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Aries Associations

Aries people want to stand out in the crowd. They tend to be direct and straightforward individuals and amazingly determined to the point of being down right stubborn! Do not be fooled by their quick wit in verbal battle as they can quickly turn the tables if you outshine them or they feel threatened. Always keep it light and let them have the last word in public, Loyalty is very important to them and second chances are very rarely granted. People born under this sign have a tendency to be selfish in old age and reckless in their youth... balance needs to be learned early. One thing is for sure, if they choose you for a partner, they will defend you to the hilt as long as you never give them reason otherwise. They have a tendency toward head injuries and more often than not, you will find a bruise SOMEWHERE on them at any given time. Aries children also tend to be the ones that lose their teeth early due to carelessness.

Ruling planet: Mars

Body area: The head

Flowers: Peppermint, honeysuckle, thistle

Trees: Most ones that have thorns

Animals: Sheep and rams

Countries: Germany, England and Denmark

Cities: Berlin, Florence, Krakow, Leicester, Birmingham

Traditional crystals: Diamond

Modern crystals (those born after 2013): Carnelian, jasper, hematite and coral

Traditional colour: Red

Modern colours (those born after 2010): red, burnt orange, deep greens

Tarot card: The emperor

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