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RAVEN WHISPERS for February 2018

AQUARIUS ( 20th Jan - 18th Feb)

( wolf energy)

Nothing much to report on the health side for you people this month but unfortunately the same can not be said for family matters. Expect a lot of issues to raise their head with immediate and/or extended family members. Patience and compassion will be required.Finances are looking good with assistance from your partner and you could expect to experience a personal push within the career aspect of your life. hard work will bring results.Now is the time to really move your dreams closer to becoming reality.

PISCES ( 19th Feb - 20 Mar)

( bullfrog energy)

Finances can be improved by thinking outside the box and taking an educated leap of faith. You will be asked to become more vocal and take a bit of chance on yourself.There will be a lot of exposure to large groups this month which could result in a mental drain but a financial gain.Health is looking pretty good overall with some past issues finally improving.Don't expect to see a lot of your partner this month as they are going to be pretty busy following their own dreams and you may feel like you will be taking a backseat in the relationship during February.

ARIES ( 21st Mar - 20th Apr)

( ant energy)

Although money looks wonderful for you this month, there will be a lot of hard work involved . Tensions could run high with family members or love interests and you will need to be super diplomatic during this month. Pregnancy issues from previous month could see an improvement, but overall, health issues are only just passable.Take good care of your diet and stress levels this month please. Many Aries people will look at starting their own business or career this month with wonderful results.

TAURUS ( 21st Apr - 20th May)

( wasp energy)

Lots of all the right sort of planets are assisting you this month. Venus is swooping in offering singles a healthy ego boost and you should see your social calendar filling up quick with opportunities. Expect some financial help from family members especially with big ticket items or wonderful advise.As for health, I am not expecting to hear any major complaints but rather, I expect to see some wonderful advances in this area for long term issues. Lawyers should see some dramatic events and opportunities in their chosen field. Most people will be moving out of your way and allow you to achieve your goals.

GEMINI (21st May - 20 Jul)

(snail energy)

Health issues could raise their head this month with lethargy being a big annoyance. You need to slow down this month and plod along at a snails pace.Expect a few blockages in the career sector as well. Not a good month for any obvious fast movement. let everyone else run around like a chook without their head and surprisingly enough you wont be far behind where you need to be at months end !Its about commitment and loyalty and determination for you this month.

CANCER (21st Jun - 20th)

(kookaburra energy)

Money will seem tight until the 16th when things will start to free up again. Balancing the budget by yourself could be a problem, thank goodness you have great family support in this area when needed. Many will find a new job or workplace this month which will be ideal for you and your Career may take a real turn during February with some new avenues being explored. Now is a great time to take work risks in new areas or environments. Home life may get a bit stressful but your beautiful nurturing energy well equips you to overcome any problems in this area. Now is not the time to doubt, but rather, the time to take bold new steps.

LEO ( 21st Jul - 21st Aug)

(monkey energy)

This month there is a lot of high energy nervous chatter within your life. Like the monkeys in the trees, you will be swinging from ideas and objectives all month, with just a little quiet time from the 16th till the 19th....everyone needs to rest sometime. After the 19th should see a re-flowing of coins into the coffers.There will be a lot of push to get things done and see results so be careful not to alienate those around you in your quest for results - especially with full time partners . Use your high energy and drive for good results in the career sector.

VIRGO ( 22 Aug - 22 Sep )

(donkey energy)

This month sees you digging your heals in on more than one occasion. Those of you with creative occupations will see a wonderful opportunity arise but for the rest of you, you will need to dig in deep and put your own spin on things to attract the money gods. Originality will be the key to financial success.When it comes to romance, things could get a bit rocky as you get more picky. Health is also going to be rather annoying I am afraid.Expect lots of blisters on those feet.

LIBRA (23rd Sep - 22 Oct )

(flamingo energy)

Like the flamingo - you will certainly stand out in the love and romance stakes this month. Romance will be at its peak with many singles finally choosing a partner.Health and diet should be evaluated and possibly yoga or Pilates incorporated for a kick start in that area.This month is more about happy lifestyle choices rather than major career moves. Its time you remembered what life is all about.

SCORPIO ( 23rd Oct - 22nd Nov)

(salmon energy)

Venus, Uranus and Neptune are all effecting your love life so this could make for a very interesting month.You can expect passion, emotion and surprises in this sector. Finances come to a bit of a standstill around the 19th so you will need to work a little bit harder and tighten your belt around this time. Please just watch the spending so it doesn't get out of control. Health could be a little bit of a drag for you this month, possibly too much energy used to quickly. try to not overdo things and listen to your body this month.

SAGITTARIUS ( 23 Nov - 20th Dec)

( hummingbird energy)

This month will see a flurry of activity for Sagittarius people. You have the ability to get a lot done in a short amount of time. Personal doubt may come into play but you can kick that to the curb because everything will work out for the best if you stay focused.Finances will be boosted by mid month which will take a little bit of the pressure off as well. social contacts around the 16th will also open up a lot of avenues for you. Health wise, try not to overdo or overthink things. Remember to take time out to breath and rest those wings! This month is all about the prep-work, so even though you have your eye on the prize, make sure you take the steps necessary to reach it.

CAPRICORN ( 21st Dec - 19th Jan)

(butterfly energy)

Finances are looking pretty good for this month with a few financial surprises and health is also going to be wonderful overall. This month could a pretty cruisey month if you let it.For many of you, things will just seem to fall into place better , so I expect to see a lot more smiling and a lot less complaining coming from your sector this month.Love life may not be ringing any major bells but, not really an area you could complain about either, so sit back and enjoy.

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