RAVEN WHISPERS for October 2021

This month, the important dates for all star signs to keep an eye out for:
- New Moon = 6th October ( in Libra)
- 15th Oct - Sun trine Moon
- 18th Oct - Jupiter turns direct
- Full Moon - 20th October
AQUARIUS (20th January - 18th February)
This month could bring major changes if you are unsatisfied with work.. Although the changes may not be smooth and may even be taken out of your hands, it will however force you to make better career choices and with it will flow more prosperity and satisfaction into your life. A sea change for many is imminent or at the very least, a change of internal décor to better represent your metamorphosis.. There will be challenges to overcome this month. before your new journey can truly begin.
Crystal for the month.: Fire Agate.
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Monarch Butterfly.
PISCES (19th February - 20th March)
Thoughts of travel and spiritual pathways will beckon you this month. Communication issues concerning joint finances could be a problem ,so clarity and co-operation are called for. Some friendships will advise they are moving on to follow their dreams and this will change your working situation.. This month will be hard to navigate as outside conflicts and confusion will effect your moods. Try to be the bystander and observer rather than the combatant..
Crystals for the month: Lapis or obsidian
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Hyena
ARIES (21st March - 20th April)
This month you are really rowing through choppy waters. There could be a pull for a career change that will be done for love not money. This month brings lots of new beginnings including in relationships. During October it is very important that you at least try to stick to a serious budget. Avoid major , long term financial commitments.
Crystals for the month:; Fluorite.
Your spirit guide animal for the month: The Krill
TAURUS (21st April - 20th May)
This difficult and confusing month will bring changes in most areas of your life. Your guides are asking you to expand your knowledge and skills when the opportunity presents itself. This month you will be forced to declutter your emotional life and is a wonderful opportunity to rid yourself of any long term bad habits. Your health could be given a serious wakeup call.
Crystals for the month: Tourmaline quartz
Your spirit guide animal this month: The Komodo Dragon
GEMINI (21st May - 20th June)
October could see you weight being a problem as it could be very easy to add a few extra kilos if you are an emotional or nervous eater. This month you may feel very insecure or prefer to sit on the fence rather than have to make decisions. Be very careful of outside forces swaying your opinions. The upside to this month would have to lay in your finance sector with new opportunities for wealth being offered. Try and centre or ground yourself more regularly during this month to avoid costly mistakes.
Crystal for the month: Blue Lace Agate or Angelite.
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Hippo
CANCER (21st June - 20th July)
Oddly enough , the bumpy month ahead can be harnessed to your best advantage as long as you can have some faith in the universe to provide clarity from chaos. You are being urged to let go of the past and embrace the future. This month brings good news on legal matters. Home and family will both be given a new start however this will include a change in some friendships and work connections. This month will help mould a better future -onward and upward.
Crystals for the month: Pearl
Your spirit animal guide this month: The Dragon
LEO ( 21st July - 21st )August
This month holds within it a major life event change. You will be forced to re-evaluate your priorities. You will be forced ( or strongly advised) to improve your daily health routine. By midmonth, things will start to look up and positive changes that you have implemented will bear fruit. Study or expanding your knowledge is also indicated this month. The call to return to the basic's as nature intended will be strong. Finances could be stretched to the limits with unexpected but necessary expenditure.
Crystals for the month: Opalite
Your spirit guide this month: The Lung fish.
VIRGO (22nd August - 22nd September
Well, if your a female things are looking pretty promising for you this month. Romance may bloom in the most unexpected ways. Travel could well be in the planning stage or a new financial start could present itself. For males however, you may find that more work will be required in the romance department. Health could also start to show signs of aging that you are less than impressed with and finances will be tight with a very real possibility of being taken by a scam artists or having banking difficulties.
Crystals for the month: female - Rose Quartz/Males - Red jasper.
Your Spirit guide animal this month: The Lioness/Lion
LIBRA (23rd September - 22nd October)
Finances could take a major hit this month due to some costly changes you may make in the home sector ( new home or renovations) ' Health must be the key motivation for any changes but your spirituality is also going to be readdressed during this month. This will not be an easy month with conflicts and poor judgement calls a true possibility. Spend less time talking and more time listening.
Crystal for the month: Prehnite.
Your spirit animal guide for the month: The Beaver.
SCORPIO (23rd October - 22nd November)
This months sees a fairly good communication system being utilized and those studying will retain information much easier .It would be best to leave any business changes or media promotions till after the 18th, Relationships could step up to the next level. Engagements could be in the air for you or a family member. Health could be a problem after the 15th if you are not cautious and do not neglect your toes.
Crystal for the month: Lapis
Your spirit animal for this month: The Owl.
SAGITTARIUS (23rd November - 20th December)
Watch your spending please, this is a time when solitude will work to your advantage. Your intuition will be running at a higher vibration than normal leaving you slightly fatigued during October. Your solace will be found in the night. Watch out for energy vampires disguised as friends or colleagues. Messages from angels will be commonly found in your dreams. Some of those within your inner circle may start a new chapter without you. For those of you with health related blood problems, a transfusion or top up may be required.
Crystal for the month: Bloodstone
Your animal guide for this month: The Bat.
CAPRICORN (21st December - 19th January)
Hold on to your hats because there are universal upgrades being directed towards you in all departments. during the month of October. While you may see many drowning in indecision, you will shine and take the spotlight on more than one occasion. There is a new you emerging and all parts of your life will benefit from the new, confident and charismatic you. Be prepared to take more than one leap of faith during this jumpy and unsettled month. Trust your instincts rather than over analysing everything please. There may be a few unwanted suiters vying for your attention however so let them down gently.
Crystal for the month: Goldstone
Your animal spirit guide this month: The Peacock.