This month has important dates for all star signs to keep an eye out for:
June 3rd: New moon
June 8th: Venus moves into Gemini ( love life changes)
June 17th: Full moon in Sagittarius ( revealing inner truths)
AQUARIUS (20th Jan - 18th Feb)
This month is quirky and nothing is exactly as it seems. When it comes to relationships, it certainly seems complicated. Singles could be torn between two love interests and couples could fall pregnant. Within these relationships, there seems to be far more than just two involved. Older couples could be torn between past lovers and current ones. Do not let past relationships cloud your current ones this month. There also appears to be a wonderful creative time during June for you so any long term creative dreams could be realized this month. Allow your feet to walk the path they wish most to travel.
PISCES (19th Feb - 20 Mar)
Changes in the home front are indicated by mid month for you with many finally finding their true place in this world. This has been a long time coming but will definitely be worth the wait. Relationships could also move onto the next level with many taking the plunge to move in together. This could be a tricky thing with second doubts and cracks appearing by the 24th. It is not to late to change and set some guidelines and boundaries. Make it very clear at the first sign of trouble and it should avert any potential problems. Walking away is still an option if communications fail. June 17th is throwing the spotlight on your career. If you are doing something you feel passionate about, do not be surprised to receive recognition from others. If you are not following your dream or are unhappy with your working environment, now is the time to start making changes.
ARIES (21st Mar - 20th Apr)
This month starts for you as feeling rather unsteady and impermanent. There is a lot of movement indicated, either locally or slightly further afield but either way make sure your transportation is a safe choice. There could be unexpected financial requirements because of this. Anyone in the media or communications field will be in seventh heaven with major breakthroughs, possibilities or news scoops! Writers could get that much needed push past writers block or be picked up by a publisher. Money also seems to flow to those in this sector. After June 26th, love life is accelerated with some exciting new blood moving into your sector or if your in an established relationship, a new spark may be ignited.
TAURUS (21st Apr - 20th May)
This is a month that might just work in your favor. After June 8th, the work and money sector should finally start showing an improvement. If you were waiting on a new job confirmation or opportunity, it could be presented now. Other money making opportunities will also reveal themselves if you wish to take up the extra work load. After the 17th, long term financial situations could finally be resolved. Romance could get a bit tricky with mixed signals during June so it would pay NOT to wear your heart on your sleeve if you don't want to face rejection. June 24th should reveal the truth of a persons intentions. Overall, it has the makings of a pretty interesting month.
GEMINI (21st May - 20 Jul)
This is a wonderful month for you with bold new beginnings possible. There is a new start or direction about to explode into a myriad of possibilities that you will be kicking yourself for not starting sooner. A huge shift in your perspective brings business, love and finances back into the positive. The only down side to this month is the possibility of others trying to dampen your spirit and enthusiasm. You are the creator of your own destiny. Do not allow authority figures in your life to overshadow or undermine your self confidence. The 17th should bring some romances back into your life.
CANCER (21st Jun - 20th Jul)
This month sees the poor Cancerians under a lot of mental stress. There are major decisions to be made and it could well unpin your confidence. If you are having relationship issues, then this is not a month that will be at all helpful for you at all. Time to switch things around and stop focusing on everyone else in your life and start focusing on you. Meditation, practicing mindfulness, yoga or possibly ti chi are all things that you should be considering. Making time to write in a journal is also top of the list to assist with your mental health and dexterity. That brain fog you have been living with needs to be kicked to the curb. June 17th should bring health issues into focus that need your attention. This month should be about you and the changes you need to make in your life to encourage sanity and happiness. Stop procrastinating!!
LEO (21st Jul - 21st Aug)
This month is all about love if your a Leo. Single Leo's need to get out among it all in the first half of the month and mingle in group activities to find the best match. Beware of internet hackers or scams this month. If you are in a relationship, then do not be surprised if an engagement, wedding or even a baby could be joining the family unit! After the 17th, Venus plays its trump card: Fertility this month is at a definite high, so if that is not what you want - then play it safe or buy a pet! A health scare may come under review mid month. It is time to make a serious decision - your not getting any younger....
VIRGO (22 Aug - 22 Sep)
The career sector is in the spotlight during June with not one but two new possibilities for you. There could be some major changes in this area but remember to not leave anything unless there is something stable to go to. Consistent income is the key to your business success this month rather than high risk financial possibilities and pipe dreams. Your love life could leave you feeling high and dry this month as cracks in relationships deepen or a once hot suitor starts to cool off. Best to make yourself number one rather than depend on the confidence boost from another. It is definitely their problem not yours. Domestic or family changes are indicated, it would be best to focus on your career.
LIBRA (23rd Sep - 22 Oct)
Well Libra... this month sees a fair amount of domestic stress entering your life as you focus more on work than the home front. Be careful of your priorities and try and communicate better to avert clashes with family during June. This is a good month to start a new side line or business or even just to sign financial contracts for you. If it was a promotion you were after, this month is the best time to show off and catch the eye of those in power. The spiritual side of your life is calling you as well, so a retreat or new guru could eventuate to expand your mind. Take the leap if it calls to you in this area
SCORPIO (23rd Oct - 22nd Nov)
This month is financially very rewarding for you in many unexpected ways. After the new moon, the coffers start filling, expenses reduce and life is starting to look far more comfortable. Investments, inheritance, commission or compensation claims could eventuate this month to add an extra dimension to your life. The only hiccup will be a mingling of finances, especially evident around the 24th so try and keep things separate if possible to avoid disaster.
SAGITTARIUS ( 23 Nov - 20th Dec)
This month is all about love and domestic bliss for you. Relationships of all kinds should deepen with many making permanent commitments. Discussions of engagements could also start taking place if you were waiting on them to make the first move. Domestic changes are also indicated with many couples starting to finalize new domestic arrangements and cohabiting. This is a time for wonderful long term changes and success when it comes to romance. There is no use talking about finance or career with you this month, your just going to be on too much of a romantic high to think about anything else!
CAPRICORN ( 21st Dec - 19th Jan)
The keyword for you this month is communication. There are heaps of mini battles within relationships and family situations this month with a lot of your stubbornness making things worse. Major danger dates for relationship miscommunications are June 14th and 16th. Try and be on your best behavior and not jump to conclusions regarding people on these days. Work wise has some true promise this month with a new job opportunity. It may only be one off work or a short term contract but the money makes it worthwhile and it will look good on your resume. Play your cards right and there could be a longer extension made into the next financial year.