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AQUARIUS ( 20th Jan - 18th Feb)

During this month, poor Aquarians will find that everyone wants a piece of you when it comes to relationships. The 15th comes up as a date to step back and don't allow yourself to be blindsided by a friend or colleague. There is a lot of jeleasy around you this month. Don't play into the hands of others. Health issues may present themselves as stress or lethargy.

You will find that this month will just speed by.

PISCES ( 19th Feb - 20 Mar)

Any relationships that have been slow or stale over the last 12 years, including those on again, off again situations,start to heat up.Would this be a good time to remind you that an ex is an ex for a reason? don't lose sight of reality while daydreaming of possibilities.This is the month for you to get to know what you want and then go for it ! You need more in your life - fill it, don't run from it.

Those thinking of a new car - go for the blue one, less trouble in the long run.

ARIES ( 21st Mar - 20th Apr)

Prepare yourself for conflicts and possible migraines up until august 10. Then its MAGIK time. Manifestation abounds. Change your plans for today and follow the path your guides set. August 10th is your luckiest day as you can expect chance encounters and good news! After the 10th, there will be less stress and you will find yourself slowing down to appreciate life. Your psychic gifts will be much stronger after the 10th, remember to white light yourself and carry protection such as hematite on your person.

TAURUS ( 21st Apr - 20th May)

Your month starts off with Angels following you from the 2nd. Expect to pick up a lot of shiny 5 cent coins that will randomly pop up this month not far from fluffy white or brown feathers. Communication is important during all this month with the focus on getting yourself heard. Be prepared to raise your voice to the heavens. August 7th is the only deviation from the path of surprises with a few possible family issues.

Your guides will use music in all its forms to help guide and direct you.

Many will take up singing or have a desire to learn a new instrument.

Those of you who are tone deaf - simply will not give a damn what anyone else thinks - about time too, may I add. Music in all its forms raises your vibration, the universe doesn't care if you sing to your own beat if the intentions are positive.

GEMINI (21st May - 20 Jul)

Learning to let go of having the control is important this month especially in relationships. You may feel torn during this month but try and relax into the next phase. Vulnerability will actually be your strength. There will be a few that will be looking for new jobs by the end of the month. Don't get too picky, the bills still need to be paid.Now is not the time to voluntarily step away from a paying job without anything to step into.

CANCER (21st Jun - 20th)

August sees matters of security and safety being in the spotlight as saturn is in cancer ( every thirty years, the same issues and concerns arise......)You are responsible for your own achievements and victories. This month will bring new opportunities and new directions will present themselves to you around august 13th. Singles or unformalized relationship couples may start a new love affair that is better suited. Many long term situations will be evolving during this month. This is a time to plan carefully and for the long term.

LEO ( 21st Jul - 21st Aug)

The important day for you lions will be with the new moon on august 15th.This is not the time to chase your own tail or follow someone else's path. Step into your own destiny and embrace the thrill of the unknown. This is a time for new beginnings - basically, if it makes your heart soar and your body tremble with excitement, then go for it. Many will be experiencing their first ever major trip or purchase.Others will be finally putting a deposit or making solid plans for achieving their dreams or long term desires.This is almost mid life crises time, but with an exciting twist - its tangible not just hormonal!!!

VIRGO ( 22 Aug - 22 Sep )

The last 12 years finally pay off with the scales of justice finally swinging more into balance.After the 10th, you may discover that your days become more filled with good luck, prosperity and possible new directions. This is not the time to be timid but surprise yourself by learning to roar. Many of you will be standing up to bullies or bossy family members and co-workers.You deserve the best. Not everyone will like the new brave you, but then ,you don't need those negative people in your life using you for a doormat. Health and fitness levels also improve with surprisingly little effort this month.This is the time to buy those comfortable shoes though as feet issues may start to develop at this stage of life.

LIBRA (23rd Sep - 22 Oct )

This is a month where you will need to evaluate what's truly important and how far off the path you have strayed from your dreams.August 2nd is the day when what you wanted and what is missing ( the cost) will become apparent. Interrelationships will be spotlighted. Remember it is never too late to fix mistakes made. Your goals are closer than before but it is probably the best time to tweak those needs to be more realistic and less emotionally costly. If there is a big hole in one aspect of your life, perhaps you need to put in extra effort there? You still have negative two faced people hiding in the shadows - time to sweep your demons away.

SCORPIO ( 23rd Oct - 22nd Nov)

Professional direction takes a life of its own after the 15th when the spotlight hits your career sector bringing much more clarity and stability.Expect promotions,raises and new working contracts to be offered.Part time or long term unemployed may get new opportunities from unexpected quarters. New businesses may also receive an injection of money or attention during August.Social media lessons may be required with a need to step up the techno game and requirements. Study or a short course could be in the cards if you wish to upgrade.

SAGITTARIUS ( 23 Nov - 20th Dec)

Its all about the details that matter for all sagittarians during august. Possibilities of a meaningful encounter for any romantic couples who's relationship may have stalled or gone stale.Remember, change is what you make it.This is not a time to get lazy, nor to leave the important stuff to others. Time to take charge especially after the 12th.

Try to find a way to slow down this speeding year before it gets away from you.

CAPRICORN ( 21 Dec- 19th Jan)

You may not want to hear this, but this month it is important for you to show your emotional side to others. In order to progress in this life, this simple gesture of showing your humanity will reap the rewards after the 15th. This month is a lesson in humility during the first 14 days. If you devote this time to listening to others and aiding their path, you will be stunned by how the universe response will show itself. Health issues will present themselves in neck and back stiffness and for those who forget to listen and prefer to talk down to others - expect coughs and colds to descend. lemon honey tea and shutting up should help heaps.

CAPRICORN ( 21st Dec - 19th Jan)

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