RAVEN WHISPERS for August 2019

This month has important dates for all star signs to keep an eye out for:
August 1st : New moon
August 2nd:transits causing financial shifts
August 14th: Major change aproaching
August 15th: Full moon
August 25th: New directions
AQUARIUS (20th Jan - 18th Feb).
Highlight: Real estate
Crystals: Towers or Points.
There is something about this month that seems to scream long term commitments and permanent bonding. This is the month where future is firmly in your sights. Love is blossoming and I would expect quite a few romantic highlights from those already in established relationships. To those new to the love bug, expect to be bitten at least once this month. The last half of the month is fixating on domestic abodes with real estate coming into focus. Perhaps a holiday rental or permanent living space could be considered during august. There is definitely a connection with mixed finances, so you will be making this decision with someone or accepting financial outside assistance to acquire your little piece of heaven. A family gift, possibly financial, will be involved or gifted to you. Do not look a gift horse in the mouth.
PISCES (19th Feb - 20 Mar)
Highlight: Work recognition.
Crystal: Lapis Lazuli.
This month is definitely focused on all things work related. Things should flow smoothly and promotions or raises are indicated during August. If you had any annoying work colleagues lately, do not be surprised if you leave them behind as you move up the corporate ladder or they physically move out of your work circle. The love factor starts sparking as of the 24th when Venus steps up the action. Long term plans could be finalized or a private relationship made public. A secret admirer could start the ball rolling during August but identity will not be revealed till later - just enjoy for now.
ARIES (21st Mar - 20th Apr)
Highlight: luck of the Irish,
Crystals: Jade, Green Adventurine.
Well, you seem to be one of the luckiest star signs during August! This month, you have several planets lining up to bring your dreams into reality. Children are firmly mentioned during this month so if you were waiting for some good news, there is a high chance of it happening after the 18th. Things change quickly for you this month, better put your seat belt on, its going to be a fast, exciting month ahead. If you haven't written your list of hopes and dreams yet, then get your skates on people!
TAURUS (21st Apr - 20th May)
Highlight: Love life
Crystals: Rose Quartz, Blue Lace Agate
This month is purely and solely revolving on your love life and all things related to the domestic sphere. There is a new energy indicated entering the home during August which could be anything from a new pet, a child's arrival, a family member moving in, or even a potential lover cohabiting (finally). August 18th throws your work direction briefly into the spotlight. This would be a great day to promote new ideas. You will not have much chance to be alone this month which is good. Depression will not find a spare chair to lean on during August as you will be busy giving and receiving love. No cobwebs for you this month if you play your cards right.
GEMINI (21st May - 20 Jul)
Highlight: Change
Crystals: Calligraphy Jasper.
Creativity is the name of the game for you during August. This could come in many different forms from creative artwork, to renovations. It is all about change and making your mark on your living or working space. This is not a month to be shy but rather let your creative wings soar. You may surprise yourself and others in the process. New hair colors or clothing styles are also indicated. No two ways about it, if you were in a rut before, this should most definitely get you out of it. Go big or go home.
CANCER (21st Jun - 20th Jul)
Highlights: Finance and progress
Crystal: Ruby, Carnelian
Are you ready for change? This month will be a wowzer for sudden's decisions but slow action. If you expect to be kept on your toes this month, then you will not be disappointed. Money may appear to be flowing out of the coffers like a damn with a leak but do not despair Everything that you do work-wise is an investment for the future and a financial turn of the tides should arrive mid to late month. In fact, a financial win may come your way around the 14th-16th which will ease your worry. Movement or relocation (possibly refurbishment) is also indicated during this month.
LEO (21st Jul - 21st Aug)
Highlights: Personal Journey.
Crystal: Pyrite, Goldstone
This month may be a bit of a downer for you depending on your head space to start with. This month expect to be mentally faced with your own mortality. Ageing happens to the best of us, turn it into a positive rather than a negative. This month could go either way, so its entirely up to you. If you get your positive personal groove on, there may be radical physical changes including piercing,tattoos or hairstyles. Confidence levels could then bloom and love blossom. turn this month around and make it all about you. Be loud. Be flamboyant. Be sassy!!
VIRGO (22 Aug - 22 Sep)
Highlights: Reflections
Crystals: Smokey Quartz, Hematite
This month may see a lot of your past resurfacing. Past memories,experiences and even a solid blast from the past returning or just crossing your path. The first half of this month sees you hiding in the shadows. This is all by your own grand design though: you are assessing information and forming plans. The 18th sees you busting a move and jumping into the spotlight. Possibly a real estate purchase or grab for that romantic partner you have been lusting after for months/years now. The 21st-24th of this month looks set to make the sheets burn - this could be the hottest love affair since Marilyn Munro or the start of a permanent soul matching combination. Either way, its a major head turning, tongue wagging event !!
LIBRA (23rd Sep - 22 Oct)
Highlights: Social life.
Crystal: Quartz
The first half of this month sees quite a few social invitations coming your way. It is a very relaxed and happy environment with stress being at a long time low and satisfaction being a high light. A short getaway or mini holiday is also a possibility. A very close friend may reveal their true romantic feeling for you. The best relationships are built from friendships. Mid month sees you raising your work viability with some definite progress being made. This month may wear you out though and you may start to lag health wise by the 18th. I would be expecting the end of the month to see you taking a few days off with tissues and O.J. Rest when you need to, You have some serious thinking to do.
SCORPIO (23rd Oct - 22nd Nov)
Highlight: Recognition
Crystals: Red Jasper, Tiger Iron
This start of this month is very much work related. Things just seem to work out in this area for you. Those that are self employed could have a pleasant surprise with a unexpected financial influx on the 8th and even the possibility of some sort of social or public recognition (possible newspaper article or award perhaps?) the following week. Either way, this area looks sweet. The last half of this month will be more devoted to family or relationship dramas. Try and keep your cool and remember that clear communication must be made a priority not just a passing thought.
SAGITTARIUS ( 23 Nov - 20th Dec)
Highlight: Forward positive action
Crystal: Carnelian
The past few month have been just a tad frustrating thanks to dear Jupiter being retrograde and having you firmly in its sights. Well, I am glad to say that this month, that will change. Expect blockages to be removed and progress to be made. All those long term plans should now get the green light. In fact, a few extra goodies may just drop into your lap to really boost your self confidence and financial future. It is truly amazing how, when you stop stressing over every little thing, things just work out for the best? Health issues should also improve. More movement is needed to keep your health improving, even weight loss is indicated for many with a few menu and lifestyle changes coming into action physically rather than just verbally. This month starts to really become all about you and about time too.
CAPRICORN ( 21st Dec - 19th Jan)
Highlights: Unexpected gifts and raw talent exposed.
Crystals: Peacock ore, Labradite, Phantom quartz
Financial uncertainty may plague you to begin with but things are not nearly as bad as you think. Add to this an unexpected financial gift that actually has no strings attached and wowsers - your life changes from stress and fear to a deep sigh of relief. There are many opportunities for financial abundance for you this month if you stay open to outside possibilities and take the opportunities that are offered to you. Do not be surprised if you unlock a hidden talent that you never even knew was in you. Your love life seems to go on hiatus while you sort your insecurities out. Do not leave it too long or you may lose out all-together. This is a month that turns out to be full of grand plans and big words. Do not get lost in the hype but raise your eyes to the skies.