RAVEN WHISPERS for October 2019

This month has important dates for all star signs to keep an eye out for:
2nd - Mars turns retrograde ( energy slumps)
3rd - Sun and moon dancing with Libra ( new beginnings around the corner)
14th - full moon 8:07 am ( peak)
28th - new moon
AQUARIUS (20th Jan - 18th Feb).
Family relationships may have been a little strained lately but things should slowly improve as the month progresses. You will definitely feel the urge to experience more of life so do not be surprised if you get bitten by the travel bug, learn a new language or perhaps uncover a new culinary delight with an international flavor. There could also be a love affair or flirtation with an overseas person via the internet!! Don't think small. The world is a big exciting place and its time to sample its delights.
Flower for the month:Lilly
PISCES (19th Feb - 20 Mar)
This month is almost mystical in its reaction to you Pisces. So many signs and symbols continually being presented to you. This is a wonderful time to refinance if you hold joint accounts or perhaps invest in a shared rental property?The 17th is a MAJOR Financial date to circle on your calendar. Personal income or property issues should bring you a magnificent result and possible resolution to an outstanding legal issue that will end in your favor.
Plant for the month:Jade plant
ARIES (21st Mar - 20th Apr)
Things are going to slow down in the money and property sector . If you have an eye on a property, don't wait to long to grab it or someone may beat you too it. I would be expecting you to just break even this month so perhaps lay buys for Christmas can wait another month. There is the opportunity for things to heat up in the romance section of your life. A new love affair could be just around the corner.The worst thing for you this month is that you may have a bit of trouble with foot in mouth disease!. Practice your apologies now or be prepared to buy a lot of flowers.
Flower of the month: Tulip
TAURUS (21st Apr - 20th May)
Projects may slow down this month which is probably not a bad thing. You could definitely do with some down time. and your health may be a bit iffy for most of this month.This is the time to get a new lease of life in the work sector or perhaps an over haul of your diet and general healthy habits ( or lack there of...) Time to make some serious changes if you want things to improve. This is not a month to whine. This is a month to be strict with yourself.
Plant for the month:Kale
GEMINI (21st May - 20 Jul)
October will finally take a bit of the pressure off you from outside parties. You have been putting yourself last for too long, time to start listening to your own needs. Your creative muses are chomping at the bit to have some fun - time to indulge yourself and take a leap of faith. Romance could also be in your sights. It would be worth taking a gamble in this sector too.
Flower for the month:Pink Rose
CANCER (21st Jun - 20th Jul)
So many changes over the past year for you Cancer. This month will slow down some of those long term goals , especially where others are concerned.This would be a good month to always have a plan B waiting in the wings rather than get caught out. There could be some wonderful new surprises to do with home or family during October.Expect to be kept very busy with projects this month.
Plant this month:Basil
LEO (21st Jul - 21st Aug)
You will certainly be easier to live and work with this month Leo. Strangely enough, it is when you stop pestering others and take an easier step back from the rat race, that more things will become available to you. This could be anything from a new home, business opportunity or finally finding The Mentor that you were complaining about never finding. It is time to quieten your mind and your mouth and let the energy flow freely into your world. You will thank me later....
Flower for the month: rhododendron
VIRGO (22 Aug - 22 Sep)
Expect a few delays in most areas of your life thanks to the current retrograde . People may be very unreliable to say the least. You may also hear the ticking of your life clock this month , perhaps a mini life crises? - don't wait to much longer to give something new a go or you may end up regretting missed opportunities. You will be expected to assist others during October in order to help yourself. Health issues are mainly muscular.
Plant for the month:Thyme
LIBRA (23rd Sep - 22 Oct)
What a chance you have been given - again ! Original plans and dreams have literally almost had a year to be realized and yet, you still have your feet in the sand. Take this opportunity to change your attitude or perspective on life and watch how the miracles unfold. Hints of the future are whispered on the 3rd.The later half of the month sees a returning flow of income ( from a trickle comes a stream), just be careful you don't get to cocky when dealing with others or you may find someone else gets the upper hand by the years end.
Plant for the rest of the year: juniper berries.
SCORPIO (23rd Oct - 22nd Nov)
Mars is flexing its muscles in October and you may find things a little strained particularly where others or involved. People could easily misunderstand you this month so remember to always have clear communications with others. A secret love affair could become open knowledge during October. Make sure you know what you really want out of life.The end of the month could see you off on a whole new direction.
Flower of the month: Foxglove
SAGITTARIUS ( 23 Nov - 20th Dec)
The first two weeks of October may be filled with tension and self induced stress.This would be a wonderful time to take a BIG step back and be less involved in decisions. Focus on being supportive rather than argumentative. The best satisfaction this month is the new friendships and connections with like minded individuals that you can make. Long term satisfaction will be found through them rather than pushing things through on your own.
Plant of the month: Lavender
CAPRICORN ( 21st Dec - 19th Jan)
This month it is vitally important to focus on work or career prospects.This is not the month for fun (that comes as a reward later). Promotions, pay increases or more job responsibilities and challenges are going to be presented and you need to be in the right place at the right time to grab those chances. Don't listen to the whispers of others. Ignore outside interference.
Plant for the month: Oak tree