There is only about , oh , five retrogrades to keep an eye on this month.... This will also impact the weather system to offer up a few extreme events as well. The USA (especially California) or Turkey are definitely not the place to be this month.
This month , the important dates for all star signs to keep an eye out for:
6th June - Full Moon ( 5:12 am Sydney time)
8th & 9th Saturn and Jupiter will be tugging on the old heart strings
Saturn still in retrograde ( till Sep 20th )
Venus still in retrograde ( till June 25th)
12th Venus moves just north of Hyades star cluster - illumination of harsh truth.
Jupiter still in retrograde ( till Sep 13th )
18th June - Mercury retrograde ( till July 12th)
21st June -New Moon ( 4:41 pm Sydney time )
24th June-Neptune retrograde ( till Nov 29th)
AQUARIUS (20th Jan - 18th Feb)
June has a few slow spots for you so expect delays. Financially and emotionally you will be on a bit of a roundabout but its your physical issues that will demand the most attention. Keep up with the ISO measures and watch for knee issues, especially if you play soccer. A hospital visit may be in the cards.
Your animal spirit guide for the month is the Stork.
PISCES (19th Feb - 20 Mar)
The biggest thing to effect you this week will be on the home front. Many will be wanting to change their living arrangements. This may not be the easiest thing in the world to do during June.If you can hang in there a bit longer, July should offer you more options.Those that are having issues with rental tenants may have to back off or risk getting burnt.
Your animal spirit guide for the month is the Badger.
ARIES (21st Mar - 20th Apr)
Lots of changes on the horizon for this month.New jobs for many of those that are without, changes to existing jobs requirements and long term plans are put back on hold. No major spending this week or you may find yourself falling short. Relationships are also out under the microscope so be on your best behavior. Expect a few sharp words from a loved one.
Your spirit guide animal for the month is the wasp.
TAURUS (21st Apr - 20th May)
Finances are in the spotlight during June. Make sure your tax accountant is doing his/her job as auditing could be coming your way with this return. Relationships can find partners hit the old nostalgia buttons and bring some sweet old fashioned loving back into play.keep to the things you know rather than experimentation. Extra money could be flowing in this month as well, so make sure you splurge only a little and save a lot.
Your spirit guide animal this month is the Lynx.
GEMINI (21st May - 20 Jun)
Pushing yourself to take chances may be risky, but if you are aware of what your walking into, you may be pleasantly surprised by the outcome. Never assume results or reactions this month. Educated risks are the only ones to place faith in.Work may push you to exhaustion but it will be a satisfied return for your efforts that can be expected.Those born between the 13th and 18th will make major life changes.
Your animal spirit guide for the month is again the Owl.
CANCER (21st Jun - 20th July)
The first two weeks of this month is all about helping others. emotional firestorms around you require only your shoulder to be lent on not your advise. Send the love but keep your emotional distance. From the 22nd on, the spotlight will return to your stage. expect things to start falling into place and your hard work to pay off.
Your spirit animal guide this month is the Humming bird..
LEO ( 21st Jul - 21 Aug)
Socialization seems to be the name of the game for you this month with more than just your favorites wanting your company. You will find also that many will want to confide in you, resulting in more than just one secret that you will be asked to keep. After the 28th, you can let the cat out of the bag.Lets just say a few people may be very surprised. expect some OS connections to be made after the 12th. Scam via emails or electronic means in general should be watched for.
Your spirit guide this month is the Clown fish.
VIRGO (22 Aug - 22 Sep)
If there was ever a star sign I wanted to be this month, its Virgo. This month has you filled with confident energy and pizzazz, You need to strike while the iron is hot, plan your moves forward for your future and make every second count. Opportunities should be falling from the sky and you can pick and choose to your hearts delight. The people that matter will notice you too so go on, be bold, be brave and change your stars. When one door may have closed,another seven not to mention two windows, a lift and a hovercraft, are all just waiting.
The starfish is your Spirit guide animal this month.
LIBRA (23rd Sep - 22 Oct)
Be very careful this month about taking people or situations for granted. If you do not stay on top of things, you may find yourself left behind with the crumbs. Your energy levels also seem to be rather low so watch those iron levels and start being particular regarding your eating habits, This month, the saying " you are what you eat" is especially evident. If you work hard and stay on top of things, you will be given a wonderful opportunity on the 24th to improve your life.
The sloth is your spirit animal guide for the month.
SCORPIO (23rd Oct - 22nd Nov)
This month is all about the work sector. Those employed may be able to step up a notch or two in the corporate ladder.Those self employed may make some wonderful business connections that will help them survive and evolve and those looking for work could find that their special gift of the gab may secure them that job that they had their eye on. Take a chance this month at pushing your career in the direction it needs to go.
Your animal spirit guide this month is the Bee.
SAGITTARIUS ( 23 Nov - 20th Dec)
This month is mainly based on social interaction for you ,especial romantic ones. Expect some wonderful highlights between couples on the same wavelength and arguments and disputes between those that are parting ways. Keep your cards very close to your chest this month - clear communication is not necessarily the best option. Emotions will be hard to control during June.There could be a separation,divorce or change of living arrangements for partners around the 24th. Don't waste your money on good china.....
Your animal guide for this month is the Bull.
CAPRICORN ( 21st Dec - 19th Jan)
Health issues may be in the forefront this month for you. Specialist or hospital visits are also possible. Do not take any chances this month, especially if your knees start talking back. Modern technology is going to drag you screaming into the 21st century whether you want to or not, so best not fight it.Strangely enough, you may later wonder how you ever got on without it for so long.
Your animal spirit guide this month is the Lemur.