This month, the important dates for all star signs to keep an eye out for:
- Full Moon (5th July 2:44 pm)
- New Moon (21 July 3:32 am)
- 13th July - major decision time
- 22nd July - things hit closer to home.
- Mercury still in retrograde (until July 12th)
- Saturn still in retrograde (until September 20th)
- Jupiter still in retrograde (until September 13th)
- Neptune still in retrograde (until November 29th)
AQUARIUS (20th January - 18th Febuary)
This month you will need to work with extremes of emotion. People, especially family members, may push your buttons so choose your battles wisely. Communication will be the key element to your success with others. De-ja-vu may be a common occurrence where people are concerned. A major life decision on the 13th will recreate your world.
Crystal for the month: Blue Lace Agate.
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Bush Turkey.
PISCES (19th Febuary - 20th March)
Life gets busier on a general scale. Be firm and hold your ground when necessary. Issues with co-workers or family members may erupt as the month progresses. Health needs to be a high priority this month. Time to start getting into a more balanced routine! You will feel the urge to finalize large plans however, research should be undertaken in this area rather than panic or emotional commitments being made.
Crystals for the month: Laramar or Labradite
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Gecko.
ARIES (21st March - 20th April)
July is mainly focusing your attention on all things home and family related. There could be an increase in social requests or urges - make the most of the interaction while you can. There may be a fair bit of fantasy this month in your life with you choosing to put on your rose tinted glasses ninety percent of the time. Age related issues or insecurities may rise to the surface during July - shake it off, you're more of a fine wine than a cheap glass of plonk - Embrace your maturity and wisdom!
Crystals for the month: Garnet or Diamond.
Your spirit guide animal for the month: The Peacock.
TAURUS (21st Aprial - 20th May)
Learning and education are your big cosmic pullers this month. You want to know the answers and will have the tenacity and patience to find them. There is the of family friction indicated due to a lack of understanding or arrogance on their side and stubbornness on yours. If someone won't listen then don't waste your time. Finances need to be kept under control this month - shop quality and necessity rather than with whimsy and want.
Crystals for the month: Phantom Quartz or Picasso jasper
Your spirit guide animal this month: The Anteater.
GEMINI (21st May - 20th June)
This month you are the butterfly who's wings are still wet from the cocoon! You are still trying to find yourself and you may be tempted to fly before you are ready. A mentor will cross your path during July so take the time to learn the necessary lessons. There are also major changes in the money sector with either big wins or great losses, best play it safe. Not everything gained this month will be kept - August may very well take back the July gifts if they are not appreciated.
Crystal for the month: Ocean Jasper
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Caterpillar (Again).
CANCER (21st June - 20th July)
July is going to be a real soul searching time for many a emotional moon child. The month itself has high potential for raising higher and accomplishing more from materialistic planes but the emotional cost is also high. Release anyone or any thing that no longer serves your higher good. This is also a month for home negotiations or nesting to take place. The end of the month sees a large emotional response from you regarding an outside event. Plenty of soup for the soul and sleep will be needed to come through this month stronger than before.
Crystals for the month: Pearl, Rose Quartz or Moonstone.
Your spirit animal guide this month: The Humming bird.
LEO ( 21st July - 21st )August
The first two weeks are bogged with mild health issues and a lack of concentration may cause its own problems. Expect some silly mistakes and a clumsy moments. However, by mid month the mind fog lifts! Expect extra bursts of enthusiasm and life. July will enlighten you with quite a few epiphanies by the months end and very possibly, you may have to eat a little crow. Career wise there is a new work direction beckoning or a possible promotion. Its time to take a chance on you!
Crystals for the month: Moss or Tree Agate
Your spirit guide this month: The Starfish.
VIRGO (22nd August - 22nd September)
Speak up and speak clearly - this is not the month for secrets. Many will find meditation helpful to gather their thoughts. July still sees you mentally cleaning house. Be prepared to let go of those that bring out the worst in you and guess what - its the time for you to kick those bad habits to the curb as well. OCD peeps may discover themselves to be extra particular with, well, practically everything.
Crystals for the month: Lapis or Sodalite.
Your Spirit guide animal this month: The Magpie
LIBRA (23rd September - 22nd October)
You are being well protected and have assistance from the other side when it comes to removing obstacles. Your prayers are being worked on. Expect some public recognition for your past efforts. This would be a great time to consider up-skilling as it will be rather successful. Its time to stop making excuses and start living up to your potential.
Crystal for the month: Celestite
Your spirit animal guide for the month: The Dove
SCORPIO (23rd October - 22nd November)
July is quite a mixed bag for you Scorpio and your attitude will create your daily existence. If you show patience then patience will be shown to you. July sees you with itchy feet and a strong desire to be seen. Remember to speak up at work if you want to change things. If you are starting your own business then this is the time that you need to boost up your media exposure. You cannot grow if you never show! Relationships can be rather intense but on the plus side, bank relationships can be favorable.
Crystal for the month: Leopard Jasper
Your spirit animal for this month:The Lion.
SAGITTARIUS (23rd November - 20th December)
A new course of study may bring you satisfying results and initiate new possibilities. Marriage may finally be on the cards for long term lovers with an urge to make things permanent in your life. Those involved in legal issues may well be able to find a common ground within mediation.
Crystal for the month: Bronzite
Your animal guide for this month: The Fox.
CAPRICORN (21st December - 19th January)
Unfortunately there is a bumpy month ahead - your life still needs some tweaking. There will be a lot of soul searching and self forgiving going on. Watch that extra kilos don't creep up on you this month due to emotional or comfit eating and keep the alcohol to a minimum - you will need your wits about you for sudden decisions. Although this month will be testing your resilience and determination, I know you can come through it stronger than ever.
Crystal for the month: Smoky Quartz
Your animal spirit guide this month: The Ferret.