RAVEN WHISPERS for February 2020

This month the important date for all star signs to keep an eye out for:
3rd : Mercury moves into Pisces - communication
7th: Venus enters Aries
9th :Full moon
16th : Mars moves to Capricorn - mass energy shift
17th:Mercury starts retrograde
AQUARIUS (20th Jan - 18th Feb)
If you expect some interesting developments this month, then you will not be disappointed. Those singles out there could be lured by a stranger for a romantic liaison that could have you melting at the knees for years to come.Those of you that have long term partners may find that lost spark, if however brief. The main problem for this month will be on the 16th, where a full energy shift could leave you reeling.
Your animal spirit guide for the month is the black swan.
PISCES (19th Feb - 20 Mar)
It will be hard to keep your balance this month. Work could be rather problematic with difficult work colleagues or continual changes to work schedules. Just remember that nothing lasts forever and that things will become smoother if you don't allow them to influence your plans or emotions.Home life is not as complicated but could also require extra attention just to keep on top of things.Expect major changes on the 16th that could alter long term plans.
Your animal spirit guide for the month is the fox.
ARIES (21st Mar - 20th Apr)
This month you need to be on your guard when it comes to dealing with people.There is more to requests that meet the eye. A blast from the past could surprise you. Things improve after the 15th for you as the wheel begins to turn in your favor. The 16th brings a big shake up that you should love the results of !
Your spirit guide animal for September is the llama .
TAURUS (21st Apr - 20th May)
This month feels very restless with you getting easily distracted and allowing your feathers to be ruffled more often than not.Expect a lot of self imposed blockages this month in all aspects of your life. The secret here is to look for the strengths in each situation rather than the weaknesses.You may feel very time poor during February so plan your tasks well and stick to your plans.
Your spirit guide animal this month is the bush turkey .
GEMINI (21st May - 20 Jul)
The energy for this month is very unsettling for you.Please remember to think carefully before agreeing to anything as your indecision and mental back flipping could cause massive headaches for all concerned. There are definite changes to your working environment that could be course for concern. Now may be a good time to keep your head low and not rock the boat.
Your animal spirit guide for the month is the flathead.
CANCER (21st Jun - 20th Jul)
This could be quite a good month ahead for you. Financial you may just get a lovely surprise boost for you and possibly for your partner too if the finances are joined. Do not let others stand in the way of your progress but when it comes to your partner, take the time to make sure they understand your motives and your objectives to avoid problems later.
Your spirit animal guide this month is the Rabbit.
LEO ( 21st Jul - 21 Aug)
The spotlight for Leo is all on the home front this month. Married life should take center stage with pleasing your better half being your number one focus. Expect changes to the home as well with redecorating in the cards.You may not want it, but this is so not about you right now. That Slight conflict of interest at work needs to be acknowledged .
Your spirit guide this month is the the Bower bird.
VIRGO (22 Aug - 22 Sep)
Work, work and more work. A promotion or transfer could be offered with surprising results. Others may receive a bonus or pay rise. Financially you may need to take another look at the budget and if at all possible, hide the credit cards from yourself!! There is no sense in splurging right now, save the extra for that rainy month ahead.
The Bee is your Spirit guide animal this month..
LIBRA (23rd Sep - 22 Oct)
Love is in the air for you this month. This is the time that your brazen approach to love needs to be explored. While one part of you wants to chill, the other half wants it hot and heavy. This is also the month of honesty for you - no more emotional time wasters please. If in doubt, set the romance level at stun , butter them up then ask the hard questions.
The Lyrebird is your spirit animal guide for the month.
SCORPIO (23rd Oct - 22nd Nov)
The hardest thing for you this month is concentrating. This is a month where you need to remind yourself all about teamwork. Make a point of not hogging the spotlight and you will earn the gratitude and loyalty of your work mates. Extra energy needs to find an outlet, perhaps kick boxing.......?
Your animal spirit guide this month is the Stag.
SAGITTARIUS ( 23 Nov - 20th Dec)
This could be a great month for getting things finished or at the very least, close to it. You can be very one sided however with family members that don't share your enthusiasm, drive or focus. This could cause problems, so use diplomacy and tact.You will be asked for help from an unknown or unfamiliar source, give without personal objectives.
Your animal guide for this month is the Python.
CAPRICORN ( 21st Dec - 19th Jan)
Stubborn is as stubborn does. Do not get pig headed this month or you may regret your hasty responses to insensitive individuals. Work needs to be a focus for you this month to secure your position.Watch out for back stabbers on the 16th. Gossip could also come banging on your door,make sure you turn it away rather than get caught up in an oncoming scandel. Past lovers could become a problem.
Your animal spirit guide this month is the Ram.