AQUARIUS ( 20th Jan - 18th Feb)
Key word: Focus.
Crystals for July: Jasper.
This month sees you walking with your head in the clouds. Opportunities for connections and advancement will be available if you watch for them. Daydreaming may be your undoing during July. Finances do see a lot of outgoings approaching, so best prepare yourself this month. Family issues could raise their head.It would be best to be diplomatic and humble when they occur or the backlash could be epidemic. This month could see a permanent parting of the ways if not handled correctly.Health issues include joint pains and migraines. Learning mindfulness may not be a silly thought for you.
PISCES ( 19th Feb - 20 Mar)
Key word: Obstacle
Crystal for July: Selenite
Partner support is at a premium this month for all married or long term couples. Financial improvements and possible small windfalls are indicated. Respiratory issues may be the only health setback - coughs, colds,sniffles and sneezes....that sort of things. Weight loss at least will work in your favor as well all though that may just be a fluke. Energy levels are also lower than I would like to see - garnets and carnelians could be carried to assist this. I would like to say it would be smooth but there may be a few grumbles to overcome. Expect obstinate work comrades or incidents.
ARIES ( 21st Mar - 20th Apr)
Crystals for July: Clear Quartz Points.
The sky is the limit for you this month.
July holds so much possibility and adventure for those that take the leap....notice that - I said TAKE the leap. Effort is needed to achieve change this month in all areas of your life especially work. If you do not put in the effort you will be overlooked again by the world in general and by the end of the month you will be disgruntled and frustrated. But we are not going to let that happen, are we????NO...say it with me...N......O....determination, focus and intent are what you will be using to get ahead this month and make changes. The 27th will provide a major shift in your future path.
Many will be experiencing a change of accommodation or living arrangements,,temporarily, wait to unpack, not all your past has a place in the new life. Health issues may include thinning of the hair and thickening of the skin ( the last could be more of an emotional response rather than a physical ailment).
Finances appear to be sluggish and slightly more out than in this month, sorry.
TAURUS ( 21st Apr - 20th May)
July focus: Loyalty and rewards.
July Crystal: Red Jasper
Slow and steady wins the race - during July it would seem that you will beat many to the winning post. The 17th and 18th are looking quite promising. Determination and dedication pay off this month. Money increases steadily from day one and your love life certainly keeps you in the spotlight for couples and long term partners. If you were waiting for a ring, this may well be the month you get that bling. July has a very comfortable feel to it for you as if things have always just been this way. There are accommodation wins for you as well with house sales or purchases.July could prove you to be the quiet achiever in your group.
GEMINI (21st May - 20 Jul)
July crystals: Rose Quartz
July focus: Romance.
July is pretty upbeat. Romantic issues will take center stage. The 14th sees a vast improvement in the love stakes. Many will be thinking of settling down or moving in with their partner. This month is about stabilizing and making long term decisions and commitments. Expect some long term friends to move further away. Rental properties will also be considered or long term investments. Those with anxiety issues could have setbacks this month with doubts and a lot of second guessing. Health issues for Gemini plebs could focus on skin complaints or allergies. Many of you are experiencing age issues, get over it - it happens to us all. Manifesting changes within your own personal image will have positive results. This month is all about adding extra to what you already possess, so extra tattoos, piercings etc could also be indicated.
CANCER (21st Jun - 20th)
Area to focus on : Co-operation
July crystals: Carnelian
Long term dreams are being realized in areas of your personal development this month. You will have family events and be given cause for celebrations during July. Watch out for lies on the 12th, things are not as they seem. Children could share news of successes or better work arrangements with you. For those without children, those successes will become aparent in the lives of those near and dear to us and you will be required to take a more supportive role. Career for others seem to be a theme around you. Careful, that jealousy does not get in the way of your responses to others progress. Your progress will be shown in a less " in your face" way but has progress all the same. This month mothers need to take a back seat to their children's lives. Although there is some extra spending needed this month, it will be replaced so do not stress too much over it. Sometimes you have to give to get......
LEO ( 21st Jul - 21st Aug)
Focus for July: Money issues.
Crystals for July: Citrine.
Money will be a stalemate issue for you during July. Penny pinching
( although not necessary) will be your first response to those major expenses coming up. You may need to reign in the extravagance of partners just because you want to save every penny for those ( always mentally approaching) lean times ahead. Be wary of food allergies this month and those with bee allergies will need to be extra wary, please check all product labels carefully. There is the possibility for wonderful romantic moments this month as long as your wallet does not get involved ! Things slow down around the 14th with possible important information being divulged around this time. Rumor or scandal may tail your family this month, be careful of who you confide in.
VIRGO ( 22 Aug - 22 Sep )
Key words for July : Abundance and change
Crystals: for July: white Howlite
Progress...while many around you are slowing down, trust you to speed by! This month sees a lot of new additions and developments in your life. New homes, new jobs, new people interactions, new purchases. But it has all come with a cost. Try not to be so high and mighty with the rest of the world or you will have a high cost to pay.Health issues will start to apear towards the end of the month when the activity slows down around you. You know that saying - careful what you wish for - prepare yourself for a quiet time ahead. I hope you like knitting.
LIBRA (23rd Sep - 22 Oct )
Crystal for July: Goldstone.
Yeah...what can I say....not much.....you wouldn't listen anyway, this month is just like you are living in a wind tunnel. Expect pretty much that attitude from life directed at you this month. I could warn you about stubbed toes but you will do it anyway and blame it on something, anything, other than you not being in the moment. It doesn't have to be like that. Take notice of whats going on around you and you could win big brownie points from people. A little bit of honey goes a long way This month revolves around the needs and timing of others. You have a shadow part to play in life's adventures. If you push, the world will push back, and you won't like it much. There are some issues with mud or water damage during this month which may be costly. Don't let small things become big issues, if you know something needs fixing, please do not put it off.
SCORPIO ( 23rd Oct - 22nd Nov)
Words for July : conspiracy and intrigue.
Crystals for July: Hematite
Expect confusion by those around you and in life in general during July. Think of yourself as the fly in the spiderweb! intrigue and stalemates. This month could be rather daunting for you if not handles delicately. Work mates may not have your best interests at heart so this is not a time for secretes to be shared or allies to be made. Finances are not seeing great progress being made and health issues are annoying to say the least Blood tests seem to be hard to ignore for the majority of the Scorpio contingent. When it comes to romance, don't leave your play too late or you will lose to another..
SAGITTARIUS ( 23 Nov - 20th Dec)
Crystal for July: Aventurine.
This is a time where things may seem sluggish or slow. Try to make the most of the down time as it will not last and expect some outside interference to your otherwise ordered life. the month will not pick up until the last week. Health issues are not a major concern although finances will appear rather drained this month. Try and keep your budgeting under control. Interpersonal relationships may be strained at times but romantic opportunities may very well present themselves unexpectedly. It could be a flirtatious month ahead, so jealousy may raise its head for married peeps but single Sags should enjoy it!
CAPRICORN ( 21st Dec - 19th Jan)
Month focus: Karma and final balance.
Crystals for July: Dalmation jasper or snowflake obsidian
Hard work and determination will pay off for you during July. Expect some recognition through work and a possible pay rise or work benefits in some form coming your way. This month will appear to slow, giving you plenty of opportunity to plough ahead. Expenses may seem rather steep but the expenses occurred will pay off on the long run. Expect big purchases to be necessary during this month. Friendships may have to take a back seat to your regular needs or your energies and patience may be stretched to its full extent. You should get some satisfaction from a past unresolved situation during July.