RAVEN WHISPERS for November 2017

AQUARIUS ( 20th Jan - 18th Feb)
November sees your home life and family responsibilities taking a back seat to matters concerning work. Finances are boring for the first half of the month but should pick up by the last week. Health is delicate during November but that is due to your own self-indulgence in previous weeks. Do not expect a lot of sympathy from your partner…. foot massages will be hard to get just by batting your eyelids or giving halfhearted compliments.
PISCES ( 19th Feb - 20 Mar)
Money is tight during most of this month but not from lack of trying. If you are expecting a cash settlement or part payment from a client, you may have to wait a little longer than you would like. Lovers are easily offended or may feel neglected, so be careful if you don’t want them to step back or leave for a few weeks. Friends however are finally taking center stage in your life, perhaps its jealousy that will cause problems at home. There is a wonderful opportunity in November for career advancement or promotional possibilities. Work is shining a light of pure satisfaction and happiness on you during November. Lap it up pussycat.
ARIES ( 21st Mar - 20th Apr)
Budgeting is very important this month if you want to have a good Christmas in December. Matters relating to family and romance are taking top-priority and definite home satisfaction will be the result. In the work place, team efforts are what will work best. Don’t try and fly solo in group situations, they are looking for team players not team leaders right now.
TAURUS ( 21st Apr - 20th May)
Well November sees your social life really heating up. Everyone wants a piece of you. Travel is indicated during this month as well so don’t even bother unpacking those bags – just leave them hidden in the closet for that next “impromptu” escape…. or rather, adventure! The only real downside for you this month comes in the health arena and that is purely due to over indulgence. If you party hard you will pay for it later – try and at least pretend to measure out the festive fun and pace yourself. Clumsy burn issues are also possible, best have some cold peas in the freezer on standby. Maybe bomb Alaska is not such a hot idea right now…or flaming Lamborghini’s either…play it safe please.
GEMINI (21st May - 20 Jul)
November will be an interesting month for any Gemini couples. The whole month will speed by with you being kept very busy and most definitely on your toes. A possible pregnancy is in the air for couples as well, so if you don’t want to be parents – consider buying a pet!!! In the last two weeks replacement or upgraded white goods may be in the cards or a very large item bought such as a car or house, either way – it’s going to cost you. make friends with your bank manager not just your credit card if possible.
CANCER (21st Jun - 20th)
The month of November will be a very tricky one. Everyone will want a piece of you and quite frankly confusion may be your new middle name. Slow and steady is the only way to proceed this month. Make no sudden moves and bow to your wisest friends and family for advice and counsel. You have a large capacity to love but you will be used and abused if you are not careful. Trying to please everyone will not work this month.
LEO ( 21st Jul - 21st Aug)
November sees you torn between work and home and it will be a hard decision to make. Your biggest health worry will be through anxiety or depression. Time to get a hold of the uncertainty early this month. Start with a good decluttering of your home and yes, that includes paperwork. Feeling a sense of personal achievement may be just what you need to keep your sanity this month. It definitely lasts longer than the wine!
VIRGO ( 22 Aug - 22 Sep )
OK so November is definitely your month. Life just seems to work in your favor. Even lady luck is on your side with personal achievements and accolades. Is that the glitter of a gold statue I see – well, perhaps not, but a medal or certificate may just find its way into your hot little hands. This month also indicates an important financial decision being made which will solidify your long-term needs. Even your personal sex appeal is on high alert…. might as well start calling you Midas this month. Make the most of being right and basking in the spotlight.
LIBRA (23rd Sep - 22 Oct )
Jealousy is set to raise its head this month which could lead to possible arguments with romantic partners. Finances are good enough to keep the wolf from the door during November but health sees some clumsy knocks and bruises especially shins. Partners or family members may get pushy and difficult especially older ones. Possible signs of early dementia may be noticed in parental figures.
Now is not the time to forgo that diet…. your putting on a few extra love handles that may well turn into saddlebags by December…cholesterol could do with a check too. Just saying….
SCORPIO ( 23rd Oct - 22nd Nov)
This is a wonderfully optimistic month for Scorpio people with many undergoing a butterfly like transformation. Health is wonderful in most areas of your life but you may want to practice that whole art of balance. This month indicates a possible new love interest coming into your sights as well, best keep those legs shaved or that bead trimmed…or both!
SAGITTARIUS ( 23 Nov - 20th Dec)
This would not be a good month for a change in career direction unless you like eating crow. The time to make radically changes is coming but not just yet. Religion or spiritual matters are highlighted for all of you, so if anyone was going to argue with a Buddhist monk this month, it would most likely be you! Study would be a good option to relieve the boredom or monotony of life and anything that stimulates and challenges the mind would be perfect.
CAPRICORN ( 21st Dec - 19th Jan)
This month will be a time of emotional healing. Acceptance or forgiveness between family members is a definite possibility but perhaps acceptance of self will be your real breakthrough? It is very important to tie up any loose emotional ends so you can greet 2018 properly when it arrives. Finishing up any old jobs around the home will keep you occupied and satisfied.