Calcite - the misunderstood crystal
Calcite is extremely common in today's society and as such, is mostly overlooked or ignored for its many uses. It is far more connected to the many different facets of earthly life than it is given credit for and as such, is being very under utilizes by the healers and crystal uses of today. It is the building block for many other crystals such as limestone and marble not to forget its "nature connection' ( as stalactites and stalagmites) nor its "water connection" ( being the main constituent in the shells of sea creatures) this makes it a wonderful addition to earth or water crystal magic.

Calcite can be found in a multitude of colours and shapes, all which enhance its potential use within grids and healing layouts. From a magic perpective, calcite enables a gentler, multidirectional and effortless flow of energy rather than the intensity and focused direction a clear quartz would bring into play. It is also wonderful for moving stagnant energy, so If you are having trouble moving forward with different aspects of your life perhaps its time to try something gentler.....