This month the important date for all star signs to keep an eye out for:
The main influence for all star signs this month is the dance between Jupiter and Saturn, which are separated by less than 5 degrees all month.
Jupiter is all about your confidence , courage and luck. Saturn assists you to gain wisdom from life's challenges .Bottom line is - nothing is impossible during May ,but you will have to work to earn it and it most definitely will come with a price.
7th May - Full Moon ( 8.45 pm Sydney time)
10th Mars crosses into Aquarius.
11th Saturn turn retrograde ( in Capricorn )
12th Venus turns retrograde ( till June 25th)
14th Jupiter turns retrograde ( in Capricorn ) contemplation
22nd May Venus conjuncts Mercury
23rd May -New Moon ( 3.38 am Sydney time )
Jupiter ( in Sagittarius ) and Saturn ( in Capricorn ) less than 5 degrees separating all month.
AQUARIUS (20th Jan - 18th Feb)
This month could see your frustration levels peaking. Relationships with people could get dicey, especially with family members.Try not to point out the flaws your see in the plans of others. Work situation seems to be ramping up this month. For those of you laid off, there could be a nominal amount of work offered from mid month on. Take what is offered while you can get it, things will take a while to get back to normal. Some of you may be offered several part time unexpected jobs during May. Timing for you will always be just a little bit slower than you would like.Patience is a virtue.
Your animal spirit guide for the month is the Tasmanian Tiger.
PISCES (19th Feb - 20 Mar)
An interesting month for you. There is a gentler way of life being presented to you which you could get a hankering for. Life is a lot slower and yet , just as productive if not more so than normal. Health issues seem to be improving from this new lifestyle. Finances seem to get a rather impressive boost as well. This month is a true paradox of less is truly more.This month gives you a good glimpse of whats ahead, and I must say , its pretty good.
Your animal spirit guide for the month is the Wombat.
ARIES (21st Mar - 20th Apr)
This month, especially on the 22nd,could be a difficult time to get your meaning across to others people. Frustration seems to be running rife. Your best bet this month is to lead by example. Be the good you want to see in the world. Nothing is going to change in your life unless you make the first move. Issues with cars or mechanical goods could slow down your progress. You are being asked to think outside the square for solutions to your everyday problems. Be bold and brave and you will be rewarded.
Your spirit guide animal for the month is the Lion.
TAURUS (21st Apr - 20th May)
Venus on the 13th helps you find your internal compass. There could be a lot of soul searching this month and a lot of your shadow self may be more in the spotlight than you would like. Time to do a real assessment of your motives and priorities. Many couples could decide to sever ties with their partner permanently when the pandemic moves on. If you want to change your bad habits, this month could help you with your motivation.
Your spirit guide animal this month is the Cat.
GEMINI (21st May - 20 Jun)
This month for you is all about learning your inner truth. seeing the train approaching and knowing, instinctively, which platform to wait at. You can achieve some wonderful advancements this month if you take a leap of faith on yourself.This month is wonderful for planning your next move with determination and confidence.Psychic instincts are at an all time high and a new guide could help you push past old barriers. Spend your money cautiously.
Your animal spirit guide for the month is the Owl.
CANCER (21st Jun - 20th July)
Notice you have been doing a lot for others and just squeezing your own needs in on the side? Its time during May to step back from assisting so many and start doing the things you know you need to do. Helping others should not be substituted for personal progress to avoid the fear of failing. Enough Complaining, start some affirmative action before June.
Your spirit animal guide this month is the Field mouse.
LEO ( 21st Jul - 21 Aug)
Love may not be the highlight for you this month, with some very obvious cracks in supposedly established relationships. Perhaps the selfish side needs to be re addressed. A little less honesty and a bit more respect and consideration could go a long way.Although love may not be smooth without effort, finances are at least improving. A nice little windfall could come your way - perhaps it needs to be spent on the partner rather than yourself?
Your spirit guide this month is the Warthog.
VIRGO (22 Aug - 22 Sep)
Finances spring into the spotlight this month in dramatic ways - either good or bad, unfortunately there seem to be no in between. This would be a good month for tightening your belt further and perhaps hiding the credit card till it is needed not just wanted. Personality traits of others could annoy you this month, be careful not to show your displeasure especially around workmates . No need to make life harder for yourself. You have a bit of trouble with insecurities and indecision. Keep a coin handy for flipping purposes.
The Grasshopper is your Spirit guide animal this month.
LIBRA (23rd Sep - 22 Oct)
Soft and mellow will be the feel this month for you emotionally. Nothing too dramatic and in many cases you may find this month the quietest and smoothest yet. Productivity is at a high point though and you may be able to get a lot more done around the home or workplace. For those of you looking for employment, the internet could be calling you to beef up your own business and go solo.You will rise to the challenge. This new lifestyle could open up wonderful opportunities for you. You could do well to team up with a cancerean this month.
The field mouse is also your spirit animal guide for the month.
SCORPIO (23rd Oct - 22nd Nov)
Health has a few hassles scheduled for this month. There could be some long standing issues that will flair up or will need attention. Others may get notification of a specialized appointment that they have been waiting on. Keeping away from people this month would be in your best interests if possible, as you will have more success working from a distance. Finances are a little hit and miss so be very careful not to over indulge. Relationships could get rocky with your personal impatience. It doesn't take much this month to upset your apple cart.
Your animal spirit guide this month is the Puffer fish.
SAGITTARIUS ( 23 Nov - 20th Dec)
This month is an important time for retrospection. Are you really doing all you can to create the future you desire? Now is not the month to get complacent. A new work direction could be calling you, take a chance on life.Many long term partners could be getting frustrated with the lack of commitment from their partners. This could be the month to let them know what you expect from the relationship so that they can decide to step up or move on.
Your animal guide for this month is the Mongoose.
CAPRICORN ( 21st Dec - 19th Jan)
Time to learn a new skill. Learning about your capabilities is what this month is all about for you.Knowledge is power and for you it is also a future. make the most of the personal time you have now as it will soon be over. Relationships may have to take a back seat. Finances will flow in and out of the household quite quickly during May. The time to invest in you is now. This is your month to re-invent yourself, so make every second count.
Your animal spirit guide this month is the Magpie.