RAVEN WHISPERS for April 2020

This month the important date for all star signs to keep an eye out for:
8th :Full moon (super moon)
14th : major announcements or pivatal changes occur
22nd :Lyrids meteor shower
23rd : New Moon - diplomacy tested.
AQUARIUS (20th Jan - 18th Feb)
Try not to let your bossy nature get the better of you during April. You have wonderful organizational skills but your social interactions could do with some work. Now would be a good time to hone your personal skills. Please don't take up poker just yet.Body language is the new area you need to excel at. For singles, video dating could just deliver you that perfect partner. Adapting will be your April super power.
Your crystal for the month is:Rose quartz.
Your animal spirit guide for the month is the Monkey.
PISCES (19th Feb - 20 Mar)
Rather an unusual month ahead for you with some very substantial changes in your working conditions.Believe it or not, this is actually going to work in your favor. Make the most of any enforced time off during April to recuperate and focus on mental and physical improvements. A lot can be achieved during this time. Finances shouldn't be as big a problem as you may envisage.
Your crystal for the month is Malachite.
Your animal spirit guide for the month is the Mountain Lion.
ARIES (21st Mar - 20th Apr)
Aries, try not to get ahead of yourself this month. Inspiration for new directions and money making schemes could be dancing through your head, keeping you awake at night. It is very important that you view all opportunities from a more realistic point of view. If you wish to travel new roads, at least learn how to walk before you attempt to run.Life will never be the same, but it will keep you entertained.
your crystal for the month is: carnelian.
Your spirit guide animal for September is the Beaver .
TAURUS (21st Apr - 20th May)
This month feels very confined and frustrating on the whole but it can be turned around to your advantage if you can just buckle down. The second week indicates monetary changes that work in your favor yet the third week indicates a change is needed in the working arena.Try to withhold any urges for consumables that are not necessary.
Your crystal for the month is:Hematite.
Your spirit guide animal this month is the woodpecker.
GEMINI (21st May - 20 Jun)
Opportunities come in threes for you this month. Will you just adapt to the new world or push through to new horizons? A mentor will be needed to help you make solid decisions. Do not be afraid to step up. It is also important that you find a new skill that you can be proud of. Old Health issues may flair up during this month. I would love to encourage you to do some study if you are able.
Your crystal for the month is: Lapis.
Your animal spirit guide for the month is the Duck.
CANCER (21st Jun - 20th Jul)
Time to step out of your comfort zone when it comes to your career path. Use this time to expand and prepare for the next stage of your evolution. Nurturing those you love is also becoming a highlight of this month, unfortunately frustration could set in as others are also following their own dreams.If those you love will not listen, find another way to share your knowledge with those who do. Nourishing your own mental and physical well being is important to. learn how to establish boundaries.
Your crystal for the month is : Sodalite.
Your spirit animal guide this month is the Llama.
LEO ( 21st Jul - 21 Aug)
Allow yourself the time this month to relax and appreciate the life you have. Many may want to lean on you during this time, so your strength will be tested. Remember that you cannot help everyone. Where possible, focus your energies on the home via spring cleaning, de- cluttering or renovations. Time to do some personal catching up on that to do list. Remind yourself every day for at least one thing that you are grateful for and you will find that time will repay you.
Your crystal for the month is: Ocean Jasper.
Your spirit guide this month is the dragonfly .
VIRGO (22 Aug - 22 Sep)
The world gets quieter and your thoughts get louder. Nature beckons you to reconnect. Strangely enough, your world is actually on the improving home stretch ( even if it doesn't feel like it ) changes are happening to improve your overall living standards. Take this time to uncover your truth.the nightmares will cease when your soul is nourished and truths acknowledged.
Your crystal for the month is : Moss Agate.
The Kookaburra is your Spirit guide animal this month..
LIBRA (23rd Sep - 22 Oct)
Time to attempt another mental spring clean. This time, be more truthful with yourself. Your truth needs to be discovered before it can be shared. Major changes are needed in your world and this month could hold the key. Be prepared to release those that no longer walk the same path along the way.
Your crystal for the month is: Smokey Quartz.
The Snake is your spirit animal guide for the month.
SCORPIO (23rd Oct - 22nd Nov)
Stop procrastinating and just get on with it! If you don't like something in your life, change it. The time is now ( you have a lot of time on your hands). Diplomacy is still necessary to achieve the best results when it comes to needing the assistance of others. Your diet is coming into focus very strongly during April, best acknowledge the fact that you are getting older and your body needs more maintenance. A bit of tough love is called for.
Your crystal for the month is: Howlite.
Your animal spirit guide this month is the Gecko.
SAGITTARIUS ( 23 Nov - 20th Dec)
Manifestation is still running hot for you during April so please put it to good use.Progress in many different areas can be achieved and your mental and physical well being are already benefiting from the changes. Financially, this month works in your favor. Unfortunately your love life may take a slight back step but never fear June should see a return of romance for you.
Your crystal for the month is: Labradite.
Your animal guide for this month is the squid.
CAPRICORN ( 21st Dec - 19th Jan)
Not the best of months for you if you suffer from anxiety or social awkwardness. However this month does offer you the chance to further your mind and your future career path. Learning a new skill would be a great thing to check out during April. There are possibilities but you must seek them out for yourself. Some of life's big questions could be answered for you this month....keep an eye on your socks!
Your crystal for this month is: Mookite.
Your animal spirit guide this month is the Magpie.