RAVEN WHISPERS for February 2019

This month has three or four important dates for all star signs to keep an eye out for:
the 5th ( surprises),
the 13th/14th ( romance opportunities),
the 23rd ( major changes and upheavals)
AQUARIUS ( 20th Jan - 18th Feb)
This month will be a little trying for most Aquarian's. There seems to be a whole lot of questions being raised regarding the future and family members. Many of you will also be brought down to earth regarding your mortality and aging issues. You may be young on the inside still, but age comes to us all.Use this month for a little bit of a reality check and start focusing on your strengths rather than your weaknesses or your PAST strengths. If you can turn this month around into a positive then it will actually improve your chances of a much better result for 2019.
PISCES ( 19th Feb - 20 Mar)
This month may bring many things you threw into the too hard basket last year,right back at your feet. You may be faced with many difficult decisions this month, all of which need to be addressed this time so they don't repeat. Strength of will and determination will be tested , as will willpower and patience. Luckily you do have all the skills you need to win anything thrown at you during this month. This month will only be as difficult as you allow it to be. No sitting on the fence for you.
ARIES ( 21st Mar - 20th Apr)
This month is going to just fly past and in many cases it will be if someone finally turned the light switch on in your darkened mind. Things just make sense and fall into place. Many of the things that have puzzled you for years will finally be explained during February. Put that mind of yours to work this month and you will see yourself making some fantastic progress . Your going to have to pace yourself though - Rome wasn't built in a day and you may have to convince others your right.
TAURUS . ( 21st Apr - 20th May)
February will expose your strengths to yourself and to the world. You will have to be economical as finances are not the best but you will adapt beautifully. Many of your answers will be found in the past, so don't forget to look realistically at where you have come from in order to move through this month with grace. Stand up and be assertive about the things that matter. Self promotion this month is not ego speaking but opportunity knocking.
GEMINI (21st May - 20 Jul)
Relationships are put squarely into the spotlight this month so be prepared. Are you getting everything you need from your relationship or do changes have to be made? Perhaps what you thought you wanted and what you actually have are not so different after all? Do not lose your sense of humor as the month progresses and you will find that you will win where others have failed. Expect a power play in the working arena from someone jealous of your position and respect from fellow workers. Perhaps a change of job could be just around the corner?
CANCER (21st Jun - 20th Jul)
This is a wonderful month for Cancerians. Many of you will be helping your fellow earthling in some form or other, be it literally or figuratively. It is quite possible that you will be taking a younger apprentice under your wing and showing just how brightly you can shine. Expect a big social month as well with cancer being the star attraction. There is not much that you cannot do this month that wont draw attention to your talents .This is the month when you can also kick past problems to the gutter once and for all. You have a lot of support out their cancer - enjoy it and learn to accept complements and praise.
LEO ( 21st Jul - 21st Aug)
February is quite a financially lucky month for the Leo's out there. Actually, there is not much you can do wrong as long as you do it humbly rather than become a showoff. Try to stay in the shadows and resist the urge to gloat.Communication is also highlighted as a strong suit for you, so when you do get yourself in strife - your silver tongue could save the day again!
VIRGO ( 22 Aug - 22 Sep )
Things may start off rather strangely and in many cases , you may feel rather shook up by early changes. This is just the beginning though so hold onto your hat! There are big changes planed for you this year Virgo but lets face it, you needed a little shake up to get you back on tract. This month sees you sowing some very fertile seeds for the month ahead.There is the possibility that this could be your most successful year yet if you stick to the plan.
LIBRA (23rd Sep - 22 Oct )
This is going to be a rather roller coaster month for you filled with suspicion and intrigue. There seems to be a real power play being made by an older female in your home or work circle. Be very careful to stand your ground diplomatically. If you wanted to make changes, then this month bodes well for success. It is also a month of recreating boundaries where it comes to relationships in your life. Time to re-evaluate a few connections you have made over the years and see if the friendship aids or detracts from your happiness?
SCORPIO ( 23rd Oct - 22nd Nov)
February will be a month of pushing towards new territory and making your mark in life.This month is bursting with new possibilities ( often disguised as blockages) Push through and show the world what you are made of ! Remember that your energy levels are pretty strong when it comes to manifestation, so focus on the beauty in your life rather than any disappointments you may encounter.
SAGITTARIUS ( 23 Nov - 20th Dec)
Poor old Sagittarius will have your work cut out for you trying not to cut off your own nose to spite your face. People as a whole will irritate you and injustices will most likely send you off marching for change and solidarity rather than just sitting at home disapproving. Be very careful, as your loud opinions could have the ability to cause irreparable damage to others.Find a way to release that pent up aggression that will not hurt your relationship with others. Kick boxing anyone?
CAPRICORN ( 21st Dec - 19th Jan)
HUGE changes are possible for you this year and this month is just the beginning. Its time to de-clutter your home,your mind,your goals and your personal image. Be ruthless in your change and lets get the ball rolling. Be daring. Be bold. Be adventurous !!!! If you want to create something amazing, then you need to start with a clean slate. oh and leave the guilt of the past behind, It has NO RIGHT to be dragged into your future . You may have to be careful about flirtations and infidelity as your personal power grows. Please be responsible.