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RAVEN WHISPERS for July 2017

AQUARIUS ( 20th Jan - 18th Feb)

This month sees Pluto slowing things down in the work sector, if your part time then prepare for shortened working hours or less shifts. If your full time self employed, you may have to go out and find work or create your own just to keep things flowing.Saturn and Mars will be harpooning other parts of your life and even Neptune will be pulling in the financial reigns . Expect to spend extra on health related issues. On the plus side, your sex life should be rocking and baby news could be the result especially for those that have issues falling pregnant or have been holding out for an addition. 9 months time should see a whole lot of Aquarian mums or dads...and if your both Aquarian or Aquarian rising - prepare for the possibility of twins!!

PISCES ( 19th Feb - 20 Mar)

This month sees you looking after and focusing on everyone else's needs rather than your own. You may have to take a chance on your finances to reap any rewards. Your OCD seems to be spilling into the relationship sector this month, if you want it to last then you need to stop being so damn picky. Try to lighten up and beware of over indulging this month in response to self imposed stress. I see some over strained ligaments this month for you or your partner, either way, the stench of deep heat or Vix will most likely become your July perfume!

ARIES ( 21st Mar - 20th Apr)

Although this month shows great aspects connected to your money growth, it also warns of potential health problems. Perhaps a visit to the doctor is not such a silly idea....This month will see you being pulled deeper into the working side of your life but be very careful it does not backfire or even explode into your home life. You will need to find a balance as this month progresses rather than work taking a priority.

Teeth could present an issue for you or soft tissue damage to jaws.

TAURUS ( 21st Apr - 20th May)

If you get the chance to upgrade your skill base this month, jump at it. Extra study will definitely help your career in the long term. Neptune will give you the opportunity to improve upon your finances but if you don't put in the effort it will disappear as quickly as it appeared. Health is as good as you allow it to be. If you abuse your body,it will retaliate.try to be health smart this month and cut out the excess fat from your diet...just for a bit please.

GEMINI (21st May - 20 Jul)

Its time to change your career goals or path to fit your current employment. Saturn's entry will help boost your finances but don't overspend.Although the planets seem to be indicating a better health month for you, they also warn that romance in July will be tricky and complicated.Do not take anyone or anything for granted in the romance stakes and be prepared to compromise. Overall, this month you need to take things as they come and be a little introspective.

CANCER (21st Jun - 20th)

Retrograde planets will try their best to make life slower or harder than it needs to be. Adaptability and creative control over projects till the 13th and after the 24th are needed for success.Think outside the box when problems occur and try to be both seen and heard...a tall order for you crabs that always put everyone else first, but every body needs to be special sometimes. Monetary assistance may be needed by a family member or partner during July. Singles are sparkling and drawing in the prospects,why not make the most of your allure and try some new haunts to show off at?

LEO ( 21st Jul - 21st Aug)

For lions this month, your health is excellent. Family issues will come into focus this month, its time to re-evaluate your life path. mid life crises and the 7 year itch could be raging during July for many of you.Work pace is frantic and it is a good time to take a calculated risk on your finances. When it comes to relationships this month, slow is best, so please don't push or they will run.

VIRGO ( 22 Aug - 22 Sep )

The love life of singles is slow this month and feeling pretty stale for the older married couples.Do not be surprised if your inner muse is poking at you to get your attention.Perhaps its time to find some creative space within your life? who knows what skills you will discover you have had hidden.Teamwork and social pandering will be needed at work to try and stay in favor. If you do not step up, someone else will shine.

LIBRA (23rd Sep - 22 Oct )

Health and wedded bliss both take a hit this month, expect arguments and stalemates. Do the best you can to remain calm and not start the next war. Career wise you are finally able to get the recognition you crave so lap it up pussycat.A money windfall could blow you away, as long as you don't forget to take the opportunity offered.

SCORPIO ( 23rd Oct - 22nd Nov)

Saturn and Mars will create issues for you during July when it comes to career and health. Acceptance and conflict seem to be the sea-saw for your sun sign during July, so finding the middle ground is imperative. Balance baby! Small calculated steps are what is being called for now. Jupiter will bring money when it is needed but do not forget to let the universe know, your pride could make things difficult if you don't.

SAGITTARIUS ( 23 Nov - 20th Dec)

Its all about work this month for the Sagittarius people, co-operation is the name of the game. Money will be tighter or become tighter after the 15th so try to stick to your budget early in this month rather than during crises mode. Be prepared to crack open your emergency piggy bank. Although your health is wonderful, your love life is showing some cracks. The question is - are they real or imaginary? You may be asked some harsh questions from loved ones this week,answer honestly.

CAPRICORN ( 21st Dec - 19th Jan)

Oh my! Money issues,health issues,family life issues....this month could find you feeling rather overwhelmed so you need to stay strong and logical. Do not listen to gossip or innuendo.What you have will all fall into place but be prepared to admit when you are wrong. As for work, do not rock the boat right now, or you could end up drenched and swimming back to shore. This is not the time for dare devil stunts.Take care of your body and respect its limitations .

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