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RAVEN WHISPERS for April 2018

AQUARIUS ( 20th Jan - 18th Feb)

This month could leave you feeling continually off balance. There will be lots of second guessing and self doubt this month and you are particularly sensitive to remarks and energy snubs. You would do well not to over react to situations but err on the side of caution. if in doubt - ask. never assume. You have a quiet determination and strength to you that really needs to be harnessed if you are going to pull off big wins this month. Health issues for you will be connected to the water works..kidneys,urinary tract infections.....that sort of thing.

PISCES ( 19th Feb - 20 Mar)

Magic and manifesting is your strong suit this month Pisces. never stop dreaming - in fact - dream bigger. Whatever your long term goals have been, this is the month to see some true results or clear pathways to attain them. Those that have been having difficulty budging those last kilos or stuck in a rut could see some improvement from past efforts .You can breathe life into longing this month. expect to keep falling on your feet in the luck department. In fact, I would go to so far as to say that there could be a big lottery winner this month from one of my Pisces readers.... The only negative in all this optimism and good fortune is possibly losing focus on the importance of what you already have.By the end of the month, do not let your head get to big for your doorways.....

ARIES ( 21st Mar - 20th Apr)

Apparently it is a personal month to be had for all Aries people. April brings a lot of the selfish side to the surface, but in an important way. This is not the month that you want to be walked over or forgotten.You can expect a lot of retrospection over the course of this month and there will be the need to be noticed and heard, appreciated and applauded. Expect to stand in the spotlight.This month is all about protecting what is rightfully yours - in possessions,emotions and even family members. You will stand up and demand to be recognized. Aries may be confronted by some aggression from males but stand your ground and allow your intellect and instincts to win through.

TAURUS ( 21st Apr - 20th May)

April sees the typical Taurus leaping forward toward their life goals. Plenty of successes both minor and major are in store. This is the month to work smart not hard - alliances shall be formed and commitments and agreements will be made. The trade offs you make this month may not be as balanced as we would like, but there will be time enough to fix that later. Right now, its all about locking in others favors. You will not always be looking before you leap, but it is just your gut you are listening too this month.April 15th is your biggest drama day with things just not at all as they would seem. Do not accept gifts from strangers on this day, you may just end up with fools gold and dust.

GEMINI (21st May - 20 Jul)

Using the energies this month to stand up for yourself is great, just be careful to not step on anyone's toes that you care about along the way as this month gives you tunnel vision.Writers,actors and artisans off all types will do well this month, with the Muses weaving their magic. Expect some nice reviews or localized public praise to come from it....something for the scrapbook for sure. You will be inspired to create change in your everyday surroundings . It is important this month that you do not rely on others for your success. Your best bet is to handle everything yourself and follow through with your own plans. Venus will get in on the act too by the end of the month and we may have some of cupids arrows hitting unexpectant targets.

CANCER (21st Jun - 20th)

All the planetary action will hit Cancerians rather hard this month. Emotional dysfunction will be prevalent as you will tend to second guess everything and everyone.Just when you think you have it worked out, someone will throw a spanner in the works. You need to really focus on whats important to you in order to get the best out of April. Withdraw if you must, back to your roots. Keep it to the basics of what you know and love. Children will give you the most security and comfit and your sense of direction will be maintained via your partner or best bud. On the plus side, there are some really amazingly good things happening for those that you love and this will have a flow through effect for you.

LEO ( 21st Jul - 21st Aug)

This month is a very selfish month for Leo's. This is the month were you allow your inner child to have a voice. There may be some surprised co-workers or family friends but its a good thing. This is the month where you work WITH the planets and retrogrades and allow yourself to find the balance in your life that was lacking. Gentle connections with others will be established and you will get that recognition you deserve. Step softly but surely Leo, and you will make progress. Money should flow evenly during April and health should also improve after the first two weeks.

VIRGO ( 22 Aug - 22 Sep )

April brings with it lots of odd changes and sudden decisions for you. You will not always find these easy, and you may tend to rub people up the wrong way but cannot make an omelette without breaking a few eggs, right? The 11th will see your life doing a total 160 degrees turn, so be prepared. This would be a great month for always having a plan B in place....maybe even a plan C.By the 20th , things will settle down again and you will have to accept change. Better buckle up Virgo, yours will be the bumpy roller coaster ride for sure.

LIBRA (23rd Sep - 22 Oct )

This week is definitely in the favor of women ( or if you have a powerful woman in your corner, use that wisdom this month to your advantage) There will be a lot of dominance and power in this month. Do things properly always or fear the wrath of a strong, smart, sassy Libran female. ( seriously, do not mess with them this month.they are impatient for results) First half will see financial woes but all in a good cause. April 15th, dream big where your heart is concerned ( this could be a long held dream or goal finally being within your grasp) This is a good month for winning the more important needs in your life. Business woes can also be whipped into shape this month by the 17th so hold your ground.

SCORPIO ( 23rd Oct - 22nd Nov) Just have to touch everything - this could get you into trouble. Not everybody will see things the same way and you could be in for a lot of extra trouble if you are not careful... Please remember, not everything is about you. Expect to ward off unwanted advances from the opposite sex.Allow others to do their job or sort out their own life. Watch out for over spending and jumping without looking. Health wise, I am expecting finger issues - sprains,strains or broken digits. Just watch, this month you will get your coats stuck in doors, hair caught in car or train windows and fingers caught in everything.... this is the universal way to say slow down. No major decisions should be made by you till the very end of the month or you may end up regretting your haste.This is not the time to push for money increases or power struggles. Be prepared to accept major change on the 20th.

SAGITTARIUS ( 23 Nov - 20th Dec)

Passions inflame this month, your self confidence is going to get a wonderful boost. Personal look changes - new haircuts , tattoo or clothing style could well be in the cards. There are wonderful new opportunities with this new you feel. Group activities will allow your brilliance to shine and gain extra respect and approval from your peers. I am liking the way the energies are once again working in your favor. Money troubles are a pain in the butt this month, you may need to reign it in or find yourself short by the end of the month. This whole month has a basic , easy flow feel to it for you if you stay out of trouble. This is also a good month for creating some personal time that you have been lacking lately. April 15th is wonderful for anything creative that you undertake and in the final days of this month , singles may finally discover that love at first sight really is a thing !!

CAPRICORN ( 21st Dec - 19th Jan)

This month is all about relationships, having fun and flaunting what you got!! You will feel drawn to the spotlight on more than one occasion - enjoy it. Try not to forget family in the mix though. Not everyone will be able to appreciate your energy. The 11th could see you surprising everyone with your life choices. Money will be tighter than I would like but if you budget wisely at the start of the month , it should work in your favor. Mortgage issues or accommodation issues may be the biggest drama you face that will be hard to overcome, next month should see that improve. Health issues will be less if you remember to get into nature more often. I am feeling conflict with an older family member so remember to be respectful if you want to avert displeasure.

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