AQUARIUS ( 20th Jan - 18th Feb)
Lately it has seemed that everyone wants a part of you, you are being pulled in a thousand directions at once.Now this month the universe needs you to decide what and who you want to be. Its crunch time. The new moon on the 15th allows you to sow the seeds for the future, it would be very helpful if you knew EXACTLY what you wanted.... Time to put a halt on big spending and tighten that belt a bit.Health sees you needing more sleep and more pampering.Please take time out for you.
PISCES ( 19th Feb - 20 Mar)
Neptune and Jupiter have been looking after you this year and its all been about connections so far. This month is highly auspicious for success. If you have been interested in a workshop or course of study, now is the time. If you have been wondering about that certain someone....well, sign up to that relationship too.....Deep satisfying connections are now possible in so many areas of your life. Time to take that chance. Investing in you is what this month is all about, after all you deserve it.
ARIES ( 21st Mar - 20th Apr)
Aries people are being asked to slow down this month and reaffirm that they have not lost track in their excitement of success. Have a good hard look at yourself and your direction - have you got a little sidetracked along the way? When the new moon comes, be ready with those clear intentions and sow the seeds for your success. now is the time to restrengthen your directions and intentions before you go to far. Taking the time now will save you heaps later on.
TAURUS ( 21st Apr - 20th May)
This month for you is all about communication especially with family members. There are wonderful opportunities for healing past family rifts. It may not go so far as creating the perfect extended family,lovey dovey relationship...but at least there will be the opportunity for forgiveness,acceptance and understanding. Not all families can live together, but at our age, they can respect our right to live differently.
There will be plenty of time on your own this month - make the most of it and view it as a good thing.
GEMINI (21st May - 20 June)
The spotlight is on personal relationships for those born under the sign of Gemini. Its all about learning to trust the unknown. Putting yourself out there is never easy and vulnerability is not your strong suit when it comes to relationships....but now at least, the planets offer you a bit more support in this area and there is no better month to give it a go. One could become two and two could become three....but it takes that first step into the unknown. Relax you purse strings a tad too.you need to be rewarded for the effort you have put in lately.
CANCER (21st June - 20th July)
Self security issues have been highlighted lately for you and you have certainly learnt who you can trust. For one such as you, who gives their whole heart and soul into people and situations, this has been a hard lesson to learn. Detachment is a new skill you are learning to accept which is hard but necessary for cancer.People may take it the wrong way, but your shell is there to be used dear crab.On the 13th there are people of purpose or influence joining forces with you. This could be the start of something BIG. A new direction or purpose. All is not lost, you win in the end and go from strength to strength.
LEO ( 21st Jul - 21st Aug)
Leo...oh to be you this month.... Definitely your month this time around. Everything has the ability to fall into your favor. Lucky stars in all areas of your life and all you have to do is follow your heart. yep, you heard me...this month is all about your needs.whats best for our dear leo peeps. the one and only question this month you need to ask is.....what makes ME happy? relationships, money, health,career.....me, me,me......the 15th would be a good time for a scratchy if your feeling the fingers tingle....
VIRGO ( 22 Aug - 22 Sep )
Virgo I give you - the Golden Touch Month. Rewards for the past 12 years of sacrifice. There are so many opportunities being offered to you this month, you would be well advised to take some of them up rather than looking for ways they may be a trap.This is the turning point for your year.The 10th sees Mars asking you to stand up for yourself. You may need to be selfish in order to move forward. stand tall with pride.speak from your heart and forgive your past self. some of you may need to be careful of argument or clashes on this day. try to be unemotional with your dealings with people then.
LIBRA (23rd Sep - 22 Oct )
By now you should have the answers especially in relation to people and your relationships. people have shown their true colours and culling out the negative influences are essential for future fulfillment especially within your own behavior. Life is normally like a mirror - have you been fair in your dealings with people in the past? did anger cloud your judgement? Its not to late. You may not be able to ask forgiveness of any you have hurt, but you can repair some of the damage you may have inadvertently caused. the universe is watching. Do you really understand how important it is to move on?its not to late to remove that foot from the door to your past. you know...its important to speak the truth,especially to yourself.
SCORPIO ( 23rd Oct - 22nd Nov)
Since the end of March, a quiet healing has been taking place in your life.Now with the new moon on the 15th ,your life is changing gear and runs into career mode. Expect rises,promotions new opportunities and a heavier workload.Being professional,focused and transparent are the keys to your recognition and success. For many, a new job opportunity will be offered, if it is what you have always wanted, go for it. Do not be surprised if interstate or overseas work becomes or is dangled as an incentive.....it may seem like pie in the sky now, but you can make it a reality.It is up to you. this is the new life injection you needed.
SAGITTARIUS ( 23 Nov - 20th Dec)
Now is the perfect month to put all your new found skills to work. Its all about the details, time to show off your skills. You know you are capable of more than you are showing. Any rocky relationships or blockages in this area can finally be understood and dealt with accordingly. If you get the urge to take that cooking course..why not? Thai food is beckoning ...you will need to impress someone with unexpected skills soon.
CAPRICORN ( 21st Dec - 19th Jan)
This month is asking a lot of Capricorn people. You are being encouraged to learn and expose your personal vulnerable side. The 15th brings you new levels of intimacy. its not just about the physical, someone touches your heart, will you let them in? Sometimes we have to take a risk on ourselves before we can take a risk on others. Health issues may leave you unsettled this month especially with lungs and throat and ears.....yep - what don't you want to hear/see/feel???? plenty of vitamin C please.