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RAVEN WHISPERS for January 2018

AQUARIUS ( 20th Jan - 18th Feb)

So January will send you a fair amount of challenges it seems, but they are all ones that you will gain knowledge from, that you will then be able to use to your advantage later in the year. If you can think of them more as information gathering exercises rather than obstacles , then you will be four steps ahead of everyone else. Health issues may present you with some long term decisions to be made for down the track. Ideas of foreign travel or business connections may waft through your mind this month, but everything is only at the ideas stage. China or Asian influences my keep popping up and those with past life connections to those lands may have a fair bit of dejavou after the 12th. Your keyword for this month is " LEARNING". Learning about who you are and what you really want from life. Interpersonal relationships will also come under the magnifying glass during January. One more thing - be careful in the kitchen........

PISCES ( 19th Feb - 20 Mar)

Family hits the spotlight for the pisces people during January.There is a lot of energy around anything to do with improving this side of your life and trying to protect what is important to you most. Healthwise issues may develop with possible bladder infections or issues with tear ducts or eyes for men. Menopausal women may spend more time crying than yelling this month......happy tears, sad tears, confusing tears.....husbands and partners be warned ! flowers,chocolate,wine...even a sappy card could be your saving grace.

ARIES ( 21st Mar - 20th Apr)

January will be a time for broadening your horizons, either spiritually, academically or on a long journey. Either way January see's you expanding your awareness and growing personally. This will assist you in creating new and exciting opportunities during the later part of the year. Keep your eyes and ears open for a Bali connection as well. Overall a lot of personal wins this month in the bigger scheme of things. Health concerns see you prone to wrist issues, perhaps some time away from the computer would be advantageous? not a bad way to start the year.

TAURUS ( 21st Apr - 20th May)

Taurus people are in for some huge breakthroughs this month. Purpose and destiny is involved. Many of you will have epiphanies and find your true calling. Run with the wonder that is life this month.Spending time near water will be highly beneficial for the soul .If you can find your true calling this month, then you will be well on your way to achieving those goals by years end. Endings are inevitable, but they do make way for a better quality of life this year overall.

GEMINI (21st May - 20 Jul)

Ups and downs, spurts of indecision followed by massive energetic breakthroughs....its all happening for the Gemini contingent this month.Be prepared for a rollercoaster ride of emotions. If you can harvest those creative flashes of genius that would be fantastic. Healthwise , this buzz of activity and swift changes in direction could indicate a lot of silly problems - scrapes,bruises and the like as well as sleeping issues. Try to find your inner peace whenever you can. Selenite,rose quartz and sea jasper ( not dalmation jasper ) or perhaps moss agate may be called into action. Personally, I would stay away from carnelian or ruby as it will may activate aggression rather than progress . Getting along with people may not be the easiest or smoothest of rides so try not to take things personally.

CANCER (21st Jun - 20th)

Consolidation and change is in the air...perhaps not straight away but definitely looming on the horizon. Make the most of this month and glide through it, watching more so than frantic action. Family issues and time are rather important so make them a priority. Romance is strong for cancerians this month and singles may find themselves more attractive to potential partners. This month is allowing you to set the tone for your year, make the most of it. Vision boards and manifestations will be far more successful done on or after the 11th. Seriously consider decluttering people and objects from your life that no longer serve your greater good.You are not the person you were in 2017 but you do have the potential to be all you wish to be in 2018. It all starts now. Do not waste the opportunity.

LEO ( 21st Jul - 21st Aug)

Dear Leo - there is a lot going on in your life that has yet to manifest ! Plans and organization is all important this month, do not be waylaid by the opinions or political agendas of others.Expect lots of paperwork and conversations with colleagues and co-workers this month. There are a few surprises looming, but you can take them in your stride, in fact, you can make them work to your benefit. Relationships take the spotlight towards the end of the month where a lot of fast talking may be needed to keep things afloat.This is a month where you will be able to accumulate a lot of answers. This is NOT the month to actually use that information for outward change.

VIRGO ( 22 Aug - 22 Sep )

The Virgo's of the world seem to be on their own schedule this month. Do not be surprised if you all feel a little out of step with everyone else. Discipline may be very hard to maintain and to be perfectly honest, I would be keeping those new years resolutions in check until chinese new year - you will have a better chance of succeeding. When work is needed, you want to party. When sleep is needed, you may well be climbing the walls searching for fellow playmates. Try to keep your head occasionally out of the clouds and rely on finding your own enjoyment to survive this month.Perhaps spend time in a gym or take up marathon will need something to keep that energy focused without annoying the rest of us.

LIBRA (23rd Sep - 22 Oct )

Changes and alterations to your living environment for the better seem to dominate this first half of January. You seem more at ease to open up to people this month, so expect to be seeking out company more than normal.Past life flashbacks may be annoying, but they may well be a warning that should not be ignored. Explore your creative side after the 15th and a long term goal may become more of a reality before the month ends. Psychic intuition is rather high for you this month so do not be afraid to trust your gut, especially when it comes to people. Expect small, quiet wins this month. You definitely need to be the tortoise not the hare during january.

SCORPIO ( 23rd Oct - 22nd Nov)

Somebody certainly lit a fire under your bed scorpio because there seems to be a lot of extra activity in the first two weeks. Your life seems to still be on overdrive so be careful that you do not burn others out around you as you progress.Communication at work and home is at a premium, make the most of being heard. Security issues become a problem around the 18th so take care of yourself and belongings around that time. Extra locks or cutting back trees may be needed just to deter would be thieves.The last week of the month brings your career into the spotlight with possible choices needed to be made.

SAGITTARIUS ( 23 Nov - 20th Dec)

Money Issues are the main topic of consideration for you this month.Financial stability seems to take a much stronger hold so perhaps a visit to a financial counselor is not a silly idea. Expect a lot of changes in this area.Signing of contracts are also possible as are any financial legal paperwork. Perhaps a change in banks may be needed to yield better results.By mid month, your mind changes focus from finances to personal value reassessments! This is the month for setting the groundwork, what are you waiting for?

CAPRICORN ( 21st Dec - 19th Jan )

This is a wonderful month for Capricorn people as you finally have Jupiter moving direct for the first time in years in your birth chart ! So many planets working in your favor - the sky is the limit.Opportunities and unexpected good luck will be hounding your every step this whole year so start planning big this month and reset your life to hit the greatest heights. You may have a hard time containing your restless energy, but I would just be chaneling that into exercise and watch your physical form take the shape you have been trying for. Not everyone will be able to keep up with your changes so expect a few emotional issues towards the very end of the month. Quite frankly ,if you shine much brighter this month - I may have to buy shades !

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