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The year of the EARTH DOG and you !

Wondering how the year of the Earth dog will effect you personally over the year? Well here are a few little snippets to get you thinking.

If you are....

A RAT: Optimism will be running high this year for you with the overall prospects looking much better than they have for years.Relationships are moving forward with many new engagements being announced as the year progresses. Many rat people will find themselves moving house which will bring far more benefits than they expected.

An Ox:

During the earth year, the stubborn streak of Ox people will be causing havoc. This will be a year where you will need to learn how to compromise and not let your pride stand in the way of progress.

A Tiger:

The year of the Earth dog will bring some wonderful major changes for you. If you put in the effort needed, you will be well rewarded.Remember not to leave loyal friends behind in your quest for success. Those that have cried with you in the past, should be allowed to cheer with you in the future.

A Rabbit:

This is a foundation year for the rabbit with a lot of potential being offered in the following year.Focus on building and maintaining your financial reserves and avoid extravagance. The following years successes will rely on your efforts this year.

A Dragon:

This year will be rather humdrum and possibly even monotonous. This is not the year for you to break out of your safety zone. This year is best for making plans and establishing goals for future opportunities.

A Snake:

Previous projects need to be finished off this year or the opportunity may well be lost. Enjoy your successes as they occur but be careful not to get to cocky.Anything unfinished by the end of the earth dog year will remain so.

A Horse:

This is a fairly enjoyable year ahead for those born in the year of the horse. Competition will be strong and there will be a lot of possible successes. Adventurous holidays should be planed and your close friend circle should swell in numbers. Overall a highly sociable and enjoyable time can be had.

A Sheep:

There will be a few new situations this year with many moving to new areas or starting new careers and you may find yourself being regulated to the shadows in your friends and families lives.You will need to step out of those shadows yourself and be the one to make first contact. Do not expect people to notice you if you do not stand in the light.

A Monkey:

This year will be a roller coaster of plot twists for you. Some of your ambitions may well be realized but thing rarely go smoothly. The end result should be better than you had hoped so the struggles should pay off.

A Rooster:

Rivalry is rife this year for you but final outcomes should be in your favor. Expect shaky domestic situations and personal relationships throughout the year to almost spontaneously erupt. weather the storms and you should be able to keep it all together.

A Dog:

This year will be highly successful both at work and at home. This will be a year where you can put forward your ideas and be heard AND listened to.Staying determined on your path will bring many rewards for you this year unless you are a fire dog. Fire dogs could allow their pride to get in the way of community benefit.

A Pig:

Major changes are not too far away, so this is the year when planning should be taking place.It may be a new home, new job or even the arrival of a new family member.Spend this year thinking like a scout and be prepared. The year should fly by for you, decorating the spare room would be a great way to spend your free time.

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