This month, the important dates for all star signs to keep an eye out for:
- Full Moon 4th August (1:58 am Sydney time)
- New (Black) Moon 19th August (12:41 pm Sydney time)
- Saturn still in retrograde (until September 20th)
- Jupiter still in retrograde (until September 13th)
- Neptune still in retrograde (until November 29th)
AQUARIUS (20th January - 18th February
This month may see you regaining control of your life. Expect a new, fresh burst of confidence to give you that extra bit of momentum needed to carry through with the changes you wish to make. Finances may be a little tight but only due to the good investments you make. During August, it is all about quality over quantity. I would be expecting a whole new you by months end, pick a goal and stick to it, with this mindset anything is achievable.
Crystal for the month: Pyrite.
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Peacock.
PISCES (19th February - 20th March)
This month life should ease up on you just a tad on the big issues.. Emotional outbursts by others will be frustrating but should soon blow over. Nothing about this month for you is predictable , in fact keeping you off balance in little things may almost seem like a universal tug of war game. Mooney will come in but if you are not careful it will go out just as fast. Don't invest too much personal responsibility or attachment to people or situations and you should be able too hold the winning hand by the 27th.
Crystals for the month: Selenite ( the bigger the better )
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The moth.
ARIES (21st March - 20th April)
Your stubbornness may be your undoing this month. Family and friends may seem rather prickly and difficult at the best of times. Having a run in with the law is also a distinct possibility if you do not curb your temper. It may not sound like much fun, but by channeling your determination rather than by just emotionally exhibiting it, you could make outstanding progress in your spiritual direction as well as your material one.
Crystals for the month: Coal or Diamond , depends on you.
Your spirit guide animal for the month: The Goat.
TAURUS (21st April - 20th May)
Family may get under your skin during the first two weeks of this month but try and rise above the drama. You may find that there are a lot of people that demand your attention within the work sector but just remember that you are a priority too. Scam artists are on the radar too, always ask for proof. Finances are sticky, so stick to a budget from day one. This month has a lot of pressure from outside sources, so meditation and grounding or even just a visit to a library may be your safe spot.Make some alone time happen on a regular basis.
Crystals for the month: Leopard or Bumble Bee Jasper
Your spirit guide animal this month: The magpie.
GEMINI (21st May - 20th June)
A fun whirlwind month is ahead for you thank goodness, but blink and you will miss it. Social responsibility and humanitarian causes will be on your radar but find a responsible way for your voice to be heard. Health issues will be your weakness, especially around the feet area and knees. Lethargy and sleep disturbances are also an issue. Your best way to survive and enjoy this month is to pace yourself. It is all about the Balance in life.
Crystal for the month: Rainbow Moonstone or opal
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Butterfly.
CANCER (21st June - 20th July)
Plodding along is what you do best. Throw yourself into your responsibilities and don't allow the emotional monsters under the bed see the daylight. You may feel things far too deeply this month my Moon child but keeping yourself busy should make it bearable. just remember the whole global world is not your responsibility, right now just stay focused on your own little piece.Finances should be above average.
Crystals for the month: Citrine cluster ,wands and points.
Your spirit animal guide this month: The Hare.
LEO ( 21st July - 21st )August
Hiding from life is not what is needed from you this month Leo.Standing up and taking responsibility for your actions is what is called for.. Time for you to call the shots. Vision boards and grid work can help keep you on track, as will a really good diary if you remember to use it. Be practical,logical and ethical in all your human interactions and you should see the results.Oh and if you have a younger sibling, don't ignore them, they need you.
Crystals for the month: Fire agate and Lava stone
Your spirit guide this month: The Firefly.
VIRGO (22nd August - 22nd September)
Be prepared to ask for help this month as most things will work better if you have some assistance. Your spiritual side needs some stimulation so keep your eye out for a new mentor that will wander across your path or a new skill that needs to be investigated. You will have some extra time on your hands, use it wisely and wash them ( the flu is still out there) be safe not sorry!!!! This month brings knowledge and wisdom but also clarity and acceptance. Finances are well balanced and those looking for full time employment should find it - even if it is just for six months..
Crystals for the month: Celestite
Your Spirit guide animal this month: The Kingfisher.
LIBRA (23rd September - 22nd October)
There is a little bit of hard work to deal with this month but everything you do has a purpose as much as a final reward. There may be a lot of flying under the radar to get things done.Finding out your true identity could be the number one project. This is a month where you can establish yourself in your chosen field or finally realize your true potential. Do not let yourself be distracted by the failure or jealousy of others .Family members may call on you for assistance during August.Health could be a little annoying and finances remain consistent.
Crystal for the month: Obsidian
Your spirit animal guide for the month: The Bat.
SCORPIO (23rd October - 22nd November)
Picking fights seems to be your go to theme during August. Verbal disagreements are a real problem so be very careful.Some things said cannot be taken back.Health should be your first priority, so take a good look at your current diet and exercise rituals.There may even be changes to your work situation so diligence is required.Save as much money as possible this month and consider taking time off towards the end of the month.
Crystal for the month: Sodalite
Your spirit animal for this month:The Goose.
SAGITTARIUS (23rd November - 20th December)
Dear old Sagittarius , always getting caught in the middle and this month will be no exception. Domestic disputes may erupt this month through no fault of your own. I would be suggesting that you walk very gently through this month and try not to be noticed.
Pre-existing health conditions may come under the spotlight.
Crystal for the month: Smokey Quartz
Your animal guide for this month: The Deer.
CAPRICORN (21st December - 19th January)
Time to step into the spotlight and show everyone how amazing you are. August should be filled with wonderful opportunities and beautiful new beginnings if you but reach out and grab them.A major adventure may start this month for some of you that could see a whole new career beginning.Finances are on the rise and a nice little surprise could be discovered via your bank account.
Crystal for the month: Fluorite
Your animal spirit guide this month: The Rainbow Salmon.