RAVEN WHISPERS for September 2017

AQUARIUS ( 20th Jan - 18th Feb)
September greets you with a hard month of challenges. It is essentially testing your reserves and your judgement, pushing you to better yourself. Health overall is pretty good, no nasty surprises there for most and as far as romance goes...whoa baby!! passionate interludes are more than just possible, they are highly probable. This is a month where you need to put needs before wants. The extras will come later .
PISCES ( 19th Feb - 20 Mar)
Adapting will become the game changer for you this month. You literally have to move with the times and stay in the loop if you don't want to be left behind. Your Career could get some help from your elders, so remember your manners. acknowledgement and respect can take you a long way. Money could be coming in from overseas and finding itself boosting your bank balance. Around the third week of September, Venus will help move a little romance into your life with possibly two new admirers.One gentle, one dynamic - should be interesting to see who you choose. Health can be a little delicate so be careful.
ARIES ( 21st Mar - 20th Apr)
This month the idea " if in doubt don't" should be firmly etched into your skull. September sees you moving your focus from home to the work arena. Career wise, life is great. There are some real opportunities available to you to think about. Health in itself seems to be wonderful with some niggling issues finally retreating.On the romance front, well, you can't have everything....no hot balloon rides over the valley or midnight pick-nicks on the horizon, but if your lucky you might just get a wink and a nod from your beloved lol. Take what you can get this week.
TAURUS ( 21st Apr - 20th May)
This is a month of healing for you bulls - either healing yourselves or healing others.It could be just as much psychological as physical, I can hear a whole lot of detoxing coming up for someone. Lower the alcohal and smoke intake and balance out your diet please.Headaches may be an issue or injuries to the head and brittle hair or dandruff issues.....if I were you, I would just go and buy a hat.It would be so much easier in the long run!Career slows a bit, perhaps its time to rethink a graceful exit from a situation or problem?Mercury steps in this month to help with your finances, you can expect one week to at least be helpful in this area with a small financial win.
GEMINI (21st May - 20 Jul)
Lethargy could be a real drag for you people this month with lots of sleep needed. Your energy levels can be drained far too fast. This could also take a toll on your emotions being rather weak too so best not make any major decisions on a whim. Energy vampires have you in their sites as an easy target ,so protective shields need to be reinforced daily till the month is over please. Hematite necklace,bracelets AND earrings may be the go! Money is a bit hit and miss this month with the support of partners or family needed at times. Strangely enough, if your a Gemini dancer by profession - then forget everything I just said. your exempt. The dancers can expect a major job offer or opportunity to show off their talents. The only thing that will bug them is blisters .
CANCER (21st Jun - 20th)
Cancerians can enjoy a good month wealth wise in general. There are a few heart or blood pressure issues but nothing that cannot be managed if you are smart not stubborn. I would go so far as to say the health for most will be fantastic!There is a lot of universal background energies at work this month so my best advise is to just go with the flow. You cannot see the whole picture, but the connections run deep. Saturn will assist you in making sound financial decisions this month , so that's another thing you don't have to worry about.The only pickle in the potato patch I can see this month is in the family sector. Things can get very messy if not downright ugly in this area.There may even be a few final separations taking place. choose your battles.
LEO ( 21st Jul - 21st Aug)
September brings extras into your life Leo and this could come in many different forms. A new baby, a marriage, a partnership.....perhaps a new rental home investment.Twins also play a very large part of your life this month, its almost as if they are drawn to you.You will make progress in your work life and your money will have a way of sorting itself out. All in all, its pretty good, the good luck arrives in twos.
VIRGO ( 22 Aug - 22 Sep )
This month is all about family news, good or bad, so be prepared to be supportive and understanding. Keep altering your work objectives so you don't become stale and board. Romance is slow and steady, but at least its there! Even your health this month is rather humdrum..about the only thing with energy in your life this month is the money sector. expect windfalls here. It is good to be able to just relax and not stress you know and this month looks like the perfect time to do just that.
LIBRA (23rd Sep - 22 Oct )
September is a very spiritual month for Libra's. Time to heed your higher self. Medium ship or psychic connections are almost inevitable as your guides are getting rather pushy. Venus arrives and your inner sensual muse will be stimulated, you may surprise yourself with how brazen you will feel. Libra partners may find themselves bringing in the money to assist as Libra may get a little lightheaded from the reality business this month.If your the creative type, enjoy the divine inspiration that will be coming your way. As far as health goes, this month sees you getting better results through yoga or holistic health alternatives rather than the mainstream. Malachite could well become your new best buddy during September. Your just rather connected this month, what can I say. Listen to those guides please.
SCORPIO ( 23rd Oct - 22nd Nov)
Just like Libra, you are rather connected in the spiritual side of things this month. Those with a spiritual career path will go forward in leaps and bounds with huge plans. All your connections this month will be found through spiritual groups or organizations. Finance, love,health....if you need it, it will find you through these groups. Now would also be a good time to think about further study . Blue lace Agate should be your new best companion this month so keep it close.
SAGITTARIUS ( 23 Nov - 20th Dec)
If you can focus your energies on your career this month, it will pay off down the line. Health prospects are just brilliant with many finding relief from long term issues and others finally getting answers. Expect a few bloods to be taken and a few more pills to pop towards the end of the month. Extra money will more likely come through friends rather than windfalls and as for romance, well....I see a lot of chick flicks being watched.....you could take that either way but regardless, stock up on tissues.
CAPRICORN ( 21st Dec - 19th Jan)
Finances need a little assistance this month either from friends or family. Do not be to proud to ask for a little help. Married couples will have a great love life happening during September, with more than just a few having naughty weekends away. Singles, well, you may be asked to mind their kids...what can I say, but be patient. You will need to be careful with your health this month, so no swinging off chandeliers or you could end up with some embarrassing explaining to do. stay warm, eat well and get plenty of sleep.