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RAVEN WHISPERS for December 2017

AQUARIUS ( 20th Jan - 18th Feb)

Its going to be an interesting month for you all. Motivation is at an all time high but your success depends on your intention...Is it purely for your own sake or are you trying to improve the lot of others? Selfishness will put stumbling blocks in front of you. SELFLESSNESS will see you moving from strength to strength.Career possibilities are strong if you have the right intent as are personal involvements. Singles have the opportunity for company if they so wish. This month really does depend on you. What is pushing you this month? Time for a very heavy self appraisal......

PISCES (19th Feb - 20 Mar)

The love side could not get any better!!!! Married couples have the full support of their partner this month. Confidence is at an all time high as mid month sees major breakthroughs for stubborn love interests....perhaps they finally get it after all?? Long term commitments are possible but only if you strike while the iron is hot. Do not be afraid to tempt them with gifts and attention. Career sees a bit of a stalemate mid month as things do not go the way you wish but it is just a temporary setback - do not be discouraged. Health issues are mild annoyances for you but do not be surprised if there are bigger triggers for family members or love interests. It just gives you the opportunity to shine in the support role. Work it baby!!!

ARIES ( 21st Mar - 20th Apr)

Stubborn issues keep rearing their heads this month. Banks and finance issues are the worst. Try not to let it get to you. Things seem to be just that little bitter harder or take longer than is necessary. Stand up for what you know to be right during December and the new year will fall more in your favor. Ankles and skin issues raise their head, as do diabetic skin issues. Take good care of your health in the first two weeks. This is a wonderful time to remind you that the past remains strongly in the past. You may feel the urge to sugar coat past experiences with people but it is just regret not honesty that fuels the vision. Do not be tempted to repeat past mistakes.

TAURUS ( 21st Apr - 20th May)

Hmm....what can I say...... butting heads seems to be a real skill for you this month. Especially with family members. Try not to be so stubborn and this month will work better for you. Health brings bruises and grazes especially on the shins and elbows, there seems to be a far bit of clumsy reactions coming from you this month, most likely from you trying to push past people and mental situations..... Financially, things may be tighter than you wish but it is all still doable. Your basic plan for surviving the holiday season is a sound one, try to trust yourself more please. There is a major move or house change in store. Be prepared for change.

GEMINI (21st May - 20 Jul)

Depending on how you work this month will determine how well you survive it. On one hand, things are definitely working on your favor - small wins, people seeing your point of view, somehow you just seem to be able to land on your feet....until your doubt yourself. Then its CRASH city!!!!! Mid month could turn upside down if you lose your MOJO. Please stay positive remember even little wins are still wins. Watch the drinking this month as alcoholic exposure could hurt you in more ways than one and if you don't want a little person in 9 months then please don't throw caution to the wind. Repetitive numbers and deja vu experiences are rampant this month for you.

CANCER (21st Jun - 20th)

argh....its actually a pretty good just have trouble seeing it. You need time to look after you. Stop getting carried away by what you cannot achieve and try to appreciate what you do have going. This is the month to let others take the lead for Christmas. Its just a date after all. Next year you can go all out, this year try and take a back seat. Your health is not at its best. You need more sleep and less stress. Everything gets done regardless of what you do. Step back.....NOW. Let what will be, be. Major health issues are still on the front of the issues list, give them the time they need to be dealt with. Finalize all legal issues this month so that there is nothing for you to worry about.

LEO ( 21st Jul - 21st Aug)

Love is at an all time high. If you want to go all out and spoil your partner rotten....then go ahead. It will pay off in spades. happy partner, happy you!. Health corespondents with partners happiness, so its a win win situation. Stay away from spicy or Mexican foods this month, it just will not agree with you. Health issues are only sparked by what you ingest so please be careful. Family members need you to stand up for them as they cannot be heard. You are the strong one, work it baby and it will pay off next year. Money sees a lot going out on future needs but it will pay off later down the track, just do what is necessary to keep everyone happy for now.

VIRGO ( 22 Aug - 22 Sep )

Double standards seem to be the thing to raise your temper to boiling point. Work is not what you want and nor does the romance issues show a high return. Try to keep your cool and you have a better chance of others making the mistakes. Gossip and speculation seem to be rather high on your radar so be careful not to be involved. This is definitely the month to stay in the background and let others screw things up. Saying that however, I need to point out the opportunity for you to find your true balance. This is a month where you can make the difference to your own outcome. Don't be drawn into the issues of others and you may well make this month work for you yet.

LIBRA (23rd Sep - 22 Oct )

Libra. You are about to lose someone very important to you. What can you do to save the situation? A little bit of effort on your behalf could make a world of difference. This month sees you cutting off your nose to spite your face but it is not to late. There is a lot of frustration - what are you missing? Mid month is the cutoff for making amends to those that you have shite on. People that have had your back for years need to be acknowledged. It will take effort...a lot of effort. but true friends are hard to find - you know this to be true. Long term plans will gather momentum and a long held dream will finally come closer to fulfillment. The bigger question for you will be - at what cost? Your health dictates your mental acceptance of choice. If you want to make positive change, then you are the only one able to do so. There is also some negativity that is hiding under the guise of passive friendships. time to make a difference.

SCORPIO ( 23rd Oct - 22nd Nov)

The sting in your tail has a lot to answer for!!!! Putting people in their place is not what the spirit of Christmas is all about. The first two weeks are all about doubting people and their intentions. Make sure you have evidence before you point the finger. The second half of the month has a totally different feel. Its a wonderful time for starting new projects and being direct with your intentions especially in regards to other people. Do not accept less than what you are worth. Social situation will work to your advantage. There will be an opportunity to shine, so make the most of it.

SAGITTARIUS ( 23 Nov - 20th Dec)

The start of this month is all about you and your future goals. Do not be afraid to strive higher than you normally would as the world is your oyster. Speaking of oysters - try and stay away from the seafood this Christmas, allergies or food poisoning may be your undoing. I will even go so far as to say do not buy anything from the back of a truck this month as cutting corners is what will get you into trouble. Play by the rules and that should see you out on top. Romance in the first week is at an all time high with possibilities and chance encounters. Go a little.

CAPRICORN ( 21st Dec - 19th Jan)

This month will be a real gamble on yourself. Can you strive for the higher path and see what your intentions bring you. Gossip and lies are circulating but if you manage to ignore the lairs and troublemakers than you should be ok. Money is not as good as I would like but the end of the month is a real eye opener for you. Truth and clarity and good fortune will fall on you with a huge thump. I would not be surprised if an overseas trip or large money influx finds its way to your life. A life long dream or goal is within your reach this month, try and take the bull by the horns and turn that dream into a reality. Start preparing yourself for the new life that awaits you in 2018. Its up to you.

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