AQUARIUS ( 20th Jan - 18th Feb)
There is are a lot of tears this month.You will be very off balanced again during May, simply because you feel the vulnerability of life and the lack of your control over it. welcome to real life Aquarius. it is not always pretty. There are lessons to be learn this month and it will take a leap of faith for you to make the right connections.There will be a lot of focused anger, pain and confusion that will overwhelm you from all directions if you do not take care from day one. well look at you - your emphatic side is coming to the surface - no, its not menopause or pregnancy, its humanity. If you can turn your new found knowledge into a practical solution, the world would appreciate your help.
PISCES ( 19th Feb - 20 Mar)
You will be with the lucky ones this month getting to walk down life's red carpet,where life's issues will not affect you as much as others in a direct manor. You may have to listen to a lot of whining though, but that's better than having to LIVE their dramas - yes?There will be many storms this month both physically and emotionally that will come into play around you. Somehow, you manage to squeeze through the gaps of trouble. I would really like you to stay away from large planes this month if possible, it could be your only major downfall.especially silver ones..... ( for those of you in the armed forces, or the aircraft industry, sorry. You will need to listen to your gut each day and take appropriate action). Creative types will hear the muses call and discover new passions of expression. Its something the world needs.
ARIES ( 21st Mar - 20th Apr)
This month sees you having difficulties with priorities. Family needs and expectations will be overshadowing your personal advancement desires. Try and change your focus from allowing this situation with family to annoy you and turn it around to allow forgiveness of long held resentment you may be still carting around. This month may seem tumultuous and frustrating for you but only if you allow it . It is actually giving you the opportunity to release and forgive and move forward if you can just remove your emotions from the situation and look at it from a new perspective. This is a re-birthing month for many,hopefully it will be for you too.
TAURUS ( 21st Apr - 20th May)
This month will be far less traumatic for you Taurus people than for the rest of us. It looks like its you and Pisces getting the red carpet treatment from life. The planets are far more mutable for your personality attributes so it should be more positive than negative this month.You may notice a heightened sense of insight and intuition that you would do well to follow. Things will work out just that little more in your favor. Do not be surprised if people are either overly clingy or overly argumentative...either way, they are very jealous and have no idea why you sway their emotions so badly! You are going to be an emotional magnet - just remember to use your power for good * smile*.Travel is also in the cards for this month and relationships of all kinds will develop into new levels.Older couples may even start to contemplate marriage.....
GEMINI (21st May - 20 Jul)
Money issues seem to be holding you back this month. Time to try something new. Don't allow yourself to only focus on the amounts you have but rather on finding new ways to achieve prosperity. After all, it could just be that you are getting stale and goodness knows a challenge is far more appealing if there is money involved. This month sees you standing on the fence a lot regarding your own direction and needs but overly outspoken when it comes to the needs of others.....beware of physical responses to shut you up.......yep, that is right, push the wrong person this month and you may get more than you bargained for and learn a hard lesson.There is a lot of aggression running rampart this month and you need to step carefully with strangers or old, long term combatants.
CANCER (21st Jun - 20th)
Changes cannot be avoided this month, and you feel things more deeply than most.You may have a tendency to keep looking at the difficulties rather than the doorways that are being presented to you during this month. You are also overly sensitive to the energetic misery and frustration that will be globally flowing this month......listen very carefully to what I have to say. You do not have to take on the miseries of the world . You have the ability to rise up to all the challenges and changes ahead. It is entirely possible, and advisable, to keep your distance from mankind's mental and emotional entanglements. These personal changes are in your best interests and will open up new wonders and opportunities for you. This is not the end but rather , glimpses of a brand new life for you and you have well and truly earned them. this month, you are more of a hermit crab that needs to move into a bigger more practical ( yet homely) shell!Time to move up in the world. you are about to open an unexpected new chapter of your life...
LEO ( 21st Jul - 21st Aug)
You seem to be far more people orientated this month Leo. A New mentor will find their way to your door, be ready to take up the challenge. Old friends may resurface and new ones will join them, so if it was company you were yearning for, you will most definitely have that and then some. Group activities will also be in your sights which will assist with maintaining health levels. The last half of this month sees you banding people together for a common good. Please make sure your home and contents insurances are up to date as I feel some wild weather ( specifically falling trees) causing issues.
VIRGO ( 22 Aug - 22 Sep )
This month for you is all about finding answers to life's questions.You will feel the urge to make radical changes , possibly even on a bigger scale. Your humanities button has been pushed big time and there will be no rest for the wicked.Now is a wonderful time for learning....about everything. Talk to exports, research, seek out the truth and make those changes.... the world needs everyone's help. This month could see a Virgo making an international difference or discovery.Spiritually enlightened Virgos will be making radical decisions or removing themselves for times of sequestered inner truth searches.
LIBRA (23rd Sep - 22 Oct )
The first two weeks of this month is pretty blah. boring as old socks. if you suffer from weather or seasonal depression, then this will not be a fun ride.Frustrating too, did I mention that? Or is that just how you are viewing it..... I am not sure if you are just really good at expressing the weather or if you are creating it??.You will need to be your own best friend this month because the 15th sees a major dip in the global community that could bring you down even further. This could either snap you out of your mood or leave you second guessing EVERYTHING. You have some wonderful talents that you could utilize to aid those affected adversely by life's fickle fingers. Use this time to pull yourself together and use your skills to aid humanity. You know you feel better when you are needed, and when you can tell others how to achieve the seemingly impossible!!
SCORPIO ( 23rd Oct - 22nd Nov)
This month could bring new energy your way in the form of a friend,child,pet or lover. Time for you to relearn all the innocence of youth and boost that confidence you have been lacking of late. Learning a new skill could be unexpectedly on the cards and possibly a change in employment conditions or limitations. If you where missing having a bff, then that could totally change this month with like minded individuals coming out of the woodwork. A new life skills book could be your next go-to resource for surviving life. soak it up like a sponge and teach a few others your new understanding of the workings of life....I hear a blog coming on. Towards the end of the month, there will be a financial injection that will be most handy.
SAGITTARIUS ( 23 Nov - 20th Dec)
This month is far more career orientated for you. Contacts are highly important ( even when you think they have done their dash) Your career prospects will depend on who you know rather than your skills and desires alone. Any challenges you encounter should be seen as hurdles to jump rather than paths to be avoided. There are new opportunities coming, grasp them with both hands and keep plodding along. you will get there...eventually. Now is the time to show everyone your sweet side and old fashioned values.Possibly some legal connections or advise needed towards the end of the month. nothing bad, just necessary.
CAPRICORN ( 21st Dec - 19th Jan)
You have lesson to learn this month, so less talk and more listening. Surround yourself with like minded individuals and look for your mentor to stand out of the crowd. Younger people will be looking up to you as well, so be prepared to aid, assist and guide those less experienced than yourself. We all have to start somewhere and we should all give back along the way. I see many of you joining a meditative global " moment" sometime after the 15th. The world is changing and you can either be the medicine or the germ....which will it be? Take some time out if you need to think about that answer....somewhere in nature, just to put things back into perspective for you.