RAVEN WHISPERS for September 2019

This month the important date for all star signs to keep an eye out for:
14th of September: full moon
AQUARIUS (20th Jan - 18th Feb).
Learn to walk before you run this month. It is important that you don't skip any steps along the way. This month will be slower than the last few for you, but that is just because you are impatient for results. Taking a new course of study would be a positive step and make sure that you read ( and dare I say follow) all the instructions you get this month. September has no room for ego and pride.Finances are a little strained but only because of extra outgoings.Health issues are centered around lethargy during September. Your animal spirit guide for the month is the Lizard.
PISCES (19th Feb - 20 Mar)
Magic opportunities knocks this month, just watch out for subterfuge or tricksters along the way. Although your psychic and witchy ways are highly responsive during September, there are those that may take advantage of your abilities.Your intuition is at an all time high, you should trust it.. Whenever possible, help others when you can for a later return. This month bodes well for a new work opportunity or important contacts being made. Financially this month should work well for you. Health wise, feet could be a problem. Your animal spirit guide for the month is the chameleon.
ARIES (21st Mar - 20th Apr)
Slow down. Your frantic pace over the last couple of months needs to be taken down a notch or three. September will work much better for you if you don't over commit yourself. Financially you also need to pull in the reigns. Do not lend money this week and consider hiding your credit card this month so you don't splurge.Not everything will go your way during September, but that could be because you get distracted and start chasing the wrong things... Try and simplify your life rather than complicate it. Your spirit guide animal for September is the sloth.
TAURUS (21st Apr - 20th May)
Action will be made on a long term dream. Finally all that planning,dreaming and intentions are paying off. Not to mention all that hard work along the way. This month will show you what the light at the tunnel looks like and the best way to reach it. A very good investment will be made this month, most likely in yourself !This is a good month to consider some stock market action as well as you seem to be on a lucky roll.The last week of the month is really all about you, enjoy the attention. Health issues are skin related this month, invest in a good hand lotion. Your spirit guide animal this month is the snake.
GEMINI (21st May - 20 Jul)
You thought last month was a doozy, well this month is like a roller coaster on steroids. Continuing highs and lows triggered by surprises and new events. The good news is, at least it will end on a high. Perhaps you should just hold on and enjoy the ride. This is the month for creating memories and stories that will be retold again and again. Some of them will be embarrassing but most will be treasured. Something or someone special will move on to another phase of their life mid month. Your animal spirit guide for the month is the willy wagtail.
CANCER (21st Jun - 20th Jul)
Break life down into little steps this month. Appreciate the mundane and the larger things will then take care of themselves. Magick can be found in a moment. You have hardly had a moment to stop and think. Make this month slower and commit to more family time as well. The first three weeks may seem a struggle and a wast of time and energy. I assure you that it is not. Health issues are more aches and pains. Your spirit animal guide this month is the spider.
LEO (21st Jul - 21st Aug)
September brings an end to an era. This month you are being asked to restock your life with things that are necessary and re-evaluate what those necessities are. September for you should be a spring clean month. Get rid of what you no longer need and allow the new chapter to begin. Many will separate from partners or long term lovers this month.Older children may also move out of home or downsizing may be considered. You may not like all the changes but it is time . Health issues are all time and age related.So you may start to rattle when you walk, its better than having a stroke later down the track.Your spirit guide this month is the squirrel.
VIRGO (22 Aug - 22 Sep)
This month is full of high energy, optimism and has luck on your side. Changes are here , they are good and they are here to stay. Creativity is at a high with many finding a new freedom in the creative arts. Run with your new direction and ideas and financially it should pay off too. This is a very good month all around for you. Creatives are going to be the big winners this month. Time to take a leap of faith on yourself. Crickets are your animal spirit guide for the month.
LIBRA (23rd Sep - 22 Oct)
Listen to your own voice this month.What is really missing or in need of emotional healing? This month , look for internal answers rather than external ones. Health could take a turn for the better during September concerning any long term health issues if you pay attention to your bodies needs. Vitamin D may be lacking, make time for a little outside visit on a daily basis.Owls are your spirit animal guide for the month.
SCORPIO (23rd Oct - 22nd Nov)
This month needs you to pay attention to the finer details for longer goals. September you need to start acting and planning not just yearning or dreaming or even worse - moaning. Get a grip this month and get down to action. You are being given the opportunity to make progress, don't squander this chance.Health issues will center around depression and eye strains. Your animal spirit guide this month is the ant.
SAGITTARIUS ( 23 Nov - 20th Dec)
You may be full of energy but the universe has its own plans for you. Stop fighting the tide or looking for excuses. You need to put in the hard work during September because the end will be well worth it. Promotions in the workplace are highly likely by month's end if you want it badly enough.This month may seem like it is more about others rather than you but there is a reason for this - trust the universe please. Family issues raise their head, expect some negative interaction in this area. Your animal guide for this month is the salmon.
CAPRICORN ( 21st Dec - 19th Jan)
It is time to get back to work. Something has significantly changed and information will surface to speed up your journey. A house build, renovation or purchase made this month will be a good investment. Many will be putting down roots and making long term commitments. Romance should be sturdy and dependable even if a bit both stale or boring. Do not rock the boat in this department or you may be rowing it by yourself ! Your animal spirit guide this month is the black swan.