RAVEN WHISPERS for July 2019

This month has important dates for all star signs to keep an eye out for:
July 3rd: New moon .
July 17th: Full moon.
AQUARIUS (20th Jan - 18th Feb).
Career paths and personal dreams will be the focus of your goals this month with family and friends definitely taking a back seat. Be very careful not to isolate family members or you may be in for a rude shock later in the month. New love interests (and possible infidelity issues) will be prominent during the last two weeks of July. The 17th seems to be filled with paranoia....or is it? Things are definitely not all as they seem during the full moon. Expect some sort of radical surprise this month.
PISCES (19th Feb - 20 Mar)
You are certainly pushing yourself this month to achieve particular solo goals but at what cost? Impressing people may become important to you, just make sure they are the right people that you are trying to impress. The first half of this month sees you more like a hermit and the second half sees you desperately seeking assistance to get the jobs done. Why not pace yourself this month and try to listen to the advice given by others. Health issues are also broken up into accidents in the first two weeks and repair jobs being undertaken in the last two. Try and take more care and remind yourself that perfection takes time. Pressure seems to build for you as this month progresses, so keep an eye on your temper and your mental health.
ARIES (21st Mar - 20th Apr)
Family life will be much smoother and full of tighter relationships for you this month. You will have an opportunity to really shine work wise. Your people skills may need some extra attention but it will be worth it. There is the possibility of a baby or new arrival within your family unit this month so if you were looking at fostering, adoption or IVF, this could be your best opportunity for success this year. Health issues will bug you till after the 20th but most could be relieved with a change in diet. Stop putting off what you know you should do.
TAURUS (21st Apr - 20th May)
It is all going to come down to the kind of support you get from those around you, as to just how successful this month shall be. Promotions for past efforts could be offered during July. Singles are perhaps the luckiest ones as any relationships that begin during this month could end up being true marriage potential. Love and intimacy has some magical moments for the Taurus peeps, so don't be afraid to listen to your instincts. The 20th pops up as being one of the most romantic of opportunities for you. This could be the best time to follow your heart on a long held crush.
GEMINI (21st May - 20 Jul)
You are one of the few star signs that actually has the Mercury retrograde working in your favor - well done! Better health situations will give you that extra boost to get things done that have stumped you previously. You seem to be able to be in the right spot at the right time with just the right gift of the gab to excel. Money may well find a way to your door unexpectedly this month as well. Perhaps a little flutter would not go astray?
CANCER (21st Jun - 20th Jul)
This is not the month to go solo if you actually want to achieve greatness. Be careful not to let your inner ego get in the way and be sure to ask for help when it is needed. If you run your own business or are in the creative/arts/entertainment field then expect to work hard this month to ensure the following months run smoothly. This is the month for making long term business or social plans and be sure to include any new love interests along for the ride.
LEO (21st Jul - 21st Aug)
There is a lot of self doubt for you this month, with many of you questioning the meaning of your life. It is time to start looking farther afield for spiritual answers rather than just internally. This is a very personal month for you with matters close to home being more important than career. Many will change jobs entirely or will lose the enthusiasm they once held for their career choices. Health seems settled in the foot area with visits to a podiatrist more than likely. Bunions, hang nails, fallen arches...you name it. Anything that will stop you from making progress.
VIRGO (22 Aug - 22 Sep)
This month you could very well find your tribe. It appears as if those like minded individuals will find their way to your door. Professionally there is the possibility of a conference or meeting that will reap great rewards. Do not be shy in spreading your wings and singing your song. This month is very much about you wanting to show others that you are capable of standing on your own two feet. Partners may feel more isolated from you during this time and rifts may occur within even long term relationships so do your best to make them feel included.
LIBRA (23rd Sep - 22 Oct)
This month sees many a Libra personality blooming. Self confidence will be at an all time high and your love life is definitely responding well to your new found enthusiasm. Expect the first two weeks to be highly romantic for those married couples.This month sees you working well with others in the employment field as well, so if you are after a job, don't be shy in renewing old contacts and asking for special treatment.
SCORPIO (23rd Oct - 22nd Nov)
Employment is good for the Scorpio crowd with your charisma bringing in extra work or promotional opportunities. Do not be afraid to put your hand up for extra work during the month. There will be a lot more work involved but you will be rewarded for the extra time and effort. It will not go unnoticed by those that matter. Health is nothing special with perhaps a hearing test needing to be scheduled. Overall this has the potential to be an excellent month for you.
SAGITTARIUS ( 23 Nov - 20th Dec)
Finally an upturn in the financial sector of your life. Make sure you put the extra funds to good use.Things are starting to improve in many areas of your life actually. Even health issues seem to be less intrusive into your everyday life. Those difficult family members start to act less feral and more human and a long term friend may appear to gravitate back into your circles after a noticeable absence. Love life for singles is heating up with perhaps too many choices to be had during July - pace yourself.
CAPRICORN ( 21st Dec - 19th Jan)
Health issues this month are annoying but they will get a lot worse if you do not take care of yourself and listen to medical professionals. Family security seems to be all important with many of you making long term commitments or decisions to further this end. Family members will most likely ask you for money during this month, you know you will want to help but is it really in your best interest? Accommodation comes into the spotlight after the 12th, with thoughts of a move or home purchase being discussed.