This month has important dates for all star signs to keep an eye out for:
the 4th New moon
the 16th planet alignment that creates family chaos
the 19th Full moon
the 21st event of finality ...and....
just a reminder too that Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn are all still in retrograde.
AQUARIUS ( 20th Jan - 18th Feb)
This month is all about teamwork and co-operation. Success is possible if you can find your balance and play well with others! You will feel a real sense of urgency this month and this may see you becoming a little controlling which may not bring out the best in family members or colleagues so for the good of all ( especially yourself) consider reigning in any controlling urges or impulses. Why not put that need for power and control into something more productive and sign up for a course or class. At the very least divert your energies into at least investigating possibilities please. Health issues draw towards the knees and rheumatoid or arthritic flare ups..
PISCES ( 19th Feb - 20 Mar)
Opportunities could pass you by this month if you are not careful. Someone will offer a possible solution to a future situation. You would be advised to take it as the offer will not be on the table for long. A change in direction work or career wise is only a minor one but still necessary so don't give up. You will need to think laterally this month. Heath is drawing towards lower body issues for reproductive issues. Female Pisces may find things a little uncomfortable or daunting. A little bit of self care could go a long way this month.
ARIES ( 21st Mar - 20th Apr)
The first half of May displays bad communication skills between you and the rest of the world ( do not panic, it will improve again) Try and remember to bite your tongue until the 12th. Money comes in to those that truly have a passion for their work. If you are currently jobless , then this month someone may offer you a well paying opportunity. If you play your cards right, it could become permanent. Health issues include foot in mouth syndrome.....
TAURUS . ( 21st Apr - 20th May)
This is a month that definitely divides your star sign. One half of the month you may appear to be almost invisible at times with definite hermit tendencies and then the other half ,unstoppable and standing loud and proud under the spotlight ( possibly naked *smile*)Be careful not to rub people up the wrong way during your stubborn loud moments.When it comes to accepting advise regarding finances, be wary of the loud voices. It is totally possible for you to be caught up in a scam if you are not careful.Last piece of advise, stick to your budget. Overspending this month could ruin your Christmas.
GEMINI (21st May - 20 Jul)
This is a month of new beginnings for most Gemini people, with wonderful growth in most areas of your life including conception or new births. You may feel the urge for major changes in your appearance as well with perhaps a fresh new cut and /or color. There are also sweeping changes for those that are running their own business. A new way of looking at things should bring great results in after its implementation. News of approaching twins could be received by a friend or loved one. There are no health warnings for this month.
CANCER (21st Jun - 20th Jul)
This month is continually money orientated.Perhaps you should do a little less money watching and focus on doing what you do best. Health is a bit dodgy too as you have been putting yourself under too much stress for too long and its starting to make itself known.Tummy upsets and joint issues will be a recurring theme this month. Limit alcohol and watch your diet.The universe is trying to slow you down because you have been pushing yourself too hard for too long. If you just take it down a notch, you may find things go smoother and the world doesn't stop.....You may be given advise from a strong male....heed the warning.
LEO ( 21st Jul - 21st Aug)
Beware of love work triangles or scandals. Infidelities are also a possibility. On a good note though,there should be surprise money to start the month of with then more to come as the month progresses that will descend via friends or business contacts. This is the perfect month to be focusing on your career with an unusual opportunity that could be presented to you. Health wise, look for emotional cures for physical ailments during the month of May as you have far to much going on in your head. Blood tests for you or your partner are almost a given. Just do it.
VIRGO ( 22 Aug - 22 Sep )
Well I am happy to say that your health should be improving as the month progresses. In fact, most things seem to be improve for you this month. It is all about finding your right flow. You may see signs of progress in many areas including a restarting of stalled projects or renovations. As the de-cluttering continues, you are making space and time for the things in your life that are important for you. By the end of the month, your finances should be looking pretty good and there should be less stress and worry for your loved ones. Your Zen should return - congratulations.
LIBRA (23rd Sep - 22 Oct)
Well Libra, this month you will have to be on your toes if you are going to come through unscathed.The first half of the month you may just get to plod along but by the midway point, it all starts to unravel. Work wise around may 16th, you need to cut off any old money making ideas that haven't preformed and any old loose ends will need to be severed. If unemployed, look backwards and make contact with old business partners or co- workers as your best bet will be with who you know not what skills you have.You will definitely be forced to make major money decisions after the 19th. One last thing - the 2nd half of the month is primed for social scandals. Stick to established etiquette rules and remain open minded so that the mud doesn't come into the house......
SCORPIO ( 23rd Oct - 22nd Nov)
Relationships and general people situations could be quite difficult in the first half of the month. If you can keep the balance, then you have the best chance of not alienating or insulting people. Money situations are quite dubious as well until May 15th when the planets work more in your favor. A new opportunity could present itself which sounds risky( and is) but if you keep within your budget and don't get carried away with visions of grandeur, then you may just pull off a big business coup. There should be no jumping on promised deals this month at all, nor the negotiating of risky deals. Play it safe and you have the best bet of a major success later.
SAGITTARIUS ( 23 Nov - 20th Dec)
This month brings a few lessons for you. You will discover that you will find more success in marathons than running sprints. Its time for you to slow down in order to be able to speed up. Issues regarding children may raise their head during May , so tact and diplomacy need to be employed to avoid conflicts. At the midway point of the month, its best if your sitting down because your world could be turned upside down. Avoid extreme reactions to situations. Childhood memories may influence your decisions.
CAPRICORN ( 21st Dec - 19th Jan)
The keyword for you this month is romance. it is extremely likely that a Possible long term partner will cross your path if you are single. Those of you in a long term relationship ( yes,these days , 7 months counts....) there is the distinct possibility that your relationship is going to be re- negotiated with view to a more permanent situation. Your lucky day for this month is definitely the 10th. Health issues seem to focus on the bones- particularly small ones . Departed love ones also need to be acknowledged and you may have some tearful moments of serendipity during May.