AQUARIUS ( 20th Jan - 18th Feb)
January is definitely the month where you have to initiate the better changes in your life. No white knight on a white horse is going to fix all your problems. If you want to change something, be proactive. The greatest strength lies with in you. Love is forecast to be rather sizzling mid month so be ready to jump at the opportunity of a lifetime. Many will bond with a particular fur baby this month as well who may need a forever home. This is a lesson in love and responsibility.Run with it.Knee injuries are a definite possibility so if you already have knee weaknesses, please be careful.
PISCES ( 19th Feb - 20 Mar)
Emotionally this month could be a little draining on you. As hard as this is to say, logic needs to take a back seat this month and let fate hold you by the hand. Physically you also need to take precautions and consider implementing a health plan to strengthen your assets. This month does bring some outside support and recognition work wise which will be appreciated around the 15th however the 22nd will also hold some conflict with higher authorities so don't take things personally at this time. Family will be your biggest support and strength so incorporate as much family time as possible.
ARIES ( 21st Mar - 20th Apr)
This month will have you double guessing yourself on more than one occasion. Indecision will be your Achilles heel. Make sure that you surround yourself with those you trust. Negative energy drains and vampires will be circling during January and more than one snake will reveal their true image to you. Tried and true ,be careful of you. Finances may take a bit of a hit but it will be hard to alter this, perhaps tightening your purse strings and learning to say no will take most of your energies .
TAURUS ( 21st Apr - 20th May)
Stubborn obstacles will need some serious moving by you to make progress. Health issues seem to plague this month for friends,colleagues and family so do your best to stay away from those infectious types .Many of the late' thirty something' group will be contemplating plastic surgery or Botox. It would appear that things that you may not be happy with may seem more intrusive and counter productive. Outside assistance is probably not what you actually need. Yoga,meditation,healthy eating,more water and less negative self critical analyzing and complaining would work better and produce lasting, visible changes. You are what you think this month. You need to make the changes in your world that you wish to see. A lot of your answers have been walking silently with you for years. Never under appreciate those that have truly had your back, perhaps it is you that needs to take the first step?
GEMINI (21st May - 20 Jul)
Whoa. Gemini is hard this month because there are so many absolutes. Half of you will be having the best month ever with everything falling into place but the other half will have to tread carefully.It is important to be independent but don't isolate yourself from the special people in your life. Be very careful not to burn your bridges as words cannot be easily retracted nor actions forgiven. This month is testing and finding your OWN balance is the key.There will definitely be some people moving out of your circle this month so perhaps you should take stock of your life and figure out what and who is really important to you.​
CANCER (21st Jun - 20th)
January will highlight the need to improve health levels so January first be as lazy as you like but the next day - hit the floor running. a new exercise regime or dietary change is definitely on the books. Instincts are at a high mid way through the month and it is very much a case of trust rather than logic that will lead you where you need to go. When it comes to business expansion or change, keep it in the planning stages rather than jumping feet first this month. There will be time to really implement change successfully later on. Important contacts or news will be revealed on the 30th. Buy yourself a diary if you haven't already got one - you will need to work and plan ahead this year.
LEO ( 21st Jul - 21st Aug)
The new year brings a whole lot of optimism and energy with it. You will feel a fresh surge of energy spurring you on to initiate positive life changes. Make sure you use that energy with real action not just a whole lot of talking and boasting. Career wise brings possibilities of change ( either by external forces or internal ones) so be prepared to put in the extra effort. Family and friends will be very important to you this month as you will have the "need" for tribal connection. Chiefs will feel inspired to cook up a storm and show love via their culinary skills! Perhaps a dinner party for your nearest and dearest is the way to go to forge and strengthen those bonds early on. Knowing and acknowledging your strengths is very important this month.
VIRGO ( 22 Aug - 22 Sep )
This month is definitely looking good for you. Expect a lot of support,acknowledgements and flattery around you quite early one. Lap it up Virgo - your ego could do with some stroking after 2018. There were a lot of harsh lessons learnt but you have survived and come through the other side . Give yourself some kudos for that awesome feat.The love of your life, soul mate,twin flame ( call it what you will) may be dragged closer into your obit right on new years.Don't be surprised if it was someone under your nose all this time!!! There where hints all the way - time to open your eyes and take a leap of faith. You may be overly critical of your work - try not to overthink things this month work wise.
LIBRA (23rd Sep - 22 Oct )
Last year was hard on your body,mind and spirit. January may find you rather slow and sluggish to get going. Irritable bowel syndrome,allergies and the like may flair up creating an uncomfortable start to the year. This is a month that you generally need to listen to the needs of your body. The better you treat it, the more it will allow you to progress. The 14th is a great day for a romantic interlude or to take a second attempt at a past failed seduction..Take this month slow and steady and spend more time nurturing your garden.
SCORPIO ( 23rd Oct - 22nd Nov)
This month is fully focused on romance and commitments. Compatibility could be reinforced with a mutual long term way of thinking. Engagements could be in the air for many of the couples that tentatively start the year together. Time to make a good situation a whole lot more formal and secure. Communication is the key for both work and family. Secrets could unravel the good work you did last year to change your life so don't go back to old habits now. onward and upward. Work situations are slightly unstable with a few having less working hours or more turnover. This is hopefully just a phase. buckle down and do a tighter budget this month or better yet - spread the load with a loved one - new room mate perhaps?.
SAGITTARIUS ( 23 Nov - 20th Dec)
How you start this month off is definitely going to impact the entire month, if not year, for you. It is important to follow through with any decisions that you make. Whip your life back into order. This is the start of a new year and a new you.Budgeting is very important this month with finances feeling the strain as the weeks progress. No major purchases without good research! Get the most for your dollar. Communication is also important in the work arena as well as with your self. Listen to the inner voices that steer you towards the achievements of your goals. Best release the negatives from your life now or they will drag you down over the course of the year. Not everyone you associate with will do well this year but you cannot save everyone - remember that please. .
CAPRICORN ( 21st Dec - 19th Jan)
January is the time when a lot of doors will close for you. especially in the areas of your life that are letting you down or draining your integrity and true self. This could be places or people or both. Be harsh in the major emotional clean out so that the new doors will open wider. Do not be afraid to say goodbye to your past life. The next phase is waiting to embrace you. Change is definitely coming your way. Health is important this month so be sure to incorporate a lot of movement - running,jogging,walking, whatever takes your fancy, as long as that extra energy is not wasted and is expelled back into nature.