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AQUARIUS ( 20th Jan - 18th Feb)

well,well,well, you think you may have won....things seem to be turning in your favor, just remember that pride goes before a fall.Legal issues may be hanging around for you poor Aquarian's this month, big or small, I don't think you can avoid them.Parking fines,speeding tickets,jury duty...the legal side will be involved in May. On the plus side, Karma will be adding up the tallies this week and you get to see some justice in action to those that have wronged others.Career opportunities will present themselves this month, be prepared to step up if you want to be did complain about things remember.....

PISCES ( 19th Feb - 20 Mar)

This month brings some challenges on the home front especially on the 12th and 29th. stick to the details in front of you and don't bite off more than you can chew.You creative types however will get a wonderful personal push in a new direction,sparking your enthusiasm yet again.Use this month to look deep within, communicating with self is highly desirable if you want to push forward.All up this month is a wonderful healing month of forgiveness...let the past go, your future is far more exciting.

ARIES ( 21st Mar - 20th Apr)

This month Mars will be bringing some changes into your field of vision - what will you do with them?stop stressing - they are good changes *smile*. Finances are pretty good this month. It's a case of having enough this time around rather than scrimping and panicking and then robbing Paul to pay peter....yeah, that what I said, expect things to not be quite the way they should be. For you younger Aries females, a feeling of contentment seems to be prevalent, especially to those presently studying.Unfortunately, I cannot say the same for the young Aries males this month.For them, things seem to be a lot harder than they need to be.Plans will go astray and you need to be quite patient.Stay the course.The last half of the month brings Venus into play making your love life far more brings the playful romantic side out.enjoy it, take a chance on love!

TAURUS ( 21st Apr - 20th May)

This month is pretty awesome for you Taurus people. It is almost like you have the Midas Touch! It is a month filled with appreciation and gratitude from those around you, so enjoy it while it lasts. The full moon will bring an emotional recharge into play and a new energy will enter your realm around the 15th. This is a month that you can really make work for you. Focus on one aspect and manifest the heck out of it!!!

GEMINI (21st May - 20 Jun)

Fixing problems is what it is all about for our dear Gemini's. Little things coming undone and you picking it all back up again.The worst things is - its not all your mess, but that's life.Your emotional heartstrings are going to be played a lot this month, with many changes being made that will effect your future.The last week of May, try and keep your expectations high as the energies you manifest then will be what settles you into the next month.

CANCER (21st Jun - 20th)

oh Cancer - what a sweet balanced flow you have this month!It is hard to hide your external smile when your internal soul is soaring with hope, faith and pixie dust. This month you can make magic with just a blink of an eyelid....what are you waiting for?There will be more opportunities for financial gain, a lot may be going out but you have whats needed to cover it.Someones life is in your hands this week - their direction is influenced or balanced by your thoughts and words - will you be kind or will you hold them back? Now is the time to be the bigger one and help them stand on their own two feet. What you put out now will benefit you later - have some trust!Not everyone is going to have it as easy as you this month but try to raise others up not let them weigh you down. In the last two weeks of May will see a birth or new beginning present itself, the next steps for the future are waiting to be taken...walk proud,head held high. You will accomplish as much or as little as you put your mind too. it truly is a wonderful month if you want it to be..

LEO ( 21st Jul - 21st Aug)

Leo men,this month sees your stubborn streak at its full potential. Try and be more objective this will slow to a snails pace if you dig your heels in too far and you can get a lot of people offside if your not careful.Leo women time to step into your divine power. Psychic gifts and influences are strong this month, look at expanding your gifts or perhaps spreading them to a wider audience. If you want to work in the holistic field and the opportunity presents itself - grab it. You will surprise yourself.

VIRGO ( 22 Aug - 22 Sep )

Brilliant month ahead for team Virgo. Rainbows will be gracing your days more than grey skies. Managing your month logically really works for you so try and be as practical as you can. From mid to late May sees some fantastic alliances being formed both at work and in your social life.connections are important, but so is modesty. try not to outshine the boss ( or the partner) too much.....its hard, when your just.....that.....good!!!

LIBRA (23rd Sep - 22 Oct )

Libra people need to be careful in the first two weeks of May not to rely too heavily on others. It is best to be very self reliant during this time or you may be emotionally let down.This is a month of duality for you - endings/beginnings, laughter/tears. You definitely have too much on your plate right now, try to stay calm and balanced....After the full moon is the time to instill change into your life that will actually work and not backfire....A past friend/lover/family member will grace your door again. It is up to you if you try again or bolt the door.

SCORPIO ( 23rd Oct - 22nd Nov)

This month is one to be careful if your a Scorpio, you will be walking a very fine line between brilliant success and devastatingly annoying blockages.Your best course of action is to listen to your intuition and follow its direction .The 2nd week of May will bring some financially good decisions or windfalls and keep in mind that your manifestation abilities are strongest on May 11th. If you want to limit disappointments this month, try to stay away from pyrite and keep smokey quartz in your pocket instead.

SAGITTARIUS ( 23 Nov - 20th Dec)

This will be a hard month for keeping your feet planted on the ground Sag.You may find yourself easily swayed or influenced by dreams and snake oil sellers. If something is too good to be true, you can bet your bottom dollar that it is!. Do not be fooled by false hopes or jealousy.It could well be true that the neighbors garden is greener - but it could well be that he makes a lot of his own manure to spread on it!!!!don't be fooled.on the romance field, love and contentment are in your scope of vision - marriages,engagements,rendezvous,affairs.... there is opportunity for romance and everyone will get a piece of the action - some smaller than others - but still... romance will touch your life this month in a tangible form. For older Scorpios it is more a case of self love and appreciation that comes your way. learning to love yourself is a big important lesson to REmember... Jasper,tiger iron or tiger eye should be worn whenever possible.

CAPRICORN ( 21st Dec - 19th Jan)

May sees our Capricorn people focused on the home , family and dreams. Planning for the future is a great thing to be doing this month.Life will be overall stepping up the pace this month. Expect the past to come knocking at your door...take my advise and just leave it shut. in fact....put a board across, put two!!! The past needs to be left behind, you are not ready for that upset this month, imps will cause havoc with cars or major electrical appliances this month.Resist the urge to kick them,you will only end up damaged yourself.Time for a good emotional and physical clean out as well, the best way to bring in the new is to remove the old.....Selenite and rose quartz are the crystals for you to utilize in your manifestations.

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