RAVEN WHISPERS for June 2017

AQUARIUS ( 20th Jan - 18th Feb)
Time to be a little more selfish Aquarius, start thinking about yourself this month. Thoughts of more children or of becoming a parent will sway many to inspire passion in the bedroom. Your naughty side could be very easily stimulated thanks to Venus and your inhibitions may get lost in the excitement. Career wise, there is lots of work being thrown your way with tight deadlines attached. This does bring lots of financial awards by the end of the month so throw yourself into everything that comes your way.
PISCES ( 19th Feb - 20 Mar)
The time has come to start following your dreams. Reality can be harsh, but the change is upon you. The inspiration for a better future is being presented, you already have the bare bones towards a better way of living - you just need to add your special brand of logic to flesh it out to become reality. It is time to start walking your talk!
ARIES ( 21st Mar - 20th Apr)
Things that began last month will strengthen thanks to Jupiter. The first week will see the surprise arrival or departure of someone within your circle . Although there is less romance and more practicality this month it does bring financial rewards in the way of gifts or bonuses...or perhaps the settlement of an outstanding debt or payout? This month brings house connections into the spotlight, so be prepared for possible conflict between landlords and tenants or parents sharing house space.
TAURUS ( 21st Apr - 20th May)
Your social life should be smooth and harmonious this month and with it, sickness should be leaving the house ( yep,you got it,it was emotionally based) Romance may weave its way into your life connected to the written word or through travel. Either way, your fantasies may color the relationship from its early conception.
GEMINI (21st May - 20 Jul)
There is a lot of retrospection for poor old Gemini this month. With this comes clarity.can you see how the choices you made influence your position now and in the future? are you happy with what you see or can you twerk it just a tad.....?Its not too late to change....or to say sorry. Your apology may not be accepted but at least you will sleep better at night knowing you tried. This month you need to face reality.you are exactly where you lead yourself. So....what are you going to do about it?
CANCER (21st Jun - 20th)
Dear Cancer, prepare yourself for some changes this month! A change in direction will be presented so you need to surround yourself with like minded positive people who reflect what you desire. Manifestation is strongly influenced by earthly reality.....Risky actions could reap big rewards especially financial ones by the end of the month. The first half of this month brings a few health issues, especially past problems related to the heart or fingers.
LEO ( 21st Jul - 21st Aug)
Do you feel the pull of something major ahead? Now is the time to be logical and get your life ready for what is to come. Firm foundations are needed to keep your destiny strong. More order, less clutter - clean outs and routines are the name of the game this month When it comes to your love life, the first two weeks are littered with misunderstandings and a lack of true clarity of new personalities. don't jump to conclusions in established relationships.
VIRGO ( 22 Aug - 22 Sep )
Things tend to slow down and become more settled within the first three weeks of this month for our Virgo people.After the 22nd, watery emotions seem to take hold. Established relationships have better survival rates with these murky emotional waters your swimming in Virgo. new relationships will need to be handled with care . On the plus side, more money will be flowing into the coffers this month. Just one little hint of warning - Virgos are susceptible to childhood diseases this month - stay clear of chicken pox or whooping cough if you haven't had them previously.....
LIBRA (23rd Sep - 22 Oct )
This month sees Jupiter turn direct in your sign so expect a bit of trial and error. Please do not give up because it will be worth seeing it through!. For you , it is all about self awareness both physically and mentally.Time to learn about your boundaries and limitations. This month brings some wonderful opportunities for major progress if you can keep the rose colored glasses on the mantelpiece!!. This month also sees love taking a back seat and money will now motivate all areas of your life. Anxiety and fear are your bedfellows during June so do not let them win. this is your chance to grow and prosper personally.The only thing holding you back is your pride.
SCORPIO ( 23rd Oct - 22nd Nov)
This month may get just a little bit rocky because it is all about truth.Personal truth. Expect to feel irritated by any person or situation that you believe is not fully up front or that you may suspect to have hidden agendas. Your physical senses are on judgement mode so try and not cause any arguments that you don't need. June could see you making some serious changes in your love life.Never be afraid to admit when your wrong.Honesty starts within....
SAGITTARIUS ( 23 Nov - 20th Dec)
Saturn's retrograde in sag will last till august, so if you have been experiencing major changes....expect more! Learning and living by the seat of your pants is what this month is all about.Rather than dread the changes why not try to embrace them and see the possibilities. optimism can make or break you this month. This month also sees firm relationship interaction.'a friend in need'....... remember that saying.
CAPRICORN ( 21st Dec - 19th Jan)
This is definately the month for fun and games. Let your inner child loose and enjoy. Practical lessons are being planned by the universe for you around mid month, so remember to laugh through them not get frustrated, angry or teary. This is the month to NOT look for all the answers.Sometimes you need to have faith. When it comes to relationships,try to not come on too strong - you are libel to scare people away rather than encourage them to partisipate.