you play your cards right this month.
GEMINI (21 May- 20 June )
This month will bring long term effects on relationships, expect endings or commitments. Your biggest issues will be around money problems. Try really hard to stay on a budget and cut any unnecessary expenditure or you will be starting the new year behind the eight ball. Negativity will be stalking you so stay around positive people as much as possible. For those of you who suffer from anxiety or depression, you will need to stay as calm as possible and not let it get the better of you. Try burning basil or cinnamon to keep your environment positive.....you will need to be vigilant to stay on top of this.
CANCER ( 21 June - 20 Jul)
Sorry cancer, but love will be rather disappointing for you this month. You will be missing the commitment factor in new relationships and established relationships will seem boring and humdrum....there are just no sparks to be found anywhere. This month will be about career instead. You will need to make major decisions regarding your direction for the long term. On the plus side, extra income will find its way to you without much effort, what you lack in love, you gain in money!!! When it comes to health, your legs and circulation may cause issues, be prepared to put your legs up for a while as you may just be taken out of action for a week or so......
LEO ( 21 Jul - 21 Aug )
Poor Leo! With Venus and Mars in your relationship house, its going to need a lot of attention to keep it on track. Watch out for misunderstandings, miscommunication and misinformation......fights could erupt over the silliest things. Be prepared to bite your tongue or be prepared to see the new year in stag mode. Career wise could see you running into issues with work mates. Once again, try to keep your anger in check. No one like a poor loser, and trust me, its going to be really hard to win against others this month. Best to cop it all on the chin and try again in the new year. Do not take any risks when it comes to your health...its almost like the universe is out to get you, or are you just becoming paranoid? either way, don't risk it!
VIRGO ( 22 Aug - 22 Sep)
Logic seems to be theme for you this month, even in your love life!! practical not fiery is the order of the day for the entire month...ah well, next year you can be as freaky as you like. Stay practical at work to, because all your rewards for the effort you put in this month shall not be seen till 2017. You need to do the hard yakka now so that you can make the most of next year. A special mention to Virgo mothers this month - PLEASE keep a close eye on your children, this month will need you vigilance.
LIBRA (23 Sep - 22 Oct )
Couples have quite a month ahead - pregnancy, issues concerning children and sex are all things high on the agenda for December - well, aren't you going to have fun lol!
Do not be surprised if white goods need to be replaced this month - its big ticket items that are going to fail or need total replacement. If your work is of a creative nature or you are looking for a creative venture, now is the time for you to be noticed... If you are heading towards interviews this month, this will work in your favor, as long as you get your foot in the door - you have a really good chance of being noticed. Health will be ok until the 19th, then you are prone to major issues, so try and calm it down midway and pace yourself please.
SCORPIO ( 23 Oct - 22 Nov)
This month for scorpios will be all about nesting with your partner. You will be having lots of quite nights in and home renovation talk. It will be more centered on family and home rather than the outside world. This month will not be great for signing contracts or making financial arrangements or commitments. Stress level are running high with anything that involves the outside world...lets face it - you really are not a people sort of person this month. Health wise, you could be rather accident prone this month so be very careful. Anything to do with transportation will be an issue for you this month. don't even try to fix it.....just accept it early on that it is out of your control and maybe, MAYBE, you may make it through the month!
SAGITTARIUS ( 23 Nov - 20 Dec)
Be very careful with money this December, or it may get well out of control. This will be a great time to organize a successful budget. If you take the time to work out your limitations this month, you will breeze through till 2017.This is also a great time for gathering information, so do your research well and it will pay off in the long run. Health wise, your energy levels will be pushed to their limits. Try to keep on top of your sleep requirements, not everything has to be done in one day...there is always tomorrow.
CAPRICORN ( 21 Dec - 19 Jan)
Oh dear - there is always one star sign that cops the brunt of a month and congratulations Capricorn - this month its you!!! Be very careful with your money because it seems that it will be going out as fast as it comes in. Your emotions will make you feel like you are stuck on roller coaster. This would be a great time to take up yoga or meditation...anything to help you stop that build up of stress. Health is also taking a bad hit this month, try and stay on top of things or you will suffer from relapses and/or accidents. Do not take chances....on anything. The 19th will ease up the effects a bit, but you may feel like giving up way before that.... don't ..... it will get better.