RAVEN WHISPERS for November 2019

This month has important dates for all star signs to keep an eye out for:
November 5th _ mars and Pluto square off ( picking fights)
November 8th - Saturn/Neptune sextile occurs
( smoothing the waters of disruption)
November 13th - Full moon (in Taurus)
November 18th - mars moves into Scorpio
( Jealousy/fighting)
November 24th - Venus and Jupiter start their dance in Sagittarius ( lucky energy for love)
AND mars and Uranus go into opposition ( drama)
November 27th - new moon in Sagittarius
(inspiring generosity on the home front)
AQUARIUS (20th Jan - 18th Feb).
This could be a tricky month for you. Social issues and battles seem to take the majority of your emotional time and energies. This is never a really easy balance to juggle between emotional needs and practical expectations. There will be a few people that will leave your social circle due to a conflict of interests. It is best to not watch them leave.Community issues will all rally for your support, be careful not to over extend your assistance.The 18th is a good day for work promotions or pay talks.Remember that you cannot change the world in one day but you can start the ball rolling.
Spirit animal for the month: Caterpillar
Crystal for the month: Pyrite
PISCES (19th Feb - 20 Mar)
November is really going to be pushing you in the work sector from day one.A few noses may be put out of place through jealousy in your working environment but that will soon blow over. If you want a promotion or pay rise, this is the month to show off what you can achieve when motivated.Education is also indicated during November for you with many taking on extra study or courses to improve your mind and prospects. It is definitely a good time to learn a new skill. November 26 indicates some long awaited recognition for your work ethics.Enjoy the praise, you have earned it this month.
Spirit animal for this month: The Bee
Crystal for the month:Angel hair Quartz .
ARIES (21st Mar - 20th Apr)
This month may find you yearning to spread your wings and fly. Travel and romantic explorations seem to be taking the lead for you during this month. Your libido could be running high and your charisma is enticing.For those already in a relationship, jealousy may rear its ugly head especially after the 5th. Communication is all important in relationships if you want them to go smoothly. Finances hit a low point mid month but should be replenished by the months end with hard work and effort. No sharing of funds this month.This November enjoy a new confident you. break free of old restricting patterns and see what life brings. You may be pleasantly surprised.
Spirit animal for the month: the Monarch Butterfly.
Crystal for the month: Blood stone.
TAURUS (21st Apr - 20th May)
Work seems to be the difficult aspect of your month with misunderstanding and conflicts between colleagues. Those that are prone to anxiety, depression or PTSD may experience a rather harsher month than they would like. This is the month that you should not be afraid to ask for help. Consider counselling during November to eradicate the fears and imbalances that you are imposing upon yourself. Hypnotherapy could work wonders.Although November may seem to be picking the issues within your life, it is really for the greater good. This is the time that you need to face reality not hide in the shadows. There is a better way of living life and fear has no power over you.Use this energy to create a better world for you to live in.
Spirit animal for the month:The Deer
Crystal for the month: Tourmaline
GEMINI (21st May - 20 Jul)
WOW, this month is going to be hot for you in the love sector. Those singles in long term relationship[s could make plans for a more permanent solution and those long term couples could find a new spark in their relationship. Those that are still looking for love may have more luck if they break out of their comfit zone. Love could be found in different cities,states or countries.You singles will have to go looking and actively knocking on doors!! The 24th does suggest a warning in regards to gossip or gazumping. This is a day to NOT share secrets. The second half of the month brings the work sector into focus. Time to start putting your mind and body into gear.Things are going to start getting rather hectic so be prepared to cancel social engagements rather than make them as the month progresses.
Spirit animal for the month: The Green Tree Frog.
Crystal for the month: Peacock ore and rose quartz.
CANCER (21st Jun - 20th Jul)
November may start with a few health issues that need to be addressed. It is important that you spend this month looking after you and making your health a priority. A new diet or exercise regime may be started to encourage a healthier you. It is important that you focus on health not weight and start slow.This will be the way to success by months end. By the 18th, you may start to notice the differences and it could be all that's needed to spur you on.Mentally you could also be feeling slightly overwhelmed or isolated so try and incorporate some tai chi,yoga or grounding on a regular basis. Consider joining a group or club ....not necessarily a gym - you need support mentally to win a battle close to your heart. The end of the month sees results. Family issues may cause conflicts within your relationships on the 5th, try and smooth the waters rather than take sides.
Spirit animal for the month:Tasmanian Devil
Crystal for the month: Malachite
LEO (21st Jul - 21st Aug)
This is going to be an interesting month for you Leo, so I hope your up to the challenge. It is the month to take risks in both your love life and work situation.The first week could bring up unexpected confrontations and opportunities. Be prepared to think outside the square. Lest's just be perfectly honest here - the first two weeks have you walking a fine line between success and disaster on almost a daily basis, but you do it. When it comes to work - diligence and staying in your own lane will win out while you watch others fall. Too much effort in one part of your life will see issues arise in another - balance is imperative to survival.After the 18th, things start to be more in your favor than against and the pressure should ease.
Spirit animal this month: chameleon
Crystal this month: Jade
VIRGO (22 Aug - 22 Sep)
November for you is all about home, family and relationships.Not everything will run smoothly ( especially on the 8th when dramas are indicated) but overall there are plenty of indications that everything will work out for the best. Renovations could be started or major progress made in the first two weeks.If you are looking at buying or selling real estate, this is the month to make it happen. Be wary of signing contracts after the 18th on impulse.Double read all legal paperwork before signing. Shaky relationships could find themselves on more solid ground by the end of the month. Reconciliations are indicated. Some emotional suitcases may have to be opened,dusted off and finally removed during November. You have carried it long enough. Time to move forward.
Spirit animal this month: The Beaver
Crystal for the month: Selenite
LIBRA (23rd Sep - 22 Oct)
November sees you developing your own personal style. This could be the month for you to finally be happy in your own skin,mentally and physically. Family issues may raise their head in the first two weeks but it is advisable not to take any of it personally. You will find that those causing the issues have their own demons to fight and it actually isn't about you at all.November 12th could see some healing going on in your world. This is a real changing of the guard day for you.November 24th indicates a past debt needing to be payed, but most likely you will sweet talk yourself out of it and get another extension. You are almost a living Brexit example with all this sweet talking and extensions you can get...be careful not to push it too far.
Spirit animal for November: Peacock
Crystal for the month:rose quartz and labradorite combined.
SCORPIO (23rd Oct - 22nd Nov)
Financially, November is looking pretty good for you but do not get to flippant or you may find that you spend it as quickly as it arrives with less than nothing to show for it. Use this abundance attraction that you have going on to swell the coffers not deplete them with long standing future debts. It is important to still keep to your budget.This month also sees you doing a lot of apologizing so practice your sincerity or you will find yourself isolated from those you care about.November 24th is extremely lucky for you in your finance sector, especially if it is helping a good cause. Maybe this is the day to buy those surf life saving or cancer raffle tickets you pass in the shops?
Spirit animal for the month: the Bat
Crystal for the month: citrine cluster,citrine point, citrine wands....
SAGITTARIUS ( 23 Nov - 20th Dec)
This month could see you creating a change in your working environment. Take all the time you need this month searching out that true direction that is calling you before you take the plunge.In fact, it may take you all month just to sort that out.If you want changes within your current environment, investigate and instigate them slowly for maximum effect and success. Friendship issues or conflicts could flair up around the 5th and again on the 23rd.Do not get involved, its old issues, don't feed the tiger.Without a doubt, the best day for you is on the 25th when all the planets seem to be falling into place for you. Expect important confirming phones calls, job offers,financial wins or other such wonders.The sky is the limit and anything good is possible on this day.
Spirit animal for the month: The eagle
Crystal for the month:Blue Lace Agate
CAPRICORN ( 21st Dec - 19th Jan)
The start of this month may see you somewhat withdrawn and needing peace and quiet. Unfortunately , those around you may not let you linger or hide in peace for long. Work could throw extra expectations on you than you want.You may not want to stand in the spotlight, but you will have the skills and charisma to carry it off.November 18th tries to draw you into a more sociable circle which you should most likely at least try to enjoy.This is a month of you finding a better understanding of your own social and emotional needs. Its a learning month for you. Financially, there are a few lean weeks but overall , your budgeting skills can be put into good use to help see you through. Don't let the whole " age" thing get you.Youth will be thrown in your face during November, learn to appreciate experience!
Spirit animal for the month: the Polar Bear
Crystal for the month: Fossilized wood or Kambala Jasper